"3" . _:vb6989473 "1963, David Paton Cuthbertson, Progress in Nutrition and Allied Sciences, page 238:"@en . _:vb6989477 "Among those who are purified by their good deeds, there are four kinds of men who worship me: the world-weary, the seeker for knowledge, the seeker for happiness and the man of spiritual discrimination. The man of discrimination is the highest of these."@en . . _:vb6989476 "If taste is, in Sibleyan terms, an ability involving perceptiveness, sensitivity, discrimination and appreciation, this suggests that it should be directed towards a certain set of objects, and that there is clear room for error and critical debate: about which objects\u2014and which responses\u2014are in fact correct, and which provide evidence of the presence of tasteful discrimination."@en . _:vb6989473 "These differences amount to a discrimination by the animal in favour of calcium and against strontium and barium."@en . _:vb6989477 "2019, Rick South, The Odes of God:"@en . _:vb6989474 "In the vocabulary of Madison Avenue, the man of discrimination is one who knows a fine set of luggage when he sees it."@en . _:vb6989476 "2018, Jane Forsey, On Taste: Aesthetic Exchanges, page viii:"@en . _:vb6989475 "Furthermore, holding the view that the jh\u0101nas are in conflict with discrimination and wisdom, one might argue that this quality cannot be developed and sustained when one attains the jh\u0101nas."@en . _:vb6989474 "1996, Eknath Easwaran, Seeing with the Eyes of Love, page 106:"@en . _:vb6989470 "Near-synonym: tastefulness"@en . _:vb6989474 . _:vb6989475 . _:vb6989472 . _:vb6989473 . _:vb6989471 "1863, Alfred Gladstone, The Man of the Hour: A Tale of Real Life - Volume 2, page 128:"@en . _:vb6989469 "(uncountable) The quality of being discriminating; acute discernment, especially in matters of good taste. [from 18th c.]"@en . _:vb6989476 . _:vb6989477 . _:vb6989471 "You are a man of discrimination,\u201D said Qunk, \u201CI admire that girl a little myself, and, entre nous, I think that I'm a bit of a favourite in that quarter.\u201D"@en . _:vb6989469 . _:vb6989475 "2017, Keren Arbel, Early Buddhist Meditation, page 106:"@en . _:vb6989472 "Take heed, then, lest, while you plume yourselves on your superior wisdom and discrimination, the Great Captain does not arraign you before his court-martial on the charge of blood-guiltiness."@en . _:vb6989472 "1881, C. F. Hull, Shadows of good things to come; or, the gospel in Ruth, page 42:"@en . _:vb6989470 . _:vb6989471 .