_:vb6903311 . _:vb6903312 . _:vb6903313 . _:vb6903314 . _:vb6903314 "Third, it is possible to have gay sex with a crew member on your team. This isn\u2019t possible with every crew member\u2014only some, according to their pre-programmed sexual orientation. It\u2019s obvious why this is an issue for Christians. Scripture explicitly says homosexuality is a sin (Genesis 18:20-21; 19:4-5, 24-25; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 2 Peter 2:4-10). Denying what Scripture says on it is nothing short of joyful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty.Society, conversely, says it\u2019s not a sin, and as such has thrown it into pop culture without a care for whom they offend. Obviously, for the Christian, do not go this route. If you believe homosexuality is a sin (and you should, considering God\u2019s Word is inerrant and infallible and you say you\u2019re a Christian), do not choose a gay romantic route. You may think it\u2019s harmless if you do, but what\u2019s the point in making a confession coherent with Scripture but not living according to that confession? Quite frankly, it\u2019s hypocritical and needs repentance."@en . _:vb6903311 "Sexual activity with a person of the same sex, sometimes (potentially, _, offensive) restricted to same-sex sex between males. [1897]"@en . "2" . _:vb6903312 "1897, Havelock Ellis et al., Sexual Inversion, page 101:"@en . . _:vb6903312 "Bourneville believes that 75 per cent. of the inmates of the Parisian venereal hospitals have practised homosexuality."@en . _:vb6903313 "2004 June 10, Leslie Feinberg, \u201CThe love that dared to speak its name\u201D, in Workers World\u200E[1]:"@en . _:vb6903314 "2019 October 31, Garrick Beckett, \u201CBeckett: How BioWare Approaches Religion & Sexuality\u201D, in The Lutheran Column\u200E[1], archived from the original on 17 September 2020, Blog\u200E[2]:"@en . _:vb6903313 "A Prussian proposal for a harsh penal code made male homosexuality an even more serious crime."@en .