_:vb8113529 . _:vb8113530 . _:vb8113532 "2011, Iceberg Slim, Pimp: The Story of My Life, page 99:"@en . _:vb8113531 . _:vb8113531 "2010, Red Jordan Arobateau, Ho Stroll: Part 1, page 189:"@en . . _:vb8113528 "(slang) For a prostitute to pick up her first client of the day."@en . _:vb8113532 . _:vb8113529 "1970, John Terry Robinson, The double circle people, page 9:"@en . _:vb8113529 "When she re-appeared it would only be a matter of minutes before she \"Broke luck\" (dated her first john)."@en . _:vb8113530 "2009, Quincy Mack, The Naked Soul of Pimps and Prostitutes, page 150:"@en . _:vb8113531 "Mary hadn't broke luck tonight."@en . _:vb8113530 "During a slow moment of their shift, where they're having a hard time breaking luck, they make sure that their pimp becomes aware of this [\u2026]"@en . _:vb8113528 . "1" . _:vb8113532 "Ten minutes after she got down she broke luck. A white trick in a thirty-seven Buick picked her up. I timed her. She had racehorse speed."@en .