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OLiA Reference Model for Morphology, Morphosyntax and Syntax (originally based on the EAGLES recommendations, with modifications in accordance to DCR (ISOcat, June 2013), TDS ontology, GOLD v.03, the SFB 632 annotation guidelines, the MULTEXT-East ontology and various annotation schemes)

  • OLiA
  • OLiA Reference Model for Morphology, Morphosyntax and Syntax (originally based on the EAGLES recommendations, with modifications in accordance to DCR (ISOcat, June 2013), TDS ontology, GOLD v.03, the SFB 632 annotation guidelines, the MULTEXT-East ontology and various annotation schemes)
  • TODO: simplify {Interrogative,Indefinite,...}/{Cardinal,Multiplicative,...}Quantifier dichothomies In subsequent versions, however, orthographical definitions should be handled with existing ontologies specializing on the description on language, e.g., lexvo check gerundive vs. gerund update GOLD linking
  • Oct. 2005 created by Christian Chiarcos 2006-2008 maintained by Christian Chiarcos and Angelika Adam since 2008 maintained by Christian Chiarcos 10/01/08 updated by Christian Chiarcos 10/01/25 added SyntacticUnit categorization (from GOLD [http://www.linguistics-ontology.org/gold/2008] and EAGLES recommendations [http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/segsasg1/node29.html#SECTION00052000000000000000]) 10/01/28 removed all owl:disjointWith and owl:complementOf, these are language-specific and have to be represented in a separate language model. 10/02/17 extended SyntacticUnit categorization in accordance with the TDS ontologies (http://languagelink.let.uu.nl/tds/onto/LinguisticOntology.owl) Christian 10/02/18 adopted TIGER edge labels as syntactic role and semantic role 10/03/11 manual restructuring of OWL file begun 10/03/23 morphosyntactic classes revised 10/03/24 CaseFeature extended by TDS grammaticalCase, GOLD CaseValue and DCR case features DefinitenessFeature checked against TDS definitenessProperty and DCR (missing in GOLD) DegreeFeature checked against DCR (missing in GOLD and TDS) TenseFeature extended in accordance with TDS tenseProperty and GOLD TenseValue (DCR not yet) GenderFeature checked against TDS case and GOLD GenderValue (DCR not yet) SemanticRole extended in accordance with TDS semanticRoleProperty (missing in GOLD, merged with grammatical case there) PersonFeature checked and extended against GOLD and TDS MoodFeature extended in accordance with TDS modalityProperty and GOLD MoodValue AspectFeature extended in accordance with TDS aspectProperty and GOLD AspectValue Habitual remodelled as Aspect 10/03/25 SyntacticRole checked and extended against GOLD syntacticRole (properties) and DCR syntacticCategory, modifyingRelation VoiceFeature extended against GOLD VoiceValue and TDS grammaticalVoice hierarchically structured restructuring concluded 10/04/06 extended InflectionType, added Countability and Valency as features and properties (in accordance with Sampson (1995), see susa.owl 10/04/08 extensions with respect to constituent types, syntactic relations and semantic roles in accordance with Dipper et al. (2007), see sfb632.owl 10/04/13 extension wrt. the morphosyntactic profile of the DCR (ISOcat, www.isocat.org) 10/04/14 validation, PossessiveFeature removed 10/04/15-18 additions in accordance to the PTB Bracketing Guidelines (Santorini 1991, Bies et al. 1995) 10/11/26 introduced NounHeadedPhrase for improved compatibility with dependency parsing schemes (e.g., Connexor) 10/11/29 added categories for topological fields in German (as used in TüBa-D/Z) 10/12/02 added DeterminerPhrase, ForeignPhrase, subclasses of ExpletivePronoun (TüBa-D/Z) 11/07/29 replaced u l http://purl.org/ol a with pu l http://purl.olcl.org/olia 11/07/31-11/08/ 4 linking with MULTEXT-East (http://nl.ijs.si/ME/owl/multext-east.owl = http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl) Clit c deprecated (replaced by