Kaiko’s going evasive
The recent failure of kaiko web server was due to a flow of SPARQL requests to DBnary. A client launched 46 Million requests (in less than a week) to the sparql server in a very brief delay, leading to an overflow of the log file that filled up the root partition and broke the server.
May I remind everybody that the DBnary data is available easily by downloading turtle files that you may use either directly using adequate libraries (e.g. JENA in java or others in other programming languages) or upload in a local dbnary mirror.
If you overflow the public server, then it will not be available to serve others.
In order to avoid future problems, the public server is going evasive, meaning that such overflowding clients will be temporarily blocked. Allowing the server to remain available to others.
If this new setting breaks your app, do not hesitate to contact me.