Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
org.apache.jena apache-jena-libs 4.5.0 pom The Apache Software License, Version 2.0


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
org.getalp rdf-utils 3.1.1 jar MIT License
org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.36 jar MIT License
org.slf4j slf4j-simple 1.7.36 jar MIT License

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
com.apicatalog titanium-json-ld 1.2.0 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
com.github.andrewoma.dexx collection 0.7 jar MIT License
com.github.jsonld-java jsonld-java 0.13.4 jar Revised BSD License gson 2.9.0 jar Apache-2.0 protobuf-java 3.19.3 jar 3-Clause BSD License
commons-cli commons-cli 1.5.0 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-codec commons-codec 1.15 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-io commons-io 2.11.0 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
javax.annotation javax.annotation-api 1.3.2 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
org.apache.commons commons-csv 1.9.0 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.commons commons-lang3 3.12.0 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpclient 4.5.13 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpclient-cache 4.5.13 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpcore 4.4.15 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-arq 4.5.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-base 4.5.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-core 4.5.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-dboe-base 4.5.0 jar Apache License 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-dboe-index 4.5.0 jar Apache License 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-dboe-storage 4.5.0 jar Apache License 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-dboe-trans-data 4.5.0 jar Apache License 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-dboe-transaction 4.5.0 jar Apache License 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-iri 4.5.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-rdfconnection 4.5.0 jar Apache 2.0 License
org.apache.jena jena-shacl 4.5.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-shaded-guava 4.5.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-shex 4.5.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-tdb 4.5.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-tdb2 4.5.0 jar Apache License 2.0
org.apache.thrift libthrift 0.16.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.glassfish jakarta.json 2.0.1 jar Eclipse Public License 2.0GNU General Public License, version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception
org.slf4j jcl-over-slf4j 1.7.36 jar Apache License, Version 2.0


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
com.slack.api slack-api-client 1.23.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.slack.api slack-api-model 1.23.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.squareup.okhttp3 okhttp 4.10.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.squareup.okio okio-jvm 3.0.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.commons commons-compress 1.21 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.jena jena-cmds 4.5.0 jar Apache 2.0 License
org.getalp dbnary-commons 3.1.1 jar MIT License
org.jetbrains annotations 13.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.jetbrains.kotlin kotlin-stdlib 1.6.20 jar The Apache License, Version 2.0
org.jetbrains.kotlin kotlin-stdlib-common 1.5.31 jar The Apache License, Version 2.0
org.jetbrains.kotlin kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.5.31 jar The Apache License, Version 2.0
org.jetbrains.kotlin kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.5.31 jar The Apache License, Version 2.0

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree


3-Clause BSD License: Protocol Buffers [Core]

Eclipse Public License 2.0: JSON-P Default Provider

The Apache License, Version 2.0: Kotlin Stdlib, Kotlin Stdlib Common, Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7, Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8

GNU General Public License, version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception: JSON-P Default Provider

Apache License 2.0: Apache Jena - DBOE Base, Apache Jena - DBOE Indexes, Apache Jena - DBOE Storage, Apache Jena - DBOE TDB2 (Native Triple Store), Apache Jena - DBOE Transactional Datastructures, Apache Jena - DBOE Transactions

MIT License: DBnary Ontology API, RDF utilities for DBnary, SLF4J API Module, SLF4J Simple Binding, dbnary-commons, dexx

Apache 2.0 License: Apache Jena - Command line tools, Apache Jena - RDF Connection

Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons CLI, Apache Commons CSV, Apache Commons Codec, Apache Commons Compress, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons Lang, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpClient Cache, Apache HttpCore, JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J, Titanium JSON-LD 1.1

Apache-2.0: Gson

Revised BSD License: JSONLD Java :: Core

CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception: javax.annotation API

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache Jena - ARQ (SPARQL 1.1 Query Engine), Apache Jena - Base Common Environment, Apache Jena - Core, Apache Jena - IRI, Apache Jena - Libraries POM, Apache Jena - SHACL, Apache Jena - ShEx, Apache Jena - Shadowed external libraries, Apache Jena - TDB1 (Native Triple Store), Apache Thrift, IntelliJ IDEA Annotations, okhttp, okio, slack-api-client, slack-api-model

