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abbreviatedForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term or lexeme resulting from the omission of any part of the full term or lexeme while designating the same concept.
AbbreviatedForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AbbreviatedPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Abbreviation/Syntactic_Type="pronominal" (Romanian), e.g., d-ta/dumneata, d-tale/dumitale, d-voastră/dumneavoastră, dv./dumneavoastră, dvs./dumneavoastră (http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#Pronominal)
abbreviation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Abbreviation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Abbreviation (from Latin brevis "short") is strictly speaking a shorter form of a word, but more particularly, an abbreviation is a letter or group of letters, taken from a word or words, and employed to represent them for the sake of brevity.
abbreviationFor - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A linking element used to identify a relation between an abbreviation and its full or expanded form.
abbrevPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
abbrevPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
ABESSIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
abessiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case that expresses the lack or absence of the referent of the noun it marks.
abessiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
AbessiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
AbessiveCase expresses the lack or absence of the referent of the noun it marks.
AbilitativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
modality expressed by AbilitativeMood: Abilitative is a mood that indicates ability, comparable to the use of "can" in English.
AbilitativeMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Abilitative is a mood that indicates ability, comparable to the use of "can" in English.
ablative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ABLATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ablativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case used to typically indicate locative or instrumental function.
AblativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Case used to indicate locative or instrumental function.
aBox - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
use getFeatureBox()
AbsoluteRelativeTense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Absolute-relative tense is a tense that (i) refers to a time in relation to a temporal reference point that, in turn, is referred to in relation to the moment of utterance (ii) in which the time and the reference point are not identical, and (iii) the reference point and the moment of utterance are not identical.
AbsoluteTense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Absolute tense refers to a time in relation to the moment of utterance.
absolutive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ABSOLUTIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
AbsolutiveAntipassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An Antipassive in which the P or logical object is suppressed or overtly absent.
absolutiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case for nouns in ergative-absolute languages that would generally be the subjects of intransitive verbs or the objects of transitive verbs in the translational equivalents of nominative-accusative languages such as English.
AbsolutiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Absolutive case marks the first argument of an intransitive verb and the second argument of a transitive verb in ergative-absolutive languages.
AbstractGlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages
AbstractGlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractGlossFilter
AbstractWiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages
AbstractWiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitable
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.ExternalLink
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Heading
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.HTMLComment
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Indentation
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.InternalLink
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Item
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.ListItem
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.NoWiki
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.NumberedListItem
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Text
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiDocument
accept(Visitor<T>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiSection
AcceptTranslation - Interface in org.getalp.model.dbnary
ACCUSATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Cas
ACCUSATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Cas
ACCUSATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas
accusative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
accusative() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Accusative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In nominative-accusative languages, accusative case marks certain syntactic functions, usually direct objects.
ACCUSATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GrammaticalCase
ACCUSATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
accusativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case used to indicate direct object.
accusativeCaseForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AccusativePostPositiveArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
acronym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An abbreviation made up of the initial letters of the components of the full form of the designation or from syllables of the full form and pronounced syllabically.
Acronym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An acronym is an abbreviation, such as NATO, laser, and ABC, written as the initial letter or letters of words, and pronounced on the basis of this abbreviated written form.
acronymFor - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A linking element used to identify a relation between an acronym and its full or expanded form.
Action() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiSequenceFiltering.Action
ActionalModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ActionalForce indicates that the speaker or hearer is to undertake some action.
active - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Voice
active() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
ACTIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Voice
activeVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Value that expresses the situation where the grammatical subject is also the semantic actor of the verb.
ActiveVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
When the subject is the agent or actor of the verb, the verb is in the active voice.
ActorMacroRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The most agentive semantic role of the current clause (van Valin and Lapolla 1997), designated subject (from a semantic point of view)
add(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
add(String, Object) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.Struct
add(String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
add(List<? extends InflectionData>, Set<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectedFormSet
Add all values in the current Inflected Forms Set for given key
add(Property, RDFNode) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel.Example
add(InflectionData, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectedFormSet
Add value in the current Inflected Forms Set for given key
add(InflectionData, Set<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectedFormSet
Add all values in the current Inflected Forms Set for given key
add(MorphoSyntacticFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.KeepFirstInflexionScheme
Adding a feature to the inflection scheme.
add(MorphoSyntacticFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.KeepLastInflexionScheme
Adding a feature to the inflection scheme.
add(MorphoSyntacticFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RelaxInflexionScheme
Adding a feature to the inflection scheme.
add(MorphoSyntacticFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.StrictInflexionScheme
Adding a feature to the inflection scheme.
addAbbrev(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryDataHandler
addAll(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
addAll(InflectedFormSet) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectedFormSet
addAllResourceOfPoS(ArrayList<List<Resource>>, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
addAllResourceOfPoS(ArrayList<List<Resource>>, Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
addAncestorsAndRegisterDescendants(Etymology) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
addCategory(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
addContextDiv(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
addContextLeft(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
addDefinition(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
addExtraInformation(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryDataHandler
addExtraPartOfSpeech(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryDataHandler
addExtraPartOfSpeech(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryDataHandler
addExtraPartOfSpeech(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryDataHandler
addExtraPartOfSpeech(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryDataHandler
addExtraPartOfSpeech(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryDataHandler
addExtraPartOfSpeech(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryDataHandler
addExtraPOSInfo(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryDataHandler
addFieldExtractedT(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
addFieldT(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
addFlattenedTokens(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.HTMLComment
addFlattenedTokens(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.NoWiki
addFlattenedTokens(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Text
addFlattenedTokens(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
addGender(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
addGender(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
addGender(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryDataHandler
addIgnoredL(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
addIgnoredS(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
addIgnoredSec(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
addIgnoredT(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
addIgnoredT(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
addIgnoredText(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
addInflectionOnCanonicalForm(EnglishInflectionData) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
addInfo(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryDataHandler
addLexicalForm(LexicalForm) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryDataHandler
addLexicalForm(LexicalForm) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryDataHandler
addLexicalForm(LexicalForm) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryDataHandler
addMorpho(MorphoSyntacticFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
addMorpho(MorphoSyntacticFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
addNewDefinition(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryDataHandler
addNote(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
addNymInfo(String, String[], Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryDataHandler
addOtherForm(String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
addOtherFormPropertiesToLexicalEntry(Resource, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryDataHandler
addOtherFormPropertiesToLexicalEntry(Resource, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
addOtherFormPropertiesToLexicalEntry(Resource, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
addOtherFormPropertiesToLexicalEntry(Resource, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryDataHandler
addPOSinfo(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryDataHandler
addPOSinfo(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryDataHandler
addRelatedTermInfo(String[]) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryDataHandler
addResourceType(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
AddresseeRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
-VOC (vocative) — marks nouns of address, regardless of their position in the sentence.
addSpecificExtraPOS(String[]) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryDataHandler
addTo(Resource, Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
addToContext(ArrayMatrix<Element>, int, int, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
addToContext(ArrayMatrix<Element>, int, int, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
addToCurrentWordSense(Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
addToCurrentWordSense(Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
addToken(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Heading
addToken(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.HTMLComment
addToken(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.IndentedItem
addToken(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
addToken(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.NoWiki
addToken(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
addToken(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Text
addToken(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
addToken(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
addToken(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiSection
addTranslation(String, Resource, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryDataHandler
addTranslation(String, Resource, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryDataHandler
addTranslationOf(AcceptTranslation) - Method in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Translation
addValue(Representation) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalForm
addWrittenRep(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
addWrittenRep(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryDataHandler
adessive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ADESSIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
adessiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses the meaning of presence 'at' or 'near' a place.
AdessiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
AdessiveCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location near/at which another referent exists.
aditive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ADITIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
aditiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case expressing &quot;to&quot; in Basque studies.
AditiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Case expressing "to" in Basque studies.
Adjectival - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In MULTEXT-East a characteristic of attributive pronouns and abbreviated adjectives, e.g., in Ukrainian e.g., абичий/= бозна-чий/= будь-чий/= дечий/= хтозна-чий/= чий-будь/= чий-небудь/= чийсь/=, абичийого/абичий аби до чийого/абичий бозна-чийого/бозна-чий будь-чийого/будь-чий дечийого/дечий хтозна-чийого/хтозна-чий чийого-будь/чий-будь чийого-небудь/чий-небудь чийогось/чийсь, абичийого/абичий бозна-чийого/бозна-чий будь-чийого/будь-чий дечийого/дечий хтозна-чийого/хтозна-чий чийого-будь/чий-будь чийого-небудь/чий-небудь чийогось/чийсь, абичийому/абичий абичиєму/абичий абичиїм/абичий аби на чийому/абичий аби на чиєму/абичий аби на чиїм/абичий бозна на чийому/бозна-чий бозна на чиєму/бозна-чий бозна на чиїм/бозна-чий будь-чийому/будь-чий будь-чиєму/будь-чий будь-чиїм/будь-чий будь на чийому/будь-чий будь на чиєму/будь-чий будь на чиїм/будь-чий дечийому/дечий дечиєму/дечий дечиїм/дечий де на чийому/дечий де на чиєму/дечий, абичийому/абичий абичиєму/абичий бозна-чийому/бозна-чий бозна-чиєму/бозна-чий будь-чийому/будь-чий будь-чиєму/будь-чий дечийому/дечий дечиєму/дечий хтозна-чийому/хтозна-чий хтозна-чиєму/хтозна-чий чийому-будь/чий-будь чиєму-будь/чий-будь чийому-небудь/чий-небудь чиєму-небудь/чий-небудь чийомусь/чийсь чиємусь/чийсь, абичийому/абичий абичиєму/абичий бозна-чийому/бозна-чий будь-чийому/будь-чий будь-чиєму/будь-чий дечийому/дечий хтозна-чийому/хтозна-чий чийому-будь/чий-будь чийому-небудь/чий-небудь чийомусь/чийсь, абичию/абичий бозна-чию/бозна-чий будь-чию/будь-чий дечию/дечий хтозна-чию/хтозна-чий чию-будь/чий-будь чию-небудь/чий-небудь чиюсь/чийсь, абичия/абичий бозна-чия/бозна-чий будь-чия/будь-чий дечия/дечий хтозна-чия/хтозна-чий чия-будь/чий-будь чия-небудь/чий-небудь чиясь/чийсь, абичиє/абичий бозна-чиє/бозна-чий будь-чиє/будь-чий дечиє/дечий хтозна-чиє/хтозна-чий чиє-будь/чий-будь чиє-небудь/чий-небудь чиєсь/чийсь (http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#Adjectival)
ADJECTIVAL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SyntacticFunction
AdjectivalAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An adjectival adverb is an adverb that is formally identical to an adjective.<br/> MULTEXT-East Adverb/Type="adjectival" (Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian)<br/> Bulgarian AdjectivalAdverbs have the same form as adjectives in Gender = neuter, Person = 3, Number = singular.
AdjectivalComplementFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectivalModifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A nominal is modified by an adjective.
AdjectivalParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Particle that serves to form adjective phrases, e.g., Urdu sā (http://purl.org/olia/emille.owl#AdjectivalParticle)
adjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Part of speech related to attributes of noun.
Adjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An Adjective is a noun-modifying expression that specifies the properties or attributes of the nominal referent.
adjective_i - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Deverbal adjective in Japanese ending with the '-i' suffix in dictionary form
adjective_na - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Denominal adjectives in Japanese formed from a noun plus the particle 'na'
AdjectiveAccusativePostPositiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectiveAttributiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectiveComparativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectiveDativePostPositiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectiveGenitivePostPositiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectiveImpersonalFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectivePhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectivePhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An adjective phrase may consist of an adjective, or a sequence of words in which an adjective is the head of the phrase, as shown in 47 to 50 below.
AdjectivePOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectivePostPositiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectivePPFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectivePredicateFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Note this frame should be used when both attributive and predicative use of the adjective is allowed
AdjectivePredicativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectiveScaleFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdjectiveSuperlativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
adjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The term djunction structure" refers to structures which would be represented by tree diagrams of the general form in (@9).
AdjutativeVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
voice for a construction where the subject of the verb is not an agent of the action denoted by the verb but is assisting an unstated agent in performing the action
adjVerbal - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
admittedTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term rated according to the scale of a term acceptability rating as a synonym for a preferred term.
AdmonitiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Expression of warning (Bybee 1985:22) (http://languagelink.let.uu.nl/tds/onto/LinguisticOntology.owl#admonitiveModality)
AdnominalConstituent - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adnominal wird jedes Element in einer Konstruktion bezeichnet, das der Modifizierung eines Nomens dient, d.h.
adposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Part of speech that occurs before/inside/after a complement composed of a noun phrase, noun, pronoun or clause that functions as a noun phrase and form a single structure with the complement to express its grammatical and semantic relation to another unit.
Adposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An adposition is a cover term for prepositions, postpositions and circumpositions.
adpositionalObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdpositionalObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdpositionPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
advance() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator
adverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Part of speech to refer to an heterogeneous group of words whose most frequent function is to specify the mode of action of the verb.
Adverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An adverb is a part of speech that serves to modify non-nominal parts of speech, i.e., verbs, adjectives (including numbers), clauses, sentences and other adverbs.
adverbial() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Adverbial - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
-ADV (adverbial) — marks a constituent other than ADVP or PP when it is used adverbially (e.g., NPs or free (“headless”) relatives).
ADVERBIAL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SyntacticFunction
adverbialComplement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdverbialComplementFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdverbialModifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An adverbial modifier modifies a verb.
AdverbialParticiple - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adverb/Type="participle" is used in the Slovene MTE v4 specs, e.g., 'leže' / lying.
adverbialPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AdverbialSubordinateClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Subordinate clauses with adverbial function are annotated as ADV, e.g.
AdverbPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An adverb phrase may consist of an adverb, or a sequence of words in which an adverb is the head of the phrase.
AdverbPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
afficherLang() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.miseEnFormlang
affirmativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Particle used to express affirmation.
AffirmativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Particle used to express affirmation.
affix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Affix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Affix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Letter or group of letters which are added to a word to make a new word.
Affix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
An affix is a lexical entry that represents a morpheme (suffix, prefix, infix, circumfix) that is attached to a word stem to form a new word.
affixedPersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Personnal pronoun that is affixed, i.e.
AffixedPersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Personnal pronoun that is affixed.
affixTypes - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
AgentDeletionPassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The object of the active retains its old case-marking in the passive, the subject of the active cannot appear in the passive clause, and the passive tends to be semantically active.
AgentiveVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An agentive verb marks the semantic role of agent or the doer of an action.
AgentRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An agentive role is one in which the actor exerts some degree of will(-power) in the execution of the event.
AKTIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Voice
AKTIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Voice
AKTIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Voice
allative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ALLATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
allativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses the meaning of motion 'to' or 'towards' the referent it marks.
AllativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
AllativeCase expresses motion to or toward the referent of the noun it marks (Pei and Gaynor 1954: 6,9,216; Lyons 1968: 299; Crystal 1985: 1213; Gove, et al.
allowAll() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowExternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowHeading() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowHTMLComment() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowIndentation() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowIndentedItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowNoWiki() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowNumberedListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowSections() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowTemplates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allowText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
allusivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun that refers to something characterized by allusions.
AllusivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
pronoun that have reference to something characterized by allusions.
alreadyParsedTables - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
alreadyRegisteredFlexion - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryDataHandler
altLabel - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
The range of skos:altLabel is the class of RDF plain literals.skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties.
ancestors - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
Resources containing Etymology Entries.
and(WikiEventFilter) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventsSequence
anim - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
animacy - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The characteristic of a word indicating that in a given discourse community, its referent is considered to be alive or to possess a quality of volition or consciousness.
Animacy - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Animacy - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Animacy() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Animacy
animate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Perceived as alive.
animate - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Animacy
Animate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Perceived as alive.
ANIMATE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Animate
ANIMATE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Animacy
AnimateGender - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
One of the two grammatical genders, or classes of nouns, the other being inanimate.
Anticausative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An intransitive verb is derived from a basically transitive one with the direct object of the transitive verb corresponding to the subject of the intransitive.
AntiCausativeVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An intransitive verb is derived from a basically transitive one with the direct object of the transitive verb corresponding to the subject of the intransitive [Siewierska 1988: 267].
Antipassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Derives an intransitive verb from a transitive stem whereby the original agent (only) is cross-referrenced by the absolutive markers on the verb and the original patient, if it appears, is in an oblique phrase.
antonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
An underspecified antonymy relation between LexicalEntities (Lexical entries or Lexical Senses).
antonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term or lexeme whose concept or sense constitutes the opposite of the concept represented by a second term or lexeme.
ANTONYM - org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
Aorist - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Simple past tense that is predominantly used for narration.
AORIST - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense
Apocope - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
deletion of the final element in a word (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2254)
appellation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A designation that represents an individual concept.
ApplicativeVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
voice which promotes an oblique argument of a verb to the core patient argument and indicates the oblique role within the meaning of the verb
apply(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
apply(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
apply(WikiText.Token) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventFilter
returns true if tok should be kept in the event sequence.
apply(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventFilterConjunction
apply(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventFilterDisjunction
Apposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Apposition is a relation between two phrases: (1) the nucleus phrase and (2) an appositive phrase, generally set o by punctuation, which modi es the nucleus phrase.
approximate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Property used to qualify something similar but not exactly the same
APPROXIMATE_SYNONYM - org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
ApproximateNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Bulgarian has Numeral/Form=approx(a), used for approximate numerals (десетина /about a ten/, стотина /about a hundred/) (Dimitrova et al.
approximateSynonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
An underspecified approximate synonymy relation between LexicalEntities (Lexical entries or Lexical Senses).
approximateSynonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ArbitraryControl - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates either the subject or object of the main clause may be the omitted argument of the subclause
archaicForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term or lexeme no longer in ordinary use, though retained for special purposes.
args - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
ArrayMatrix<T> - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.tools
Created by serasset on 07/01/15.
ArrayMatrix() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.ArrayMatrix
article - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
...Term used in the grammatical classification of words referring to a subclass of determiners which displays a primary role in differentiating the uses of nouns.
Article - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Article - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An article is a member of a small class of determiners that identify a noun's definite or indefinite reference, and the new or given status.
articleElement() - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafBambaraExtractor
articleElement() - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafExtractor
articleElement() - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafZarmaExtractor
ArticlePOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
asExternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.ExternalLink
asExternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asHeading() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Heading
asHeading() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asHTMLComment() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.HTMLComment
asHTMLComment() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asIndentation() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Indentation
asIndentation() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asIndentedItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.IndentedItem
asIndentedItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.InternalLink
asInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Item
asItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
asLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asList() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding.CodePointWrapper
asListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.ListItem
asListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asNoWiki() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.NoWiki
asNoWiki() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asNumberedListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.NumberedListItem
asNumberedListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
aspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Category associated to verbs and referring to the way the grammar marks the duration or type of temporal activity.
Aspect - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Aspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Aspect() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
AspectMarkingAuxiliary - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An auxiliary that marks exclusively aspect, e.g., in Urdu: Auxiliaries: Based on the syntactic nature of Urdu, auxiliaries are divided into two categories.
AspectParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In the Romanian MULTEXT-East scheme, a verbal particle with Particle/Type="aspect" modifies the verbs and carries information on the verb form, i.e., on its aspect (Dan Tufis, email 2010/06/09, http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#AspectParticle)
AspirationalVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
It is a verb, which indicates a strong desire to achieve something, without the doer.
associativeRelation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A relation between two concepts having a non-hierarchical thematic connection by virtue of experience.
asStructuredDocument() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
asTemplate() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
asTemplate() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.NoWiki
asText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Text
asText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asWikiContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asWikiContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
asWikiSection() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
asWikiSection() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiSection
Atomize() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiSequenceFiltering.Atomize
atomizeAll() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeExternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeHeading() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeHTMLComment() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeIndentation() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeIndentedItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeNowiki() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeNumberedListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeTemplates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
atomizeText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
Atransitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A predicate/verb that takes no argument.
Attachable - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Abstract superclass for everything that can have attributes and dimensions
attachTo(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectionScheme
attachTo(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
attachTo(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalForm
Attach the Lexical Form to the given lexical entry in its model.
attachTo(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalSense
attachTo(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.PhoneticRepresentation
attachTo(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.Representation
attachTo(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.WrittenRepresentation
attribute - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
An alternative to qb:componentProperty which makes explicit that the component is a attribute
AttributeProperty - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
The class of components which represent attributes of observations in the cube, e.g.
attributive() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
ATTRIBUTIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SubClass
AttributiveAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An attributive adjective is an adjective that qualifies or modifies a noun and that precedes the noun, e.g."a delicious apple", "a short letter".
attributiveArg - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AttributiveArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
AttributivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An attributive pronoun is a pronoun that modifies an NP.
Augmentative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A special form of a noun that signals that the object being referred to is large relative to the usual size of such an object [Crystal 1980: 34].
AuxiliaryVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An auxiliary verb is a verb which accompanies the lexical verb of a verb phrase, and expresses grammatical distinctions not carried by the lexical verb, such as person, number, tense aspect, and voice.
AversiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
AversiveCase expresses fear or is literally translated as 'turning from' in some languages [Blake 2001: 156].
avgAmbiguity - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'average ambiguity' property indicates the average number of lexical concepts evoked by each lemma/canonical form in the lexicon.
avgNumOfLexicalizations - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'average number of lexicalizations' property indicate the average number of lexicalizations per ontology element.
avgNumOfLinks - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'average number of links' property indicates the average number of links for each entity in the conceptual dataset.
avgSynonymy - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'average synonymy' property indicates the average number of lexical entries evoking each lexical concept in the concept set.


baseElement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The root form of a word or term that is used as the formal dictionary entry for the term.
BaseForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Strong inflection is a characteristic of lexemes, not individual tokens.
BaseWikiTextVisitor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit
BaseWikiTextVisitor() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
BatchExtractorMixin - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins
BatchExtractorMixin() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.BatchExtractorMixin
BeAuxiliary - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Verb used to link the subject of a sentence and its noun or adjective complement or complementing phrase in certain languages.
benchLevelRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The register of terms used in applications-oriented as opposed to theoretical or academic levels of language.Register of terms used in applications-oriented as opposed to theoretical or academic levels of language.
BenchLevelRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Register of terms used in applications-oriented as opposed to theoretical or academic levels of language.
benefactive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
BENEFACTIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
benefactiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case that expresses that the referent of the noun it marks receives the benefit of the situation expressed by the clause.
BenefactiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
BenefactiveCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks receives the benefit of the situation expressed by the clause (Crystal 1980: 43; Gove, et al.
BenefactorRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A beneficiary (benefactor) instantiates the role of an entity (usually animate) who stands to benefit in some way from the event.
blockName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
blockName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
blockPatternStringLevel - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
blockValue - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
blockValue - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
blockValue - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
blockValue - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
bound - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Linked to a particular element.
BoundClitic - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Linked to a particular element.
broader - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
Broader concepts are typically rendered as parents in a concept hierarchy (tree).
broaderTransitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
broadMatch - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
BrokenPlural - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Internal plural that do not have any inflection.
BUDUCNOST - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Tense
buildBinding(Model, Model) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.RDFDiff
buildDatacubeObservations(String, TranslationGlossesStat, EvaluationStats.Stat, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
buildDatacubeObservations(String, TranslationGlossesStat, EvaluationStats.Stat, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
BulgarianLangtoCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul
BulgarianLangtoCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianLangtoCode
bulgarianPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
BulgarianWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul
BulgarianWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
BulgarianWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
bullet - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Sign used to mark an item in a list.
Bullet - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Sign used to mark an item in a list.
bulletListPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
bulletListPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
bulletSymbolsList - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
bulletSymbolsListPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
bulletSymbolsPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology


call() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CompareExtracts
call() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.deprecated.CreateHDTVersions
call() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.DisplayWikiTextTree
call() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.ExtractWiktionary
call() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GetExtractedSemnet
call() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GetRawEntry
call() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GrepInWiktionary
call() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateAndExtractDumps
canonicalForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'canonical form' property relates a lexical entry to its canoncical or dictionary form.
CardinalNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A cardinal numeral is a numeral of the class whose members are considered basic in form, used in counting, and used in expressing how many objects are referred to.
cardinalNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A word denoting a number.
carPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
carPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
carPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
carPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseTranslationsExtractor
carPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
carPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
carPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
carPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
carPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
carPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseTranslationsExtractor
carPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
carPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
cas - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
cas - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
cas - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
Case - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Case - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
case_ - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
In a given sentence, the way in which the form of a word changes in order to express a relationship with one or several words of the sentence.
CaseMarker - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
CatalanConjugationTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat
CatalanConjugationTableExtractor(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.CatalanConjugationTableExtractor
category - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The 'category' property indicates the specific type of relation by which two lexical entries or two lexical senses are related.
categoryOrInterwikiLinkPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
catOrInterwikiLink - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
catwdh - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
catwdh - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
CausalAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adverb/Type="causal" is used in the Hungarian MTE v4, but no examples are provided.
causallyRelatedConcept - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A concept that is related to another concept by virtue of the fact that it plays a causative role with respect to that concept.
CausalModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Inuktitut, causality is expressed by verbal inflection.
CausalMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Inuktitut, causality is expressed by verbal inflection.
causative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
Causative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Expressing the causation of an action.
CAUSATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
causativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the cause of the situation expressed by the clause.
CausativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Case which expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the cause of the situation expressed by the clause.
CausativeVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
voice where the subject causes someone or something else to do or be something
CauseRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Cause indicates the reason why something happens and is often expressed by a PP (because of, with, through etc.).
cells - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
cessative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Aspect that expresses the cessation of an event or state.
cessative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
CESSATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
CessativeAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Aspect that expresses the cessation of an event or state.
changeNote - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
changeSimple(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.StringDistance
Character - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
CharacteristicAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
It is an adjective, which expresses the character and feature of subject or an object, while modifying a noun.
charAt(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
CharRange - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.tools
Simmplified from org apache commons lang 2.5.
CharRange(char) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CharRange
Constructs a CharRange over a single character.
CharRange(int, int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CharRange
Constructs a CharRange over a set of characters.
check(BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CheckWiktionaryQuality
checkOtherForm(String, int, int, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>, ArrayList<String>, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
checkPage(String, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IStructureChecker
checkPage(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryStructureChecker
checkStructure() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CheckWiktionaryQuality
checkSyntax() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CheckWiktionaryQuality
CheckWiktionaryQuality - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
CheckWiktionaryQuality() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CheckWiktionaryQuality
ChineseDbnaryExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
ChineseDbnaryExtractorWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseDbnaryExtractorWikiModel
ChineseDbnaryWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
ChineseDbnaryWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseDbnaryWikiModel
ChineseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
ChineseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
ChineseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
ChineseLangtoCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
ChineseLangtoCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseLangtoCode
ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel
ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
ChineseTranslationExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
ChineseTranslationExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractor
ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String, AbstractGlossFilter) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String, AbstractGlossFilter) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
circumposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adposition which consists of two parts which are positioned ahead and after the adpositional foci.
Circumposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A circumposition is an adposition with a part before the noun phrase and a part after.
CircumstantialVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
voice that promotes an oblique argument of a verb to the role of subject
CJK_compound - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A lexical unit in a CJKV language that is represented by at least two CJKV characters.
ClassBasedFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
Created by serasset on 01/02/16.
ClassBasedFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
ClassBasedFilter(Set<Class>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
ClassBasedFilter(Set<Class>, Set<Class>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
ClassBasedSequenceFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
Created by serasset on 27/02/17.
ClassBasedSequenceFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
Creates a default Class based filter that : atomizes all, but keep textual content void HTML Comments and no wiki
Classifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A classifier is a word or affix that expresses the classification of a noun.
clausalArg - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ClausalArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Clause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Clause is the class of constructions that form minimal sentential units.
cleanBlockName(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
cleanUp(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
Given a String, this function replaces some symbols e.g., cleanUp("[[door]],[[dur]]") returns "door,dur" e.g., cleanUp("o'hare") returns "o__hare" e.g., cleanUp("*duhr") returns "_duhr"
cleanupHandlers() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
cleanUpMarkup(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
cleanUpMarkup(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
cleans up the wiktionary markup from a string in the following manner:
str is the string to be cleaned up.
clear() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
clearAction() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
clippedTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An abbreviation formed by truncating a part of a simple term.
clippedTermFor - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A linking element used to identify a relation between a clipped term and its full or expanded form.
Clitic - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Categorization of the different types of clitics (MultText-East; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-1903)
CliticDefiniteArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
clitic definite determiner, e.g., in Macedonian, Bulgarian, and Romanian (http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#CliticDeterminerType)
CliticElement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Note that Clitic covers only one aspect of the original MULTEXT-East (and ISOcat) definitions of cliticness, i.e., that an element is a clitic
Cliticization - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In morphosyntax, cliticization is a process by which a complex word is formed by attaching a clitic to a fully inflected word.
cliticness - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Categorization of the different types of clitics
Cliticness - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
CliticSpecificArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Persian does have an article, but it marks specificity rather than definiteness.
clone() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
cloneArgs() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
return a MUTABLE clone of argName/argValue Map.
cloneIt() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
cloneParsedArgs() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
return a MUTABLE clone of argName/argValue Map.
close() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.WiktionaryIndexMixin
close() - Method in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndex
Free resource taken by the index.
CloseAngleBracket - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
> *RAB* Right angle bracket (Santorini 1991)
CloseBracket - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation that is graphically represented by ] (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2083)
CloseCurlyBracket - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation that is graphically represented by } (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2085)
closeDataset() - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
close the dataset that eventually backs up the different feature boxes.
closeDataset() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
CloseFuture - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adopted from GOLD.
closeMatch - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
closeParenthesis - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
End of a parenthesis pair.
CloseParenthesis - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
End of a parenthesis pair.
CloseQuote - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
quotation mark, closing
CloseSquareBracket - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
] *RSB* Right square bracket (Santorini 1991)
cmd - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLine
cmd - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
CodedProperty - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Superclass of all coded ComponentProperties
codeList - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
gives the code list associated with a CodedProperty
codePointAt(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
Returns the character (Unicode code point) at the specified index.
codePointCount() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
codePointCount(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
CodePointIterator - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding
Iterates over the UTF-16 Codepoints of a String
CodePointIterator(String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding.CodePointIterator
CodePointWrapper - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding
An iterable wrapper for the code point iterator that allows to iterate over codepoints of a string using the foreach syntax
CodePointWrapper(String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding.CodePointWrapper
collectAllParameterContent(WikiText.Token) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
Collection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
collective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A collective number is a number referring to 'a set of things'.
collective - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
Collective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A collective number is a number referring to 'a set of things'.
COLLECTIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
CollectiveNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
e.g., обата, обајцата, обете, шеесетминава/шеесетмина, шеесетминана/шеесетмина, шеесетмината/шеесетмина, шеснаесетминава/шеснаесетмина, шеснаесетминана/шеснаесетмина, шеснаесетмината/шеснаесетмина (mk, http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#CollectiveNumeral)e.g., czworga/czworo, czworgiem/czworo, czworgu/czworo, czworo/czworo, dwoje/dwoje, dwojga/dwoje, dwojgiem/dwoje, dwojgu/dwoje, jedenaścioro/jedenaścioro (pl, http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#CollectiveNumeral)Numeral/Type="collect" (Romanian)<br/> In traditional Romanian grammars, expressions like amândoi "both", toţi trei "all three" are referred to as collective numerals.
collectivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A pronoun that refers to all elements of a set.
CollectivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A pronoun that refers to all elements of a set.
collocation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Collocation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A collocation is any habitually linked group of words - a kind of lexical partnership, e.g.
colon - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Sign with two vertical points that is used in writing and printing to introduce an explanation, example or quotation.
Colon - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Sign with two vertical points that is used in writing and printing to introduce an explanation, example or quotation.
combinedExpander - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
CombinedWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
CombinedWikiModel(WiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
CombinedWikiModel.Mode - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
comitative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
COMITATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
comitativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses a meaning similar to 'along with' or 'accompagnied by'.
ComitativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ComitativeCase expresses accompaniment.
ComitativeRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Comitative carries the meaning 'with' or 'accompanied by' (Anderson, Stephen 1985: 186; Pei and Gaynor 1954: 42;Dixon, R.
comma - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Mark (,) used in writing to show a short pause or to separate items in a list.
Comma - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Mark (,) used in writing to show a short pause or to separate items in a list.
CommissiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
CommissiveForce indicates that the speaker promises or threatens to perform some action [Palmer 2001: 10, 72].
common - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Frequency
common - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
common() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
COMMON - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Gender
COMMON - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Frequency
COMMON - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
commonGender - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indistinguished gender for epicenes.
CommonGender - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Common is an optional attribute for nouns in EAGLES.
commonlyUsed - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Said of a term that appears frequently.
CommonlyUsed - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Said of a term that appears frequently.
commonName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A synonym for an international scientific term that is used in general discourse in a given language.
commonNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Noun that signifies a non-specific member of a group.A noun or adjective denoting a class of objects.
CommonNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
CommonNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A common noun is a noun that signifies a non-specific member of a group.
comparable() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
COMPARATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Degree
comparative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Comparative is the comparison where only two entites are involved.
comparative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Degree
comparative() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
comparative() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Comparative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb which denotes the degree or grade by which a person, thing, or other entity has a property or quality greater or less in extent than that of another.
COMPARATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Degree
COMPARATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Degree
COMPARATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Degree
COMPARATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Degree
comparativeAdjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ComparativeAdjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
comparativeDegreeForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
comparativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Particle used to compare.
ComparativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Particle used to compare.
CompareExtracts - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
CompareExtracts() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CompareExtracts
compareTo(MorphoSyntacticFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.MorphoSyntacticFeature
compile(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPattern
Compiles the pattern using extended syntax fit to define patterns on wiki texts.
complement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A noun phrase that follows a copula or similar verb, as for example an idiot in the sentence He is an idiot.
Complement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ComplementClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In noun phrases like the fact that she is late, the subordinate clause that she is late is a complement of the noun fact and should not be confused with a relative clause.
ComplementizerField - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The C-Feld occurs in verb-final clauses in German (exception: the conjunction als in subordinated sentences of comparison als w¨are es nie geschehen.).
CompletiveAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
To do something thoroughly and to completion.
component - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
indicates a component specification which is included in the structure of the dataset
Component - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DecompOnt
A component is a particular realization of a lexical entry that forms part of a compound lexical entry.
componentAttachment - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Indicates the level at which the component property should be attached, this might an qb:DataSet, qb:Slice or qb:Observation, or a qb:MeasureProperty.
componentProperty - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
indicates a ComponentProperty (i.e.
ComponentProperty - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Abstract super-property of all properties representing dimensions, attributes or measures
componentRequired - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Indicates whether a component property is required (true) or optional (false) in the context of a DSD.
ComponentSet - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Abstract class of things which reference one or more ComponentProperties
ComponentSpecification - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Used to define properties of a component (attribute, dimension etc) which are specific to its usage in a DSD.
Composition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In linguistics, a compound is a lexeme (less precisely, a word) that consists of more than one stem.
compound - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A lexical unit that combines two or sometimes more different words, frequently such that the sense of the new lexical unit is not clearly derivable from the combination of its parts.
compoundPreposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Preposition that is a aggregation of words
CompoundPreposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Preposition that is a aggregation of words (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-1934)
compoundSymbolsPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
COMPRESS_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
COMPRESS_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.EnhanceLatestExtracts
compute(String, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.SimilarityMeasure
compute(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.Level2Sim
compute(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.TverskiIndex
compute(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.Level2Sim
compute(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.TverskiIndex
computeNymId(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
computeNymId(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
computeOtherFormResourceName(Resource, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
computeRegionEnd(int, Matcher) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
computeSenseNum() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryDataHandler
computeSenseNum() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
computeStatistics(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryExtractor
computeStatistics(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
computeStatistics(Model, Model, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
computeStatistics(Model, Model, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
concept - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
gives the concept which is being measured or indicated by a ComponentProperty
concept - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'concept' property relates an ontological entity to a lexical concept that represents the corresponding meaning.
Concept - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
conceptRel - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
A relationship between two concepts
concepts - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'concepts' property indicates the number of lexical concepts defined in a concept set or involved in either a LexicalLinkset or ConceptualizationSet.
ConceptScheme - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
ConceptSet - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
A concept set represents a collection of lexical concepts.
conceptualDataset - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'conceptual dataset' property relates a lexical link set or a conceptualization set to a corresponding concept set.
conceptualizations - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'conceptualizations' property indicates the number of distinct conceptualizations in a conceptualization set.
ConceptualizationSet - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
A conceptualization set represents a collection of links between lexical entries in a Lexicon and lexical concepts in a Concept Set they evoke.
ConceptualRelation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
A relationship between two concepts
condition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The 'condition' property defines an evaluable constraint that derives from using a certain lexical entry to express a given ontological predicate.
conditional - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A conditional relation is a logical relation in which the illocutionary act employing one of a pair of propositions is expressed or implied to be true or in force if the other proposition is true.
conditional - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
CONDITIONAL - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
ConditionalClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Conditional clauses refer to a hypothetical situation, in English they are introduced by 'if' or 'unless'.
ConditionalIrrealisModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Conditional Mood (modality) with Irrealis meaning (ILPOSTS)
ConditionalIrrealisMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Conditional Mood (modality) with Irrealis meaning (ILPOSTS)
ConditionalModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Inuktitut, conditionality is expressed by verbal inflection.
ConditionalMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Inuktitut, conditionality is expressed by verbal inflection.
