DBnary dataset is now made available in HDT

DBnary dataset is now made available in HDT

You can now directly download an HDT* version of a whole language edition dataset (i.e. core, statistics, lime, enhanced translations, morphology and etymology (when available)). Everything is combined in one HDT file that is directly usable.

The HDT data may be downloaded with the other dumps (e.g. the latest French combined HDT dataset is available at http://kaiko.getalp.org/static/ontolex/latest/fr_dbnary_combined.hdt.bz2) (modifié) 

*HDT (https://rdfhdt.github.io/ISWC2017/ and https://www.rdfhdt.org) is a compact format that is tailormade for efficient querying. It can be used directly as a graph in several softwares like jena. Think “a standard binary data for a DB” (or, I do not need to LOAD my data in my DB to use it, just plug it in !).