_:b6350517 "There is no way to do it. [=No way to do it exists.]"@en . _:b6350520 "1908, C. H. Bovill (lyrics), Jerome D. Kern (music), There\u2019s Something Rather Odd About Augustus, song from the musical Fluffy Ruffles,"@en . _:b6350515 "Used as an expletive subject of be in its sense of \u201Cexist\u201D, with the semantic, usually indefinite subject being postponed or (occasionally) implied."@en . _:b6350515 . _:b6350518 . _:b6350519 . . _:b6350516 . _:b6350517 . _:b6350522 "1918, Fyodor Dostoevsky, translated by Constance Garnett, Notes from Underground, Part 1, II:"@en . _:b6350522 . _:b6350520 . _:b6350520 "It's very sad but all the same, / There\u2019s something rather odd about Augustus."@en . _:b6350521 . _:b6350516 "There are two apples on the table. [=Two apples are on the table.]"@en . _:b6350518 "Is there an answer? [=Does an answer exist?]"@en . _:b6350521 "1909, Leo Tolstoy, translator not mentioned, There are No Guilty People, in The Forged Coupon and Other Stories,"@en . _:b6350519 "No, there isn't. [=No, one doesn't exist.]"@en . _:b6350521 "There was a time when I tried to change my position, which was not in harmony with my conscience; [\u2026] ."@en . _:b6350522 "There are intentional and unintentional towns."@en . "1" .