ConditionalParticiple - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
[In Bengali, t]he Conditional Participle is widely used to convey "if a certain action [pertaining to the parent verb] is done,...".
conditionalParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
conditional particule
ConditionalParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
conditional particule (MIRACL & LSCA; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2230)
conditionalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
conditional pronoun
ConditionalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
conditional pronoun (MIRACL & LSCA; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2222)
ConditionalRealisModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Conditional Mood (modality) with Realis meaning (ILPOSTS)
ConditionalRealisMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Conditional Mood (modality) with Realis meaning (ILPOSTS)
ConditionalVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A conditional verb is a verb form in many languages.
CONDITIONNEL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Mode
ConditionRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adverbial that denotes a condition.
CONFIDENCE_FILE_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
confidenceOutput - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
conjugaison - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
Conjugated - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Property of a verbal form when inflected (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2207)
Conjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
TIGER edge label CJ
conjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Word that syntactically links words or constituents, and expresses a semantic relationship between them.
Conjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Conjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A conjunction is a word that syntactically links words or larger constituents, and expresses a semantic relationship between them.
ConjunctionPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Multi-word conjunction Besides the usual and, or, but, etc., certain prepositions and subordinating conjunctions can be used as coordinating conjunctions.
ConjunctionPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
constituent - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DecompOnt
The property 'constituent' relates a lexical entry or component to a component that it is constituted by.
ContablativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ContablativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location from near which another referent is moving.
containedIn(ArrayList<Span>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.Span
containedIn(Span) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.Span
contains(char) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CharRange
check if a char is inside the current range.
contains(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CharRange
check if a code point is inside the current range.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
contains(String, Object) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.Struct
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
ContallativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ContallativeCase expresses that something is moving toward the vicinity of the referent of the noun it marks.
content - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.IndentedItem
content() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
Content(Function<WikiText.Token, List<WikiText.Token>>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiSequenceFiltering.Content
ConterminativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ConterminativeCase expresses the notion of something moving into the vicinity of the referent of the noun it marks, but not through that region.
ContextualVariation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Variation on a particular usage or immediate proximity of words.
ContinuousAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Similar to progressive, however an aspect is continuous versus progressive when it is anchored to non-punctual time reference (Salaberry 2002:264).
ContlativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ContlativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location in the vicinity of which another referent is moving.
contraction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A lexical unit formed by a shortening of a word, syllable, or word group by omission of a sound or letter.
Contraction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
no definition given
contractionFor - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The full form that corresponds to a contracted form.
ContrastiveEmphaticParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ContrastiveParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Contrastive particle, e.g., (one of the uses of) Urdu tô: vo urdû parhê gâ "He will study Urdu." (simple statement) vo tô urdû parhê gâ "HE will study Urdu." (Contrast: the other students may not.) (Schmidt 1999, p.
Control - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Control indicates how a an argument from a main clause will be utilized in a subclause.
convertToHumanReadableForm(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
CoordinateClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A coordinate clause is a clause belonging to a series of two or more clauses which are not syntactically dependent on one another, and are joined by means of a coordinate conjunction, a connective or parataxis.
coordinateConcept - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A subordinate concept having the same nearest superordinate concept and same criterion of subdivision as some other concept in a given concept system.
coordinatingConjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Conjunction that links constituents.
CoordinatingConjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Coordinating conjunctions, also called coordinators, are conjunctions that join two items of equal syntactic importance.
Coordination - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
As has already been shown in some of the preceding examples, the issue of coordination necessarily arises: how is coordination to be represented in terms of constituency? Different approaches have been taken, and in the example analyses given in this document, we have chosen to take a traditional approach, showing the coordinated constituents at the same level, with the conjunction between them (see also 47 and 48): (51) [NP [NP John NP] and [NP Mary NP] NP] (52) She went [PP [PP to the library PP] or [PP to the cafeteria PP] PP] (53) He works [ADVP [ADVP very slowly ADVP] but [ADVP very meticulously ADVP] ADVP] However, in practice, in an automated parsing system, this is not an easy differentiation to make, and in some existing schemes, a slightly less satisfactory solution has been found, viz.
coordinationParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
particle for coordination
CoordinationParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
particle for coordination (MIRACL & LSCA; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2227)
CoordinatorField - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The KOORD-field is the field for coordinating particles in the German clause.
copula - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Special word that combines the subject of a sentence and its description.
Copula - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A copula is an intransitivity verb which links a subject to a noun phrase, an adjective or an other constituent which expresses the predicate.
copulativeArg - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Used with copula constructions.
copulativeSubject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates the subject of a copula construction.
Correlative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
When the same word is also placed before the first conjunct, as in French "ou...ou...", the former occurrence is given the Correlative value and the latter the Simple value.
CorrelativeCoordinatingConjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
When the same word is also placed before the first conjunct, as in French "ou...ou...", the former occurrence is given the Correlative value and the latter the Simple value.
correspondsTo - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DecompOnt
The property 'correspondsTo' links a component to a corresponding lexical entry or argument.
CosubordinateClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
count - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
cardinality of a certain set of Object a specific extract.
countable() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
Countable - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A countable noun (also count noun) is a noun which can be modified by a numeral and occur in both singular and plural form, as well as co-occurring with quantificational determiners like every, each, several, most, etc..
CountableNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A countable noun (also count noun) is a noun which can be modified by a numeral and occur in both singular and plural form, as well as co-occurring with quantificational determiners like every, each, several, most, etc..
CounterSet - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.tools
CounterSet() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
CountNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
MULTEXT-East feature Number="count" (Nouns in Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian), e.g., Bulgarian яка/як, язовира/язовир, яда/яд, юргана/юрган, юбилея/юбилей, ъгъла/ъгъл (http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#CountNumber)
countRelations(Property, Model) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.Statistics
countResourcesOfType(Resource, Model) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.Statistics
createChecksum(File) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateDiachronicStatistics
createChecksum(File) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateLatestStatistics
createChecksum(File) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.EnhanceLatestExtracts
createEtymologyEntryResource(Model, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
createGeneralStatisticsObservation(Model, String, String, String, long, long, long, long) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
createGlossResource(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
createGlossResource(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
createGlossResource(String, int) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
createGlossResource(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
createGlossResource(StructuredGloss) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
createGlossResource(StructuredGloss) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
createGlossResource(StructuredGloss, int) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
createGlossResource(StructuredGloss, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
CreateHDTVersions - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.deprecated
CreateHDTVersions() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.deprecated.CreateHDTVersions
createIndex(Path, Map<String, OffsetValue>) - Static method in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndexer
createNymRelationObservation(Model, String, String, String, NymRelation, long) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
createTDBTempDirectory() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.BatchExtractorMixin
createTranslationObservation(Model, String, String, String, String, long) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentCanonicalForm - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentEncodedLexicalEntryName - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentEntry - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
currentEtymologyEntry - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
currentEtymologyNumber - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
An integer counting the number of alternative etymologies for the same entry.
currentGlobalEtymologyEntry - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
currentLanguage - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
currentLexEntry - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentLexicalEntry - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentLexieCount - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentLexinfoPos() - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
currentLexinfoPos() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentMainLexEntry - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
should rely on currentPage (not a Resource anymore
currentPage - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentPagename() - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
currentPagename() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentSense - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentSenseNumber - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentSharedPronunciations - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
currentWiktionaryPos() - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
currentWiktionaryPos() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
cursor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator


DataCubeOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/cube.ttl
DataCubeOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
dataSet - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
indicates the data set of which this observation is a part
DataSet - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Represents a collection of observations, possibly organized into various slices, conforming to some common dimensional structure.
DataStructureDefinition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Defines the structure of a DataSet or slice
Date - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Date is a stretch of text that specifies a specific point in time and that is not further linguistically analysed.
DATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Cas
DATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Cas
DATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas
dating - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indication specifying whether the usage is old or modern.
Dating - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
dative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
dative() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
DATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GrammaticalCase
DATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
dativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case that expresses an indirect object relationship or a range of meaning similar to that covered by 'to' or 'for' in English; but there is a great deal of variation between languages in the way this case is used.
DativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Dative case marks indirect objects (for languages in which they are held to exist), or nouns having the role of a recipient (as of things given), a beneficiary of an action, or a possessor of an item.
dativeCaseForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
DativePostPositiveArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
dativeSingular - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
DativeTransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
DBnary - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
DBnary() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.DBnary
DBNARY_NS_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.model.DbnaryModel
DBnaryCommandLine - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils
DBnaryCommandLine(String[]) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLine
DBnaryCommandLineException - Exception in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils
DBnaryCommandLineException() - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLineException
DBnaryCommandLineException(String) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLineException
DBnaryCommandLineException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLineException
DBnaryCommandLineException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLineException
DBnaryCommandLineException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLineException
dbnaryDir - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.DBnary
DBnaryEnhancer - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer
Created by serasset on 12/04/17.
DBnaryEnhancer() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
DBnaryEtymologyOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/dbnary_etymology.owl
DBnaryEtymologyOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryEtymologyOnt
DbnaryModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.model
DbnaryModel() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.model.DbnaryModel
dbnaryNymRelationsCube - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The Data Cube containing observations on nym relations for a specific DBnary extract.
dbnaryNymRelationsDataStructure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The DataStructure of the DataCube describing the count of main DBnary/Ontolex Classes.
DBnaryOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/dbnary.ttl
DBnaryOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
dbnaryStatisticsCube - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The Data Cube containing general observations on a specific DBnary extract.
dbnaryStatisticsDataStructure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The DataStructure of the DataCube describing the count of main DBnary/Ontolex Classes.
dbnaryTranslationsCube - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The Data Cube containing observations on translations for a specific DBnary extract.
dbnaryTranslationsDataStructure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The DataStructure of the DataCube describing the count of translations to a certain language in a certain extract.
DbnaryWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.bliki
DbnaryWikiModel(Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.DbnaryWikiModel
DbnaryWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.DbnaryWikiModel
DebitiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Mood to express necessity or requirement
DebitiveMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Mood to express necessity or requirement
debutOrfinDecomPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
declarativeClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
DeclarativeClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A clause beginning with the declarative conjunction ("that" in English)
DeclarativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Declarative frames take a clause as an argument, this argument is marker with the declarative conjunction ("that" in English)
DeclarativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Pertaining to the mood or mode of a verb form or clause such that it predicates a type of (formal) assertion (OED).
DeclarativeMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Pertaining to the mood or mode of a verb form or clause such that it predicates a type of (formal) assertion (OED).
DeclarativePunctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation used at the end a declarative sentence.
DeclarativeSentence - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
S|Simple declarative clause, i.e.
decodeH2Context(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanKonjugationTableExtractor
decodeH2Context(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
decodePartOfSpeech(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
DecompOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/decomp.owl
DecompOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.DecompOnt
decrementIndent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
DeductiveEvidentiality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
DeductiveEvidentiality encodes the fact that the speaker came to believe the content of the expression through a sound inference procedure.
DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
DEFAULT_RDF_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
DEFAULT_RDF_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.EnhanceLatestExtracts
DefaultGlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages
Created by tchechem on 04/03/14.
DefaultGlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.DefaultGlossFilter
DEFBLOCK - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
deficientVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
verb lacking certain morphosyntactic properties
DeficientVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
verb lacking certain morphosyntactic properties
definite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Value referring to the capacity of identification of an entity.
definite - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Definiteness
definite() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Definite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Value referring to the capacity of identification of an entity.
DEFINITE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Definiteness
DEFINITE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Definiteness
definiteArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Article that allows the reference to a specific, identifiable entity (or class of entities).
DefiniteArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A definite article is used before singular and plural nouns that refer to a particular member of a group.
definiteness - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Property about the possiblity to identify an entity.
Definiteness - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Definiteness - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Definiteness() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Definiteness
definition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
DEFINITION - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel.Mode
definitionExpander - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryExtractor
definitionExpander - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
definitionExpander - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
definitionExpander - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
definitionExpander - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
DefinitionExpanderWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur
DefinitionExpanderWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol
DefinitionExpanderWikiModel(Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.DefinitionExpanderWikiModel
DefinitionExpanderWikiModel(Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.DefinitionExpanderWikiModel
DefinitionExpanderWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.DefinitionExpanderWikiModel
DefinitionExpanderWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.DefinitionExpanderWikiModel
definitionExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
definitionExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
DefinitionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat
DefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.DefinitionExtractorWikiModel
DefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.DefinitionExtractorWikiModel
definitionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
definitionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
definitions - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
DefinitionsWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul
DefinitionsWikiModel(Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.DefinitionsWikiModel
DefinitionsWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.DefinitionsWikiModel
DefinitionsWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String, Set<String>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.DefinitionsWikiModel
definitionSymbolsList - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
definitionSymbolsListPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
definitionSymbolsPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
defOrExamplePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
defPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
defPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
defPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
defPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
defPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
defPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
defPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
defPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
DEFS - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType
deg - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
degree - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
degree - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
degree - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
degree - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Property concerning comparison.