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
titanium-json-ld-1.2.0.jar 281.8 kB 172 137 26 - Yes
collection-0.7.jar 165 kB 147 134 6 1.6 Yes
jsonld-java-0.13.4.jar 3.1 MB 2059 2021 22 1.8 Yes
gson-2.9.0.jar 249.3 kB 209 189 10 - Yes
protobuf-java-3.19.3.jar 1.7 MB 701 675 2 1.7 Yes
slack-api-client-1.23.0.jar 2.1 MB 1355 1175 159 1.8 Yes
slack-api-model-1.23.0.jar 862 kB 515 490 14 1.8 Yes
okhttp-4.10.0.jar 782.6 kB 341 317 17 1.8 Yes
okio-jvm-3.0.0.jar 350.8 kB 112 105 2 1.8 Yes
commons-cli-1.5.0.jar 58.3 kB 42 29 1 1.7 Yes
commons-codec-1.15.jar 353.8 kB 253 106 7 1.7 Yes
commons-io-2.11.0.jar 327.1 kB 224 201 11 1.8 Yes
javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.jar 26.6 kB 29 15 3 1.8 Yes
commons-compress-1.21.jar 1 MB 576 524 35 1.8 Yes
commons-csv-1.9.0.jar 51.3 kB 30 17 1 1.8 Yes
commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar 587.4 kB 374 345 17 1.8 Yes
httpclient-4.5.13.jar 780.3 kB 511 470 24 1.6 Yes
httpclient-cache-4.5.13.jar 164.1 kB 103 83 4 1.6 Yes
httpcore-4.4.15.jar 328.3 kB 283 253 17 1.6 Yes
apache-jena-libs-4.5.0.pom 2.3 kB - - - - -
jena-arq-4.5.0.jar 3.6 MB 2314 2184 112 - Yes
jena-base-4.5.0.jar 250.8 kB 205 181 11 - Yes
jena-cmds-4.5.0.jar 304.9 kB 210 181 14 - Yes
jena-core-4.5.0.jar 1.9 MB 1260 1156 51 - Yes
jena-dboe-base-4.5.0.jar 140.9 kB 104 81 10 - Yes
jena-dboe-index-4.5.0.jar 18.7 kB 27 12 1 - Yes
jena-dboe-storage-4.5.0.jar 34.2 kB 36 18 4 - Yes
jena-dboe-trans-data-4.5.0.jar 98 kB 54 36 3 - Yes
jena-dboe-transaction-4.5.0.jar 82.8 kB 67 50 3 - Yes
jena-iri-4.5.0.jar 139 kB 74 59 2 - Yes
jena-rdfconnection-4.5.0.jar 70.5 kB 51 36 2 - Yes
jena-shacl-4.5.0.jar 297 kB 151 121 12 - Yes
jena-shaded-guava-4.5.0.jar 3.1 MB 2107 2062 19 1.8 Yes
jena-shex-4.5.0.jar 222.5 kB 124 102 7 - Yes
jena-tdb-4.5.0.jar 538.1 kB 355 312 27 - Yes
jena-tdb2-4.5.0.jar 300.9 kB 184 149 19 - Yes
libthrift-0.16.0.jar 345.2 kB 268 250 12 1.8 Yes
dbnary-commons/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
rdf-utils/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
jakarta.json-2.0.1.jar 143.8 kB 114 96 6 - Yes
annotations-13.0.jar 17.5 kB 45 32 2 1.5 Yes
kotlin-stdlib-1.6.20.jar 1.5 MB 924 881 31 - Yes
kotlin-stdlib-common-1.5.31.jar 198.3 kB 334 0 0 - No
kotlin-stdlib-jdk7-1.5.31.jar 23 kB 19 8 4 - Yes
kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.5.31.jar 16.1 kB 30 12 7 - Yes
jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.36.jar 16.6 kB 23 9 2 1.5 Yes
slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar 41.1 kB 46 34 4 1.5 Yes
slf4j-simple-1.7.36.jar 15.3 kB 20 10 1 1.5 Yes
Total Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
48 26.7 MB 17182 15358 744 1.8 44
compile: 33 compile: 19.4 MB compile: 12655 compile: 11589 compile: 454 - compile: 32
test: 15 test: 7.3 MB test: 4527 test: 3769 test: 290 - test: 12