. "2" . _:vb6802451 . _:vb6802452 . _:vb6802450 . _:vb6802451 "\"I have been asked over by Dr. Maupuis of the Institut M\u00E9tapsychique to see some of the experiments which he is conducting upon a Galician medium.\""@en . _:vb6802450 "Of or pertaining to the people of Galicia (in Iberia) or their culture."@en . _:vb6802451 "1925 July \u2013 1926 May, A[rthur] Conan Doyle, The Land of Mist (eBook no. 0601351h.html), Australia: Project Gutenberg Australia, published April 2019:"@en . _:vb6802452 "The \"entierro de la sardina,\" the burial of the sardine, is a Galician custom popular in many villages on Ash Wednesday."@en . _:vb6802452 "1999, [1882], Emilia Pardo Baz\u00E1n, translated by Walter Borenstein, The Tribune of the People, page 253:"@en .