CliticElement because of the ambiguity of the category in MULTEXT-East and ISOcat) additions: hasProximity, Distal, Proximal, CliticElement, CliticDefiniteArticle, SpecificArticle, CliticSpecificArticle, hasSpecificity, Specific, Nonspecific, Cliticization, ElementWithClitic, ElementWithoutClitic, ElementDemandingClitic, DistributiveCase, FactiveCase, DirectCase, FormalCase, MultiplicativeCase, TemporalisCase, ElativeDegree, CountNumber, AspectParticle, SubjunctiveParticle, VerbalParticle, LightVerb, VerbalAdverb, NegativeAdverb, ModifierAdverb, AdjectivalAdverb, NonspecificPronoun, DeterminalPronoun, AttributivePronoun, EmphaticDeterminer, NegativeDeterminer, UniquitiveDeterminer, PossessiveArticle, hasConjunct, hasWordConjunct, hasSentenceConjunct, RepetitiveCoordinatingConjunction, SubordinatingConjunctionWithNegation, SubordinatingConjunctionWithoutNegation, RelationalAdjective, PossessiveAdjective, NonreducedInflection, ReducedInflection, CollectiveNumeral, hasNumeralAgreement, DualQuantifier, PaucalQuantifier, SingularQuantifier, PluralQuantifier, Fraction, ApproximateNumeral, MultipleNumeral, ProQuantifier, InterrogativeQuantifier, IndefiniteQuantifier, DemonstrativeQuantifier, RelativeQuantifier, QuotativeVerb, QuotativeMood, NonNegated, Diminuitive, Human, AbbreviatedPronoun, FixedExpression, Adjectival, Typo, Verbal, hasObjectNumber, hasNumeralForm, ExistentialParticle 11/08/04 eliminated redundancy of olia-top:SyntacticRelation and olia:SyntacticRelation SubordType, CoordType deprecated, remodelled as subconcepts of Sub/CoordinatingConjunction 11/08/05 validation 11/08/11 VoiceParticle (from Portuguese EAGLES) 11/08/12 linking with T-CODEX (Old High German) VocativeExpression, Fronting, ConditionRole, HangingTopic (for Old High German, T-CODEX) CausalAdverb deprecated (= Adverb and hasSemanticRole some CauseRole) DeclarativeSentence = Sentence and hasMood some DeclarativeMood PresentParticiple (= Sentence and hasTense some Present) PastParticiple (= Sentence and hasTense some Past) 11/08/12-15 linking with ILPOSTS (for Indian languages) added PurposiveCase, PurposiveAspect, DistributivePronoun, ConditionalParticiple, ConditionalRealisMood, ConditionalIrrealisMood, PresumptiveMood, Sequel, AbilitativeMood, SecondHonorific, SecondNonHonorific, hasEmphasis, Emphatic, NonEmphatic, SimpleAspect EmphaticDeterminer, EmphaticPronoun deprecated CausalMood (from Nowak 1996, for Inuktitut) MannerAdverb (= Adverb and hasSemanticRole some MannerRole) {introduced as deprecated} LocationAdverb (= Adverb and hasSemanticRole some LocationRole) {introduced as deprecated} HabitualMood (= HabitualAspect) 11/08/15 olia_top:PhonologicalProcess introduced (reorganization of MorphologicalProcess) 11/08/15 linking with Ancorra and IIIT tagset (for Indian languages) GerundVerbPhrase, SpatiotemporalNoun, InfinitiveVerbPhrase, EchoWord, Composition Intensifier 11/08/15 linking with Urdu tagset (Sajjad 2007) TitleNoun, UnitNoun, AspectMarkingAuxiliary, TenseMarkingAuxiliary, Date added 11/08/16 linking with EMILLE Urdu tagset (Hardie 2003) AdjectivalParticle, ModalityMarkingAdverb, OpenQuote, CloseQuote, ContrastiveParticle, EmphaticParticle, MultiplicativeMarker, ExclusiveEmphaticParticle, InclusiveEmphaticParticle, ReflexivePossessiveDeterminer, Izafat, RelativeAdjective added ContrastiveEmphaticParticle (= ContrastiveParticle and EmphaticParticle) 11/08/16 linking with Dzongkha tagset (Chungku et al. 2010) added AspirationalVerb, AgentiveVerb, TenseMarkingParticle, NonAgentiveVerb, LocativePronoun, NominalNumber, CaseMarker, PeriodicAdjective, CharacteristicAdjective, DifferentialPronoun, NominalQuantifier HonorificVerb, HonorificCommonNoun added (=> Honorificity to be remodelled) 13/03/03 linking with Uby Pos annotation model (http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/data/lexical-resources/uby/) added GivenName, FamilyName, comments for PersonalPronoun, Separability 13/03/03 