Degree - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Degree - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Degree() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Degree
DegreeAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Any adverb which modifies an adjective, an adverb, a verbal particle, a preposition, a conjunction or a determiner is a degree adverb.
deklinationExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanMorphologyExtractor
delative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
DELATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
delativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses motion downward from the referent of the noun it marks.
DelativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
DelativeCase expresses motion downward from the referent of the noun it marks (Pei and Gaynor 1954: 53; Gove, et al.
delete(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.Struct
DemonstrativeAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Pronominal adverb derived from a demonstrative stem (Ch.
demonstrativeDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Determiner used to point to an entity in the situation or elsewhere in a sentence.
DemonstrativeDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Demonstratives are deictic expressions (they depend on an external frame of reference) which indicate entities a speaker refers to, and distinguishes those entities from others.
DemonstrativeModifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A nominal is modified by a demonstrative.
demonstrativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun used to point to an entity in the situation or elsewhere in a sentence.
DemonstrativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Demonstrative pronouns are deictic words (they depend on an external frame of reference).
DemonstrativeQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In the Czech and Slovak MTE v4 specs, Numeral/Class="demonstrative" are items meaning `this many/much', etc.
denotes - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'denotes' property relates a lexical entry to a predicate in a given ontology that represents its meaning and has some denotational or model-theoretic semantics.
denyAll() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyExternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyHeading() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyHTMLComment() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyIndentation() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyIndentedItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyNoWiki() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyNumberedListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denySection() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyTemplates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
denyText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
DeponentMiddle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Action denotes physical/mental disposition of subject.
deprecatedTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term rated according to the scale of a term acceptability rating as undesired.
Derivation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Change in the form of a linguistic unit, usually modification in the base/root or affixation to create a new word.
derivedForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
derivedFrom - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
This transitive relation states that a Page, Lexical Entry or Lexical Sense derives from another Page or Lexical Entry or Lexical Sense.
describes - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
links a Page to any lexical entry that share the same written form.
description - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A description in general prose text of the issues that are indicated by the context.
DeterminalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The Estonian determinal pronouns _ise_, _end(a)_ `(one)self'." combine aspects of emphatic pronouns and reflexive pronouns.
determiner - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Word or affix that belongs to a class of noun modifiers that expresses the reference, including quantity, of a noun.
Determiner - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Determiner - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A determiner is a noun modifier that expresses the reference of a noun or noun phrase in the context, including quantity, rather than attributes expressed by adjectives.
DeterminerPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Certain pronouns serving as determiners in noun phrases may be premodified, for instance, by degree adverbs such as in German "so viele ¨Altere", "gar kein Schutz", etc.
DeterminerPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Diacritic - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
dialectRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
DialectRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Register that is specific to a dialect.
diff() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.RDFDiff
diff(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.RDFDiff
DifferentialPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A pronoun, which classifies or differentiates(pronoun) by a single basis, like everybody; each; individual etc.
diffRate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.RDFDiff
DigitNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Numeral expressed by Arabic digits.
DilafBambaraExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dilaf
DilafBambaraExtractor(DilafLemonDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafBambaraExtractor
DilafExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dilaf
Created by serasset on 06/04/16.
DilafExtractor(DilafLemonDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafExtractor
DilafExtractorException - Exception in org.getalp.dilaf
DilafExtractorException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dilaf.DilafExtractorException
DilafLemonDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dilaf
DilafLemonDataHandler(String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafLemonDataHandler
DilafZarmaExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dilaf
DilafZarmaExtractor(DilafLemonDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafZarmaExtractor
dimension - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
An alternative to qb:componentProperty which makes explicit that the component is a dimension
DimensionProperty - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
The class of components which represent the dimensions of the cube
Diminuitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A diminutive is a formation of a word used to convey a slight degree of the root meaning, smallness of the object or quality named, encapsulation, intimacy, or endearment.
diminutiveNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
diminutive noun
DiminutiveNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
diminutive noun (MIRACL LSCA; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2225)
DIR_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
DirectCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In the Romanian case system the value 'direct' conflates 'nominative' and 'accusative', e.g., -acea/acel, -aceasta/acesta, -această/acest (http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#DirectCase)
DirectionRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
-DIR (direction) â ´ marks adverbials that answer the questions â ¼from where?â ½ and â ¼to where?â ½ It implies motion, which can be metaphorical as in â ¼...rose 5 pts.
directObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
relation between a phrase and a verb, in which the relation is central to the verb
DirectObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
DirectObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A direct object is a grammatical relation that exhibits a combination of certain independent syntactic properties, such as the following: the usual grammatical characteristics of the patient of typically transitive verbs; particular case marking; a particular clause position; the conditioning of an agreement affix on the verb; the capability of becoming the clause subject in passivization; the capability of reflexivization.
DirectQuestion - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
There are two types of direct questions: yes-no questions and wh-questions.
DirectSpeech - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
added in accordance with TIGER
DirectVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Signals that the action proceeds in an ontologically salient way, i.e.
DirectWHQuestion - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SBARQ|Direct question introduced by a wh-word or wh-phrase.
DisambiguationMethod - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation
DISCORD_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.SummarizeDifferences
DiscourseMarker - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Generally, discourse markers are expressions or phrases of greeting, apologizing, thanking, short emotional utterances, and interjections.
displayGlobalTrace(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.DbnaryWikiModel
displayGlobalTrace(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
displayStats(PrintStream) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStatsModule
displayStats(PrintWriter) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStat
displayStats(PrintWriter) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStatsModule
displayUsedTemplates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
DisplayWikiTextTree - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
DisplayWikiTextTree() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.DisplayWikiTextTree
Distal - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The referent denoted by a distal demonstrative pronoun (e.g., English that) is usually spatially more remote or discoursally less salient as compared to a referent denoted by a proximal demonstrative pronoun (e.g., English this) (Chiarcos)
distanceMatrix(String, String, BiFunction<Character, Character, Integer>) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.StringDistance
distinctiveParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
distinctive particle
DistinctiveParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
distinctive particle (MIRACL & LSCA; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2228)
DistributiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The distributive case is used on nouns for the meanings of per or each, e.g., Hungarian egyenként/egy, hetenként/hét, ilyenként/ily, kéthetenként/kéthét, rekordonként/rekord, tömbönként/tömb, vércsoportonként/vércsoport In Hungarian it is -nként and expresses the manner when something happens to each member of a set one by one (e.g., fejenként "per head", esetenként "in some case"), or the frequency in time (hetenként "once a week", tízpercenként "every ten minutes").
DistributivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
When the subject is conjoined, the reflexive cannot refer to only one of them.
Ditransitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A predicate/verb that takes two arguments, e.g., English "to give", cf.
DitransitiveDoubleAccusativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
DitransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
DitransitiveFrame_For - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
DitransitiveFrame_To - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
DitransitiveTheme - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Ditransitive theme (T) (Siewierska 2004:57).
doCompress - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
doCompress() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.BatchExtractorMixin
doit() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
dual - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Form used in some languages to designate two persons or things.The form used in some languages to designate two persons or things.
dual - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
Dual - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Form used in some languages to designate two persons or things.
DUAL - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
dualNumberForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
DualQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Quantifiers that enforce dual agreement (i.e., as with the numeral "2").
DubitiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
DubitiveMood indicates a speaker's doubt or uncertainty about a proposition (Palmer 2001).
DubitiveMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
DubitiveMood indicates a speaker's doubt or uncertainty about a proposition (Palmer 2001).
dump(OutputStream) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafLemonDataHandler
dump(OutputStream, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafLemonDataHandler
Write a serialized represention of this model in a specified language.
dump(Model, OutputStream, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
Write a serialized represention of this model in a specified language.
dump(Model, OutputStream, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
dumpAllFeaturesAsHDT(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
dumpAllFeaturesAsHDT(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
dumpBox(ExtractionFeature, boolean, PrintStream) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GetExtractedSemnet
dumpFile - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.WiktionaryIndexMixin
DurativeAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Events which involve some duration (Bhat 1999:58).
DynamicAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
dynamic aspect (http://languagelink.let.uu.nl/tds/onto/LinguisticOntology.owl#dynamicityAspect)


EchoWord - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The word is a copy of a previous word.
editorialNote - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
elative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ELATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
elativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses the meaning of motion 'away from' from the referent of the noun it marks.
ElativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ElativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location out of which another referent is moving.
ElativeDegree - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
MULTEXT-East Degree="elative" (Adjective: Resian, Serbian, Macedonian)<br/> In Semitic languages, ElativeDegree refers to the “adjective of superiority.” In some languages such as Arabic, the concepts of comparative and superlative degree of an adjective are merged into a single form, the elative.
ElativeNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
noun to express both comparative and superlative
ElementDemandingClitic - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Expression representing a lexeme with cliticization whose clitics are, however, represented as a separate token
elementIsAValidForm(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.FrenchAccordsTableExtractor
elementIsAValidForm(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
ElementWithClitic - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Expression representing a lexeme together with its clitics (Chiarcos)
ElementWithoutClitic - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Expression representing a lexeme without any clitics (i.e.
Elision - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The omission of a syllable or vowel at the beginning or end of a word, esp.
Ellipsis - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
*?* â ´ placeholder for ellipsed material ...
EmbeddedInfinitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An infinitive is the head of the embedded construction.
EmbeddedParticiple - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A participle is the head of the embedded construction.
Emphatic - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Pronoun marked to show its importance.
EmphaticDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Determiner/Type="emphatic" (Romanian)<br/> In Romanian, there are specific forms for the so-called emphatic determiner, which may accompany both a noun and a personal pronoun: fata însăşi (the girl herself), also ea însăşi (she herself).
EmphaticParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Emphatic particle, e.g., (one of the uses of) Urdu tô: vo urdû parhê gâ "He will study Urdu." (simple statement) vo urdû parhê gâ tô lêkin imtihân nahîm dê gâ "He will STUDY Urdu, OF COURSE, but he won't take the examination." (Schmidt 1999, p.
emphaticPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An emphatic pronoun is a personal pronoun that is used to emphasize its referent.
EmphaticPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Pronoun marked to show its importance.
enableEndolexFeatures(ExtractionFeature) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
Enable the extraction of morphological data in a second Model if available.
enableEndolexFeatures(ExtractionFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
enableEnhancement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableEnhancementExolex - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableEtymology - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableEtymologyExolex - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableExolexFeatures(ExtractionFeature) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
enableExolexFeatures(ExtractionFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
enableHdt - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableHdtExolex - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableLime - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableLimeExolex - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableMain - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableMainExolex - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableMorphology - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableMorphologyExolex - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableStatistics - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enableStatisticsExolex - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
end - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.Span
endOfContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
endOfContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
EnglishGlobals - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishGlobals() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishGlobals
EnglishInflectionData - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishInflectionData() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
EnglishInflectionData.Cas - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishInflectionData.Degree - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishInflectionData.Genre - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishInflectionData.GNumber - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishInflectionData.InflectionType - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishInflectionData.Mode - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishInflectionData.Person - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishInflectionData.Tense - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishInflectionData.Valency - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishInflectionData.Voice - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishLangToCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishLangToCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishLangToCode
EnglishLikeModulesPatcherWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.commons
EnglishLikeModulesPatcherWikiModel(Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.commons.EnglishLikeModulesPatcherWikiModel
EnglishLikeModulesPatcherWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.commons.EnglishLikeModulesPatcherWikiModel
EnglishTranslationTemplateStream - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishTranslationTemplateStream() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
EnglishWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
EnglishWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishWikiModel
EnhanceLatestExtracts - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer
EnhanceLatestExtracts() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.EnhanceLatestExtracts
ENHANCEMENT - org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature
ENHANCEMENT_ENDOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
ENHANCEMENT_EXOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
enhancementConfidenceDataCube - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The Data Cube containing the confidence measures of the enhancement process for each wiktionary dump.
enhancementConfidenceDataStructure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
Performance of the Enhancement Process by Dump version and extractor version.
enhancementMethod - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
Name of the enhancement method for wich the confidence measures are given.
ENTER - org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventFilter.Action
enterAll() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
enterHeadings() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
enterIndentedItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
enterSections() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedFilter
entries - Variable in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
entry - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'entry' property relates a lexicon to one of the lexical entries contained in it.
entryName - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
entrySectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
entrySectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
entrySectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
entryTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term that heads a terminological entry.
eof() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator
EpistemicNecessityModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
EpistemicNecessityModality indicates that the expressed proposition is known to be true.
EpistemicPossibilityModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
EpistemicPossibilityModality indicates that the designated state of affairs is not known not to be true.
equation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An expression used to represent a concept based on a statement that two mathematical expressions are, for instance, equal as identified by the equal sign (=), or assigned to one another by a similar sign.
equative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
EQUATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
equativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case that expresses likeness or identity to the referent of the noun it marks.
EquativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Case that expresses likeness or identity to the referent of the noun it marks.
ergative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ERGATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ergativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case assigned to the subject of a transitive verb as opposed to absolutive case.
ErgativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In ergative-absolutive languages, the ergative case identifies the subject of a transitive verb.
essive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ESSIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
essiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses a state of being.
EssiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
EssiveCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location at which another referent exists (Lyons 1968: 299,301; Gove, et al.
EssiveFormalCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The Hungarian "formativus, or essivus-formalis `-ként' ...
estimatedNumResults() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.JenaModelsIterator
etymologicallyDerivesFrom - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryEtymologyOnt
The target EtymologyEntry has been extracted from section Derived Terms in Wiktionary.
etymologicallyEquivalentTo - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryEtymologyOnt
The target and the source EtymologyEntries share the same etymological origin.
etymologicallyRelatedTo - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryEtymologyOnt
An underspecified etymological relationship between two EtymologyEntries of type: descendant or etymologically equivalent to.
etymologicalRoot - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Morpheme that has a particular status with regards to the word's etymology.
etymology - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Information on the origin of a word and the development of its meaning.
Etymology - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
Etymology(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
ETYMOLOGY - org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature
ETYMOLOGY_ENDOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
ETYMOLOGY_EXOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
EtymologyEntry - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryEtymologyOnt
An EtymologyEntry corresponds to a set of Lexical Entries that share the same etymology but that do not necessarily share the same Part Of Speech.
EvaluationStats - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation
EvaluationStats() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats
EvaluationStats.Stat - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation
EvaluativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
EvaluativeProperty: A term used in semantics for a type of modality where propositions express the speaker's attitude (e.g.
evaluator - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
evokes - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'evokes' property relates a lexical entry to one of the lexical concepts it evokes, i.e.
exact - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Completely correct in every detail
exactMatch - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
skos:exactMatch is disjoint with each of the properties skos:broadMatch and skos:relatedMatch.
example - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
Example(String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel.Example
EXAMPLE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel.Mode
exampleExpander - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryExtractor
exampleExpander - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
exampleExpander - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
ExampleExpanderWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
ExampleExpanderWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat
ExampleExpanderWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.ExampleExpanderWikiModel
ExampleExpanderWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.ExampleExpanderWikiModel
examplePattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
examplePattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
examplePattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
examplePattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
examplePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
examplePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
examplePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
examplePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
examplePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
examplePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
EXAMPLES - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType
exclamativeDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Determiner expressing an emotional utterance and marked with a strong intonation.
exclamativePoint - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Special sign (!) usually used in writing to mark exclamation.
ExclamativePoint - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Special sign (!) usually used in writing to mark exclamation.
exclamativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun marked with an emotional utterance and/or a strong intonation.
ExclamatoryAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An ExclamatoryAdverb seves to express exclamation, cf.
ExclamatoryDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A exclamatory determiner is used in combination with a Nominal Phrase in order to create an exclamation (a more emphatic form of statement), e.g.
ExclamatoryPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An exclamative pronoun is a word which marks an exclamation.
Exclusive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
a form denoting that the addressee (addressees) are not included into the set of their referents which contain also the speaker
ExclusiveEmphaticParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Urdu, the exclusive emphatic particle hî emphasizes the preceding word and excludes something else (which may not be expressed).
ExistentialParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
English existential there is specified as a subtype of pronoun in MTE v4, i.e., Pronoun/Type="ex-there" (http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#ExistentialThere)
existentialPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
pronoun that indicates the existence of something or someone
ExistentialPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
pronoun that indicates the existence of something or someone
expandAll(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.DefinitionsWikiModel
Convert a wiki code to plain text, while keeping track of all template calls.
expandAll(String, Set<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.ExpandAllWikiModel
Convert a wiki code to plain text, while keeping track of all template calls.
expandAll(String, Set<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDefinitionExpander
Convert a wiki code to plain text, while keeping track of all template calls.
expandAll(String, Set<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.DefinitionExpanderWikiModel
ExpandAllWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.bliki
ExpandAllWikiModel(Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.ExpandAllWikiModel
ExpandAllWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.ExpandAllWikiModel
ExpandAllWikiModelCat - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat
ExpandAllWikiModelCat(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String, WiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.ExpandAllWikiModelCat
expandCitation(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
expandCitation(String, Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
expandedDump(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
expandedDumpFilename(String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
expander - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
expandExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
expandExample(String, Set<String>, Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.ExampleExpanderWikiModel
Convert an example wiki code to plain text, while keeping track of all template calls and of context definition (source, etc.).
expandExample(String, Set<String>, Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.ExampleExpanderWikiModel
Convert an example wiki code to plain text, while keeping track of all template calls and of context definition (source, etc.).
expandExample(String, Set<String>, Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.ExampleExpanderWikiModel
expandExample(String, Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
expandWikiCode(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.DbnaryWikiModel
ExpansionVariation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Description of the kind of variation between full and abbreviated forms.
ExperiencerRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An experiencer instantiates the role of an entity (usually animate) who takes the event in through sensory means in some way.
explanation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A statement that describes and clarifies a concept and makes it understandable, but does not necessarily differentiate it from other concepts.
Expletive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Word which serves no grammatical function, but which fills up a sentence or gives emphasis.
ExpletiveArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Three different expletive usages [of the German expletive pronoun es] are traditionally distinguished: formal subject or object (expletive argument), correlate of an extraposed clausal argument (expletive correlate), and Vorfeld-es (structural expletive) (cf.
ExpletiveCorrelate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Three different expletive usages [of the German expletive pronoun es] are traditionally distinguished: formal subject or object (expletive argument), correlate of an extraposed clausal argument (expletive correlate), and Vorfeld-es (structural expletive) (cf.
ExpletivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An expletive (also known as a dummy word) is a part of speech whose members have no meaning, but complete a sentence to make it grammatical [Crystal 1997, 127] (http://purl.org/linguistics/gold/Expletive) In European languages, expletives are pronouns.
explodeTable(Element) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.HtmlTableHandler
Explode the HTMLTable into an array matrix where all cells are contained in Matrix cells.
expression - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A significant word or phrase.
ExtentRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
-EXT (extent) â ´ marks adverbial phrases that describe the spatial extent of an activity.
EXTERNAL_LINKS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPattern
EXTERNAL_LINKS_RANGE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
extract() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.ExtractWiktionary
extractAbbrev(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractConjugations(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.VerbalInflexionExtractorWikiModel
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.FunctionalWiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData(String, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryExtractor
extractData(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
extractData(WikiText) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
extractData(WikiText) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDataBlock(int, int, WiktionaryExtractor.Block, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDataBlock(int, int, WiktionaryExtractor.Block, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDataBlock(int, int, WiktionaryExtractor.Block, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDataBlock(int, int, WiktionaryExtractor.Block, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDataBlock(int, int, WiktionaryExtractor.Block, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDataLang(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDataLang(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDataLang(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDataLang(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDataLang(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinition(Matcher) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitionField(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitionLine(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDefinitions(WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDeklinacija(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDerived(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
extractDescendants(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
extractEtymology() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
extractEtymology(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
extractEtymology(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(Matcher) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
extractExample(Matcher) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
extractExpressions(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractFlektirani(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractGlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.DefaultGlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.GlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.GlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.GlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.GlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.GlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.GlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.GlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.GlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.GlossFilter
extractGlossStructure(Statement) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStatsModule
ExtractionFeature - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary
ExtractionFeature2 - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
ExtractionFeature2(ExtractionFeature) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
ExtractionFeature2(ExtractionFeature, boolean) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
ExtractionFeaturesMixin - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins
ExtractionFeaturesMixin() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.ExtractionFeaturesMixin
ExtractionPreferences - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils
ExtractionPreferences(Path) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
ExtractionState - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
ExtractionState() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.ExtractionState
extractItalianData(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
extractIzvedenice(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractLanguageData(ISO639_3.Lang, WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
extractLanguageSection(String, PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractLexicalEntry(WikiText.WikiSection) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractLexicalField(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
extractMorphologicalData(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanMorphologyExtractor
extractMorphologicalData(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishMorphologyExtractor
extractNetherlandData(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNothing(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNym(String, PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(int, int, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(String, int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(String, int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(String, int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(String, int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(String, int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNyms(String, WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
extractNymWithPage(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
Extractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins
Extractor() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
extractOrthoAlt(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
extractOrthoAlt(WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
extractorVersion - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The version number of the extraction program used to produce this DBnary dataset from the wiktionary dumps.
extractOtherForm(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
extractPOS(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
extractPOS(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
extractPOSandExtraInfos(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryDataHandler
extractPron(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
extractPron(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
extractPron(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
extractPron(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
extractPron(WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
extractPrononciation(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
extractPrononciation(WikiText.Template) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractPronunciation(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractPronunciation(WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
extractRelatedTerm(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
extractSwedishData(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
extractSynonymes(WikiText.Template, WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
extractTranslation(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
extractTranslation(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
extractTranslations(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
extractTranslations(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
extractTranslations(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
extractTranslations(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
extractTranslations(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractTranslations(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
extractTranslations(String, String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
extractTranslations(WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.WiktionaryExtractor
extractTranslations(WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryExtractor
extractTranslationsOld(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
extractWikisaurusSection(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WikisaurusExtractor
ExtractWiktionary - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
ExtractWiktionary() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.ExtractWiktionary
extractWrittenRep(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
Extraposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
*EXP* — Expletive (extraposition) ...


f1Measure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The F1 confidence value as calculated by (2xPrecxRecall)/(Prec+Recall)
facetiousRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
FacetiousRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Register related to an expression that is intended to be clever and funny but that is really silly and annoying.
FactiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
case category of the Hungarian MULTEXT-East scheme, e.g., amilyenné/amilyen, azzá/az, erőddé/erő, jelmezeivé/jelmez, jelükké/jel, kevéssé/kevés, Kissé/Kiss, legjelentéktelenebbekké/jelentéktelen (hu) (http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#FactiveCase)
FacultativePrepositionalObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
facultative (i.e.
FamiliarSecondPersonPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In several European languages exist special forms of pronouns for polite or respectful reference, e.g.
FamilyName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In most European cultures, family names have been introduced into name formulas to identify a person's family, so that individuals with the same given name can be distinguished.
feature - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
features - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CompareExtracts
features - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
FEMININ - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Genre
FEMININ - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Genre
feminine - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to females.
feminine - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
feminine() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
feminine() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Feminine - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Feminine gender is a grammatical gender that marks nouns, articles, pronouns, etc.
FEMININE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Genre
FEMININE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Genre
FEMININE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Gender
FEMININE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
field - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
fillInLanguageModels(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.ExternalLink
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Heading
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.HTMLComment
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.IndentedItem
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.InternalLink
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.NoWiki
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Text
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
fillText(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiSection
filteredTokens(WikiEventFilter) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
filteredTokens(WikiEventFilter) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
filterOutPage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
filterOutPage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
FinalField - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In a German clause, the finite verb can appear in three different positions: verb-second, verb-initial, and verb-final.
finalizeAncestors() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
finalizeLanguageSection() - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
finalizeLanguageSection() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
finalizeLanguageSection() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
finalizePageExtraction() - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
finalizePageExtraction() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryDataHandler
finalizePageExtraction() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
findMatch(ArrayList<Symbols>, Pattern) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
findNextTemplate(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
finite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Property applied to a verb form that can occur on its own in an independent sentence.
finite - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Finiteness
FINITE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Finiteness
FiniteClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
finiteness - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Property referring to finite and non-finite status of a verbal form.
Finiteness - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Finiteness - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Finiteness() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Finiteness
FiniteVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A finite verb is a verb form that occurs in an independent clause, and is fully inflected according to the inflectional categories marked on verbs in the language.
FiniteVerbPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin
FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String, AbstractGlossFilter) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
first - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Person
First - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
First person deixis is deictic reference that refers to the speaker, or both the speaker and referents grouped with the speaker (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-1288) cf.
FIRST - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Person
FIRST - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Person
FIRST - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Person
FIRST - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Person
FIRST - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Person
FirstExclusive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Refers to the speaker and one or more nonparticipants, but not hearer(s).
