_:b6522564 . _:b6522564 "Darkly it [the Kabbalah] stood in their [Samuel David Luzzatto, Moritz Steinschneide, etc.] path, the ally of forces and tendencies in whose rejection pride was taken by a Jewry which, in Steinschneider\u2019s words, regarded it as its chief task to make a decent exit from the world."@en . _:b6522565 . _:b6522564 "1941, Gershom Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism\u200E[1], 3rd revised edition, published 1995, page 1:"@en . _:b6522563 "Hitler attempted to murder all of European Jewry."@en . _:b6522565 "Jews and Israel are not synonymous; nor is support for Palestine synonymous with anti-Semitism; nor is questioning the orthodoxy of the Republican party, which the majority of us do with relish, an insult to Jewry."@en . _:b6522565 "2019 July 17, Talia Lavin, \u201CWhen Non-Jews Wield Anti-Semitism as Political Shield\u201D, in GQ\u200E[1]:"@en . _:b6522562 . _:b6522562 "Jewish people considered collectively. [from 14th c.]"@en . . _:b6522563 . "1" .