. "17" . _:vb6979743 "(software engineering, XP) A small project that uses the simplest possible program to explore potential solutions."@en . _:vb6979744 . _:vb6979744 "An architectural spike is used to prove that a specific technical approach works. Teams will often do an architectural spike when they have a few different options for designing a specific technical solution, or if they don't know if a certain approach will work."@en . _:vb6979743 . _:vb6979744 "2017, Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Greene, Head First Agile [\u2026]\u200Ehttps://books.google.com/books?id=uq42DwAAQBAJ&pg=PT410&dq=%22spike%22+XP&hl=&cd=10&source=gbs_api#v=onepage&q=%22spike%22%20XP&f=false, O'Reilly Media, \u2192ISBN:"@en .