_:b6357050 "1724, Jonathan Swift, \u201COn Dreams. An Imitation of Petronius.\u201D, in Thomas Sheridan and John Nichols, editors, The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift,\u00A0[\u2026], new edition, volume VII, London: [\u2026] J[oseph] Johnson,\u00A0[\u2026], published 1801, \u2192OCLC, page 271:"@en . _:b6357049 "1697, Virgil, \u201CPostscript to the Reader\u201D, in John Dryden, transl., The Works of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, and \u00C6neis.\u00A0[\u2026], London: [\u2026] Jacob Tonson,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, page 621:"@en . _:b6357051 "2003 March, Karyn Monk, The Wedding Escape, New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books, \u2192ISBN, page 96:"@en . . "1.5" . _:b6357050 . _:b6357051 . _:b6357049 "[...] I have added to both of them [language and poetry] in the choice of Words, and Harmony of Numbers which were wanting, [...] One is for raking in [Geoffrey] Chaucer (our Engli\u017Fh Ennius) for antiquated Words, which are never to be reviv'd, but when Sound or Significancy is wanting in the pre\u017Fent Language."@en . _:b6357049 . . _:b6357051 "Jack's gaze raked the room, searching for some indication that something was wrong, that someone was going to suddenly spring forward and grab her."@en . . _:b6357048 . _:b6357050 "The statesman rakes the town to find a plot, / And dreams of forfeitures by treason got."@en . _:b6357048 "(ambitransitive, figurative) To search through (thoroughly)."@en . . .