FirstInclusive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Refers to the speaker, hearer(s) and possibly others.
firstPerson - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
First person deixis is deictic reference that refers to the speaker, or both the speaker and referents grouped with the speaker
firstPerson() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
firstPersonForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
FirstPersonPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A FirstPersonPronoun refers to the speaker, or to both the speaker and referents grouped with the speaker.
FixedExpression - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Some forms can only be used in a fixed context, e.g., polsku in po polsku.
flektiraniPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
flektiraniPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
flush() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
FocusAntipassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Blocks the P or logical object (basic absolutive) nominal from being assigned Focus salience.
FocusMarker - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
a morpheme indicating that the element it marks is the focus of the utterance.
ForceRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A force role is one in which the instantiator (the “force”) exerts some degree of energy which initiates (or impacts on) the execution of the event.
Foreign - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A foreign word is a text word which lies outside the traditionally accepted range of grammatical classes, it occurs quite commonly in many texts and very commonly in some.
ForeignPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Single foreign words are projected to a syntactic level assigned the node label FX, which is an universal label for any syntactic category (phrasal and sentential) in the respective foreign language.
form - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
form - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
Form - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
A form represents one grammatical realization of a lexical entry.
FormalCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Hungarian, `essive-formal' is in some descriptions simply called `formal', with the affix _-képp(en)_ and meaning (`in the form of ...', they probably meant when they came up with the term).
formalRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
FormalRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Formal register.
formatWithModel(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.HierarchicalSenseNumber
formCaseVariant - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
formDegreeVariant - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
formMoodVariant - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
formNumberVariant - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
formPersonVariant - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
formPositivityVariant - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
formTenseVariant - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
formula - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Figures, symbols or the like used to express a concept briefly, such as a mathematical or chemical formula.
Formula - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A formula (mathematical formulae) is a text word which lies outside the traditionally accepted range of grammatical classes, it occurs quite commonly in many texts and very commonly in some.
Fraction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
e.g., يک‌چهارمِ/يک‌چهار يک‌پنجمِ/يک‌پنج (fa, http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#FractalNumeral)Numeral/Form="fractional" (Romanian)<br/> In traditional Romanian grammars, FractionalNumeral refers to expressions like treime-one third.
Fragment - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
FRAG marks those portions of text that appear to be clauses, but lack too many essential elements for the exact structure to be easily determined (e.g., answers to questions).
FrenchAccordsTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology
FrenchAccordsTableExtractor(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.FrenchAccordsTableExtractor
FrenchDefinitionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
FrenchDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
FrenchDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
FrenchInflectionData - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
FrenchInflectionData() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
FrenchInflectionData.Degree - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
FrenchInflectionData.Genre - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
FrenchInflectionData.GNumber - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
FrenchInflectionData.Mode - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
FrenchInflectionData.Person - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
FrenchInflectionData.Tense - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
FrenchInflectionData.Valency - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
FrenchInflectionDecoder - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology
FrenchInflectionDecoder() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.FrenchInflectionDecoder
FrenchLangtoCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
FrenchLangtoCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchLangtoCode
FrenchLanguageNames - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology
FrenchLanguageNames() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.FrenchLanguageNames
frequency - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The relative commonness with which a term occurs.
Frequency - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Frequency - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Frequency() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Frequency
FrequentiveAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Events which are frequently repeated, differs from habitual in that it can only be based upon the observation of several occurrences of the event concerned, whereas habitual can be based upon the observation of a single occurrence (Bhat 1999: 53).
fromBulletToSymbols() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
fromDefinitionToSymbols() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
fromPage() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.BatchExtractorMixin
fromTableToSymbols() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
Fronting - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Expression occurs at the left periphery of the sentence.
FULL_ARTICLE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Definiteness
fullArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
For definiteness, when a specific form is the syntactic subject of the clause.
fullArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Definiteness
FullDefiniteArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
For definiteness, when a specific form is the syntactic subject of the clause.
fullForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The complete presentation of a term or lexeme for which there is an abbreviated form.
fullFormFor - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A linking element used to identify a relation between any full form of a term or lexical unit and its abbreviated form.
FunctionalWiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.commons
FunctionalWiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.FunctionalWiktionaryExtractor
FusedPrepArt - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The additional value Fused prep-art is for the benefit of those who do not find it practical to split fused words such as French au (= à + le) into two text words.
fusedPreposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Preposition that is the result of a morphological merge from at least two words.
FusedPreposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A word that is a fusion of a preposition and some other word...
FusedPreposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Preposition that is the result of a morphological merge from at least two words.
fusedPrepositionDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
word resulting from the aggregation of a proposition and a determiner
FusedPrepositionPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
fusedPrepositionPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
word resulting from the aggregation of a preposition and a pronoun
FusedPrepositionPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
word resulting from the aggregation of a preposition and a pronoun
fusedPronounAuxiliary - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
word resulting from the aggregation of a pronoun and an auxiliary
FusedPronounAuxiliary - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
word resulting from the aggregation of a pronoun and an auxiliary
FUTUR_SIMPLE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Tense
FUTUR1 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense
FUTUR2 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense
future - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Verb tense that indicates action or state of being in the future.
future - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
Future - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The future tense refers to events that have yet to happen.
FUTURE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
FUTURE1 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Tense
FUTURE1 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
FUTURE2 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Tense
FUTURE2 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
FutureInFuture - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
FutureInFutureTense locates the situation in question in the future, relative to a temporal reference point that itself is located in the future relative to the moment of utterance.
FutureInPast - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
FutureInPastTense locates the situation in question in the future, relative to a contextually determined temporal reference point that itself must be located in the past relative to the moment of utterance.
futureParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Particle used in order to express future.
FutureParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Particle used in order to express future.
FuturePerfect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
RelativeFutureTense locates the situation in question after a contextually determined temporal reference point, regardless of the latter's relation to the moment of utterance.
futureTenseForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt


Gapping - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The term "gapping" refers to a form of coordination in which the coordinated phrases after the rst are incomplete.
gender - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
gender - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A grammatical category that indicates grammatical relationships between words in sentences.
Gender - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Gender - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Gender() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
generalAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adverb belonging to the general class of adverbs
generalizationWord - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A word that does not carry its own meaning but generalizes the meaning of a neighboring word, adding the &quot;etc.&quot; sense.
GeneralizationWord - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A word that does not carry its own meaning but generalizes the meaning of a neighboring word, adding the "etc." sense.
GeneralStatistics - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.stats
GeneralStatistics() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.GeneralStatistics
genericNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A numeral used to indicate the number of sets/kinds of objects.
GENITIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Cas
GENITIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Cas
GENITIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas
genitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
genitive() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
GENITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GrammaticalCase
GENITIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
GenitiveAttribute - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
added in conformance to the TIGER scheme
genitiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses a possessive relationship (e.g.
GenitiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Genitive case signals that the referent of the marked noun is the possessor of the referent of another noun, e.g.
genitiveCaseForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
GenitiveDitransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
genitiveObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
GenitiveObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
genitivePlural - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
GenitivePostPositiveArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
genitiveSingular - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
GenitiveTransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
genre - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
genre - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
genre - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
genre - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
geographicalVariant - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Description of a specific form used in a certain region as opposed to another form used in another region
GeographicalVariant - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Description of a specific form used in a certain region as opposed to another form used in another region (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-1851)
GermanDBnaryWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
Created by serasset on 07/01/15.
GermanDBnaryWikiModel(Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDBnaryWikiModel
GermanDBnaryWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDBnaryWikiModel
GermanDefinitionExpander - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanDefinitionExpander(WiktionaryPageSource) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDefinitionExpander
germanDefinitionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
germanDefinitionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
GermanDeklinationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanDeklinationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDeklinationExtractorWikiModel
GermanDeklinationTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanDeklinationTableExtractor() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDeklinationTableExtractor
GermanInflectionData - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInflectionData() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
GermanInflectionData.Cas - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInflectionData.Degree - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInflectionData.Genre - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInflectionData.GNumber - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInflectionData.InflectionType - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInflectionData.Mode - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInflectionData.Person - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInflectionData.Tense - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInflectionData.Valency - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInflectionData.Voice - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInPageKonjugationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInPageKonjugationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInPageKonjugationExtractorWikiModel
GermanInPageKonjugationTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInPageKonjugationTableExtractor() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInPageKonjugationTableExtractor
GermanInvoke - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanInvoke() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInvoke
GermanKonjugationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanKonjugationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanKonjugationExtractorWikiModel
GermanKonjugationTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanKonjugationTableExtractor() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanKonjugationTableExtractor
GermanLangToCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanLangToCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanLangToCode
GermanMorphologyExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
Created by serasset on 16/02/16.
GermanMorphologyExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanMorphologyExtractor
germanNymLinePattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
germanNymLinePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
GermanSubstantiveDeklinationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanSubstantiveDeklinationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanSubstantiveDeklinationExtractorWikiModel
GermanSubstantiveDeklinationTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanSubstantiveDeklinationTableExtractor() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanSubstantiveDeklinationTableExtractor
germanTableExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanTableExtractorWikiModel
GermanTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanTableExtractor() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanTableExtractor
GermanTableExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GermanTableExtractorWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String, IWiktionaryDataHandler, GermanTableExtractor) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanTableExtractorWikiModel
GERONDIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Mode
Gerund - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A clause, whose head is a non-finite verb form, which is used in place of an argument.
Gerund - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
property for a non-finite form of a verb other than the infinitive.
GerundACFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
gerundClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
GerundFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates one of the arguments is a gerund clause
gerundive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
gerundive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
GERUNDIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
GERUNDIVUM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
GERUNDIVUM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
GERUNDIVUM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
GerundOCFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
GerundSCFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
GerundVerbPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
VGNN Gerunds A verb chunk having a gerund will be annotated as VGNN.
get() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
get(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.ArrayMatrix
get(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
get(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.Struct
get(String) - Method in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndex
get(Property, RDFNode) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.PropertyObjectPair
getAnchorText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
return the anchor part of the link
getAndIncrement() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
getAndPatchModule(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>, Function<String, String>...) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.commons.EnglishLikeModulesPatcherWikiModel
getArg(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
get the WikiContent value of the requested argument key.
getArgs() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
return the argName/argValue Map.
getBackgroundColor(Element) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.HtmlTableHandler
getBeginIndex() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
get the index at which this token starts in its WikiText FullContent.
getBib3Code(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_1
getBib3Code(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
getBlockS(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryDataHandler
getCanonicalCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.SuomiLangToCode
getCell(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
getCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.LangTools
getConfidenceMap() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats
getContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Heading
getContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.IndentedItem
getContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
getContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiDocument
getContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiSection
getContent(WikiText.Token) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
getContext() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.ExpandAllWikiModelCat
getCurrentEntryLanguage() - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
returns the short (2 letter code) id of the language of the current LexicalEntry
getCurrentEntryLanguage() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
returns the language of the current Entry
getCursor() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
getDataHandler(String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.WiktionaryDataHandlerFactory
getDbnaryDir() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.DBnary
getDerivationStatementId(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getDirectory() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
getDumpDir() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
getDumpDir(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
getDumpFile() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.WiktionaryIndexMixin
getDumpVersion(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLine
getDumpVersion(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.VersionProvider
getEn() - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3.Lang
getEncodedPageName(String, String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getEnd() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CharRange
Gets the end character for this character range.
getEndIndex() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
get the index at which this token ends in its WikiText FullContent.
getEndOffset() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
getEndolexFeatureBox(ExtractionFeature) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
getEndolexFeatureBox(ExtractionFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getEndolexFeatures() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.ExtractionFeaturesMixin
getEntryNumber() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
getEpo() - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3.Lang
getEponymLanguageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
getExolexFeatureBox(ExtractionFeature) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
getExolexFeatureBox(ExtractionFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getExolexFeatures() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.ExtractionFeaturesMixin
getExtension(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.RDFFormats
getExtractedLanguage() - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
returns the short (2 letter code) id of the language of the language edition
getExtractedLanguage() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
GetExtractedSemnet - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
GetExtractedSemnet() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GetExtractedSemnet
getExtractionDir() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
getExtractionDir(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
getExtractor(String, IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.WiktionaryExtractorFactory
getExtractorVersion() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.VersionProvider
getF1Score() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats.Stat
getFeature() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalForm
getFeatureBox(ExtractionFeature) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
getFeatureBox(ExtractionFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getFormatsForHelp() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.RDFFormats
getFr() - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3.Lang
getFullContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
returns the full source content that support the wikiText as its specified offsets.
