Online Access


Access entry points

You may access the data online using:

Use a simple form that generate SPARQL

Sina Ahmadi has build an easy to use form that can query DBnary and WikiData. Feel free to use it to generate (and run) SPARQL Queries if you are not familiar with SPARQL and Linked Data.  

Which data is available online ?

All the DBnary data is loaded in the online database, however, as DBnary evolves with wiktionary data, a new version is available for download every month. The online data may be older.

To know which version is currently online, you may :

Querying data using SPARQL

SPARQL is a standard language for querying linked data. We give some sample queries that may be used to query existing data. Note that this public service is limited and queries that are too long to process will be canceled automatically.

Count the number of non English lexical entries extracted from the English language edition (exolex data) 

where {
  ?le a ontolex:LexicalEntry

Getting all German translations of the English lexical entry cat__noun__1

  ?t dbnary:isTranslationOf dbnary-eng:cat__Noun__1 ;
     dbnary:targetLanguage lexvo:deu ;
     dbnary:writtenForm ?f .
    ?t dbnary:gloss ?o

Counting all available translations to French

PREFIX lexvo: <> 
PREFIX dbnary: <> 
SELECT count(?t) 
  ?t dbnary:targetLanguage lexvo:fra . 

Counting translations to Bambara by source language

SELECT count(?t) , ?l 
  ?t dbnary:targetLanguage lexvo:bam ;
     dbnary:isTranslationOf ?e .
  ?e lime:language ?l

Getting a flat list of all “nym” relations

This query will likely time out on the kaiko server if you do not use the limit argument. It may be easily used on a mirror server that you can set up using the current dumps.

SELECT distinct ?f ?rel ?t 
  ?f dbnary:describes ?lf. 
    ?lf ?rel ?t.
    ?t a dbnary:Page
  } UNION {
    ?lf ontolex:sense ?sf.
    ?sf ?rel ?t.
    ?t a dbnary:Page.
  ?lf lime:language "fr".
} LIMIT 100

Get statistics on number of relations per graphs

This query will give you a stat that is the same as the  stats….csv file.

Select ?g ?p count(?p) as ?count 
where { 
  Graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o } 
group by ?p ?g 
order by desc (?g) desc(?count)

Counting the number of russian/turkish translation pairs that are connected through an English Lemma or sense

SELECT count DISTINCT ?r, ?t 
  ?trans1 dbnary:isTranslationOf ?e ;
          dbnary:targetLanguage lexvo:rus ;
          dbnary:writtenForm ?r .
  ?trans2 dbnary:isTranslationOf ?e ;
          dbnary:targetLanguage lexvo:tur ;
          dbnary:writtenForm ?t . 

Getting all translations to Wolof

SELECT ?source, ?l, ?target 
  ?t dbnary:targetLanguage lexvo:wol ;
     dbnary:isTranslationOf ?e ;
     dbnary:writtenForm ?target.
  ?e lime:language ?l ;
     ontolex:canonicalForm ?f.
  ?f ontolex:writtenRep ?source 

Getting all verbal locution, along with several info

PREFIX dbnary: <> 
PREFIX eng: <> 
PREFIX lexvo: <> 
select distinct ?w, ?syn, ?ant, ?sn, ?ds, ?sew 
where { 
  ?l a ontolex:MultiWordExpression; 
       lime:language "fr" ; 
       ontolex:canonicalForm ?f ; 
       lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:verb ; 
       ontolex:sense ?s . 
  ?f ontolex:writtenRep ?w . 
  ?s skos:definition ?d ; 
     dbnary:senseNumber ?sn . 
  ?d rdf:value ?ds . 
    ?s skos:example ?se . 
    ?se rdf:value ?sew .
    ?l dbnary:synonym ?syn ;
       dbnary:antonym ?ant .

Counting the number of English senses with a translation in French

  ?t dbnary:isTranslationOf ?es ; 
     dbnary:targetLanguage lexvo:fra ;
     dbnary:writtenForm ?f .
  ?es a ontolex:LexicalSense .

Select pages and lexical entries that are homonyms for a given partOfSpeech

SELECT ?page, ?le, ?partOfSpeech 
where { 
  ?page dbnary:describes ?le . 
  ?le lexinfo:partOfSpeech ?partOfSpeech . 
  { SELECT distinct ?page , ?partOfSpeech 
    where { 
      ?page dbnary:describes ?le1 ;
            dbnary:describes ?le2 .
      ?le1 lexinfo:partOfSpeech ?partOfSpeech.
      ?le2 lexinfo:partOfSpeech ?partOfSpeech.
      FILTER (?le1 != ?le2) 
group by ?partOfSpeech 
order by ?page

Select the number of pages with homonyms, along with total number of pages, per language

select ?lg, ?nbHomonyms, ?nbPages 
where {
    select ?lg, count(distinct ?page) as ?nbHomonyms 
    where { 
      ?page dbnary:describes ?le .
      ?le dct:language ?lg .
      { SELECT distinct ?page , ?partOfSpeech 
        where { 
          ?page dbnary:describes ?le1 ;
                dbnary:describes ?le2 .
          ?le1 lexinfo:partOfSpeech ?partOfSpeech.
          ?le2 lexinfo:partOfSpeech ?partOfSpeech.
          FILTER (?le1 != ?le2) 
    } group by ?lg 
  { SELECT ?lg, count (distinct ?p) as ?nbPages 
    where { 
      ?p dbnary:describes ?l .
      ?l dct:language ?lg .
    } group by ?lg 
} group by ?lg

Some simple stats on the whole database

  (count(?e) as ?ce)
  (count(?p) as ?cp)
  (count(?t) as ?ct)
  { ?e a ontolex:LexicalEntry . }
  { ?p a dbnary:Page . }
  { ?t a dbnary:Translation .}