partial "hasFeature Self"-modeling for ...Feature concepts: not inferable through Fact++ or Hermit, though, hence incomplete 13/03/04 linking with Uby Pos annotation model (http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/data/lexical-resources/uby/) Contraction, Phraseme, LexicalUnit (as generalization over Phraseme and Lexeme), Initialism 13/03/04 olia-top:XYFeature olia:hasXY Self for most XYFeatures 13/06/24 additions from ISOcat morphosyntactic profile: FusedPrepositionPronoun, ElativeNoun, InterrogativeMultiplicativeQuantifier, FocusMarker, AdjutativeVoice, AversiveCase 13/06/25 additions from ISOcat morphosyntactic profile: VisualEvidentiality, OtherSourceEvidentiality, DeductiveEvidentiality, Exclusive, Inclusive, Homonym, Homophone, CircumstantialVoice 13/06/27 ISOcat additions: MannerNoun (deprecated), QuestionWord (extended to be a generalization over InterrogativeXY, deprecated), GeneralizationWord, EpistemicPossibilityModality, DebitiveMood, InchoativeAspect, PresentativePronoun, IndefiniteCardinalQuantifier, NumeralBoth (deprecated), GraphicalSeparator, Impossible, Possible, EpistemicNecessityModality, TemporallyDefinedUsage, PrepositionalAdverb, DeclarativePunctuation, Multal, ObligativeModality, RomanNumeral, DigitNumeral, Script, ParticleAdverb (deprecrated), ApplicativeVoice, EvaluativeModality, PlaceNoun (deprecated), String [generalized as orthographical anchor point for RomanNumeral] 13/06/28 ISOcat additions: Masdar, Ideophone, DeficientVerb (deprecated), IndefiniteMultiplicativeQuantifier, PermissiveModality, WeakObligativeModality, ExistentialPronoun (deprecated), InstrumentNoun, PhysicalAbilitiveModality, MedioPassiveVoice, InterrogativeCardinalQuantifier, CompletiveAspect, PseudopassiveVoice, LetterNumeral, ContextualVariation, Homograph, CollectivePronoun, PossessiveRelativePronoun, ExpansionVariation, CausativeVoice, Augmentative, FusedPronounAuxiliary, AntiCausativeVoice, StatusConstructus, PreferredEvaluative, PejorativeEvaluative, CommissiveForce, ActionalForce, VolitiveForce hasEvaluativeFeature (for ISOcat PreferredEvaluative and PejorativeEvaluative), HortativeModality (from GOLD, missing in the corresponding ISOcat export) disentangled Modality and Mood: for every Mood, created a corresponding Modality as superclass; XYMood is subconcept of Mood and XYModality concept, hasMood only for Mood, hasModality for Modality 16/04/18 selected French labels for the Bambara Reference Corpus (BRC) added OnomatopoeticWord, QualitativeVerb, PredicativeMarker OWL/DL validation 16/08/29 added Frame, hasMovementFeature, Control and Raising for compliance with lexinfo 17/06/26 fixed occasional type errors at owl:deprecated 18/01/08 added Converb (for Eastern Armenian National Corpus) 19/07/27 lexinfo linking: added DeverbalAdjective as a generalization over (and superclass of) ParticipleAdjective, DenominalAdjective (for lexinfo:adjective-na), GenericNumeral (for lexinfo:genericNumeral), InflectionElement (for lexinfo:inflectionElement), Radical (for lexinfo:radical), Syllable (for lexinfo:syllable), ClippedTerm, Appellation, Idiom, Internationalism, SetPhrase, Boilerplate (for lexinfo:standardText), Deprecated (for lexinfo:deprecatedTerm), LegalRegister (for lexinfo:legalTerm), Deprecated (for lexinfo:deprecatedTerm), Preferred (for lexinfo:preferredTerm), Standardized (for lexinfo:standardizedTerm); revised Contraction, Composition; introduced Identifier as generalization over Appellation, NamedEntity and lexinfo:partNumber; introduced TextStructuralElement as generalization over Headline, Boilerplate, etc. 20/02/24 add Chunk (from Ancorra tagset), JussiveMood (from Arabic, Khoja et al. 2008) 20/02/27 clarify definition of Unique 2022-05-23 rdfs:labels added (automatically) Christian Chiarcos chiarcos@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
  • Ontology of Linguistic Annotation (OLiA)
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