getFullTargetText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
getFullXmlForPage(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.WiktionaryPageSource
getFullXmlForPage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.WiktionaryIndexMixin
getFullXmlForPage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndex
getGloss() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.StructuredGloss
getGloss() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.StructuredGloss
getGlossFilter() - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
getGlossFilter() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getGlossFilter(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.WiktionaryGlossFilterFactory
getGlossForWikisaurus(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
getGlossResourceName(StructuredGloss) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
getGlossResourceName(StructuredGloss) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getGlossURI(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
getHeaders() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStatsModule
getHeaders() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.GeneralStatistics
getHeaders() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.NymStatistics
getHeaders(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.TranslationsStatistics
getHeading() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiSection
getId() - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3.Lang
getIdCode(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
getIndentLevel() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
getInflectedForms(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishTableExtractor
getInflectedForms(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
Extract wordforms from table cell
Splits cell content by <br\> or comma and removes HTML formatting
getInflectedForms(Element, InflectionScheme) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
Extract wordforms from table cell
Splits cell content by <br\> or comma and removes HTML formatting
getInflectionDataFromCellContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDeklinationTableExtractor
getInflectionDataFromCellContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanKonjugationTableExtractor
getInflectionDataFromCellContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanSubstantiveDeklinationTableExtractor
getInflectionDataFromCellContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishTableExtractor
getInflectionDataFromCellContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
returns the inflection data that correspond to current celle context
getInflectionSchemeFromContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.CatalanConjugationTableExtractor
getInflectionSchemeFromContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.FrenchAccordsTableExtractor
getInflectionSchemeFromContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.ImpersonalMoodTableExtractor
getInflectionSchemeFromContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.StandardMoodTableExtractor
getInflectionSchemeFromContext(List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
returns the inflection that correspond to current cell context
getKnownFormats() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.RDFFormats
getLang(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_1
getLang(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
getLangFromName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
getLangFromName(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
getLanguage() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.SingleLanguageAsOptionMixin
getLanguage() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
getLanguage() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.Representation
getLanguageInHeader(Matcher) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
getLanguageNameInEnglish(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_1
getLanguageNameInEnglish(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
getLanguageNameInFrench(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_1
getLanguageNameInFrench(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
getLanguageType(Element) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel
getLatestExtractionDir() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
getLevel() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Heading
getLevel() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.IndentedItem
getLevel() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiSection
getLexEntry(String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getLexEntry(String, Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getLexicalEntriesUsingGloss(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
getLexicalEntriesUsingGloss(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryDataHandler
getLexicalEntriesUsingGloss(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryDataHandler
getLexicalFormsFromCell(int, int, Element, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.FrenchAccordsTableExtractor
getLexicalFormsFromCell(int, int, Element, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.ImpersonalMoodTableExtractor
getLexicalFormsFromCell(int, int, Element, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.StandardMoodTableExtractor
getLexicalFormsFromCell(int, int, Element, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
returns the set of lexical forms that correspond to current cell and context
getLexinfoPartOfSpeech() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
getLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
getLinkContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
getLinkText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.InternalLink
getLinkText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
getListPrefix() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.IndentedItem
getLiteral() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.PropertyObjectPair
getLocalName(Resource) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.rdfutils.URI
getLocationName(Element) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel
getLongLanguageCode() - Method in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
getMap() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectedFormSet
getMD5Checksum(File) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateDiachronicStatistics
getMD5Checksum(File) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateLatestStatistics
getMD5Checksum(File) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.EnhanceLatestExtracts
getName() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
getName() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
getName() - Method in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
getName(String, WiktionaryPageSource) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.FrenchLanguageNames
getNameSpace(Resource) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.rdfutils.URI
getNbGlossesWithSenseNumberOnly() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStat
getNbGlossesWithSensNumberAndText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStat
getNbGlossesWithTextOnly() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStat
getNbTranslations() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStat
getNumberIndex(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanSubstantiveDeklinationTableExtractor
getOtherForms(WikiText.IndentedItem, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.FrenchInflectionDecoder
getOutputFormat() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.ExtractionFeaturesMixin
getPageResource(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getPageResource(String, boolean) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getPageResourceIRI(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getParsedArg(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
get the String value of the requested argument key.
getParsedArg(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
get the String value of the requested argument key, or return default value if argument value is null.
getParsedArgs() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
return the IMMUTABLE argName/argValue Map.
getPart1() - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3.Lang
getPart1(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.LangTools
getPart1OrId(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.LangTools
getPart2b() - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3.Lang
getPart2t() - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3.Lang
getPhonemicSystem(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel
getPrecision() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats.Stat
getPrefix() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
getPrefix(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
getPrologue() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiSection
returns the prologue, i.e.
getPronunciation(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel
getPronunciationTag(String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel
getProperty() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
getRandomF1Score() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats.Stat
getRandomPrecision() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats.Stat
getRandomRecall() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats.Stat
GetRawEntry - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
GetRawEntry() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GetRawEntry
getRawspan(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.DbnaryWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.ExpandAllWikiModelCat
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.commons.EnglishLikeModulesPatcherWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDBnaryWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.DefinitionExtractorWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishTableExtractorWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseDbnaryExtractorWikiModel
getRawWikiContent(ParsedPageName, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseDbnaryWikiModel
getRecall() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats.Stat
getResource() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.PropertyObjectPair
getResult(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
getRowAndColumnContext(int, int, ArrayMatrix<Element>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.CatalanConjugationTableExtractor
getRowAndColumnContext(int, int, ArrayMatrix<Element>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishTableExtractor
getRowAndColumnContext(int, int, ArrayMatrix<Element>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
getRowAndColumnContext(int, int, ArrayMatrix<Element>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
getSection() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Heading
getSectionTitle(WikiText.WikiSection) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
getSenseNumber() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.StructuredGloss
getSenseNumber() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.StructuredGloss
getSenseNumbers(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.SenseNumberBasedTranslationDisambiguationMethod
getSenseNumbers(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryDataHandler
getShortLanguageCode() - Method in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
getSourceContent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
getSourceContent(CharSequence) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
getStart() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CharRange
Gets the start character for this character range.
getStartOffset() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
getStatsMap() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStatsModule
getStructureChecker(String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.StructureCheckerFactory
getSuffix() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.InternalLink
getTarget() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
getTarget(WikiText.Token) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
getTargetText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
return the target of the link as a text without any anchor
getTemplateFunction(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanTableExtractorWikiModel
getTemplates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.DefinitionsWikiModel
getTerm2Code(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_1
getTerm2Code(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
getTerm2Code(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.LangTools
getTerm3Code(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_1
getTerm3Code(String) - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
getText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
returns the content as a String.
getTextElementContent(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndexer
getTextOfPage(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.WiktionaryPageSource
getTextOfPage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.WiktionaryIndexMixin
getTextOfPage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndex
getTextOfPageWithRedirects(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.WiktionaryPageSource
getTextOfPageWithRedirects(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.WiktionaryIndexMixin
getTextOfPageWithRedirects(String) - Method in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndex
getToken(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
getToken(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
getTradContent(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
getTranslationsWithoutGlosses() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStat
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryEtymologyOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.DecompOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getURI() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
getValidPOS(String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryDataHandler
getValidPOS(String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryDataHandler
getValue() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.Representation
getValues() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalForm
getValues(Class<? extends Representation>) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalForm
getVersion() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.VersionProvider
getWikiText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
getWiktionaryPageName() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
getWiktionaryPartOfSpeech() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
GivenName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In most European cultures, a given name designates an individual person throughout her/his life span.
glewdh - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
globalContext - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
globalGloss - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
gloss - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
A short description of the context (usually a brief definition) under which the subject Translation or Relation is valid
gloss - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.StructuredGloss
gloss - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
In TEI: A phrase or word used to provide a gloss or definition for some other word or phrase.
gloss - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.StructuredGloss
Gloss - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
A gloss used to represent the context in which a translation or a relation is valid.
glossExpression - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
glossExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
glossFilter - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
GlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
GlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell
GlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
GlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin
GlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
GlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn
GlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por
GlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus
GlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa
GlossFilter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur
GlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GlossFilter
GlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.GlossFilter
GlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.GlossFilter
GlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.GlossFilter
GlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.GlossFilter
GlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.GlossFilter
GlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.GlossFilter
GlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.GlossFilter
GlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.GlossFilter
GlossFilter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.GlossFilter
glossNumFilter - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.GlossFilter
glossNumMatcher - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.GlossFilter
glossNumPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.GlossFilter
GoalRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A goal role instantiates the (intended) end location (directional path) of an event.
goToNextTemplate(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
goToStart() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.JenaModelsIterator
GraphicalSeparator - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Character string that appears between two written forms
GreekDefinitionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell
GreekDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.GreekDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
GreekDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.GreekDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
GreekLangtoCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell
GreekLangtoCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.GreekLangtoCode
GrepInWiktionary - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
GrepInWiktionary() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GrepInWiktionary
guessLanguage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer


HabitualAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Habitual tense pertains to verbs which refer to an action that occurs repeatedly.
HabitualMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
"Habitual" is normally considered to be an aspect.
handleNestedTables(int, int, Element, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
handleNestedTables(Element, List<String>, InflectedFormSet) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
handleParseException(CommandLine.ParameterException, String[]) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ShortErrorMessageHandler
handleSimpleCell(int, int, Element, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
handleSimpleCell(Element, List<String>, InflectedFormSet) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
HangingTopic - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
HangingTopic constructions are closely related to LeftDislocation.
hasAnchor() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
hasAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasChild - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In hierarchical relations, the parent is modelled as source, the child as target.
hasClusivity - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasConjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasCoordType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasCountability - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasDefiniteness - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasDegree - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasEmphasis - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasEvaluativeFeature - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasEvidentiality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasGender - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hashCode() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.MorphoSyntacticFeature
hashCode() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.Representation
hasInflectionType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasNext() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding.CodePointIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.JenaModelsIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator
hasNextTemplate() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
hasNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasNumeralAgreementClass - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasObjectNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Number of the object of a transitive verb.
hasObjectPerson - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
person for the object of the verb (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2279)
hasOwnedNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Indication concerning the number of the possessed thing.
hasOwnerGender - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Indication concerning the gender of the person that ownes something.
hasOwnerNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The EAGLES-recommended attribute Possessive accounts for the fact that a possessive pronoun or possessive determiner may have two different numbers.
hasOwnerPerson - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Indication concerning the person that ownes something.
hasParent - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In hierarchical relations, the parent is modelled as source, the child as target.
hasPerson - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasPolarity - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasProximity - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasReduplicationType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasReferentType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasReflexivity - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Classification indicating the relative level of language individually assigned to a lexeme or term or to a text type.
hasSemanticRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasSemanticValency - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Semantic valency pertains to the number of semantic arguments a predicate takes.
hasSentenceConjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasSeparability - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasSpecificity - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasStrength - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasSubjectNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Number of the subject of a transitive verb.
hasSubjectPerson - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
person for the subject of the verb (in languages with double congruency) (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2278)
hasSubordType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasSyntacticFunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Relation to be used when the syntactic function of a constituent is different from its morphosyntactic type, cf.
hasSyntacticRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasSyntacticValency - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In annotation schemes for morphosyntax, "valency" normally means syntactic valency, i.e., the number of syntactic arguments a verb/clause takes.
hasTense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasTopConcept - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
hasUsage - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The relative commonness with which a term occurs.
hasValency - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hasWordConjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
HaveAuxiliary - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The verb have as an auxiliary.
HDT - org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature
HDT_ENDOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
HDT_EXOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
head - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Head - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
TIGER edge label HDHeads are single words that function as the nucleus of a phrase.
headerExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
headerPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
headers() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
headers() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
headers(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
headers(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
HEADERS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats
HEADERS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPattern
HEADERS_RANGE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
headersMatching(int, Pattern) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
headersMatching(int, Pattern) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
headersMatching(Pattern) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
headersMatching(Pattern) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
Headline - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
-HLN (headline) — marks headlines and datelines.
HeadOfNP - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The HeadFunction is a function of an adjective or participle that can serve as the focus of the phrase.
HesternalPast - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
HesternalPastTense locates the situation in question somewhere in the span beginning with the period defined culturally as 'yesterday' and extends back through some period that is considered nonremote (Comrie 1985:87-88; Dahl 1985:126).
hiddenLabel - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
The range of skos:hiddenLabel is the class of RDF plain literals.skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties.
HierarchicalCodeList - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Represents a generalized hierarchy of concepts which can be used for coding.
HierarchicalSenseNumber - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.commons
HierarchicalSenseNumber() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.HierarchicalSenseNumber
hierarchyRoot - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Specifies a root of the hierarchy.
historyNote - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
HodiernalFuture - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
HodiernalFutureTense locates the situation in question after the moment of utterance within the span culturally defined as 'today' (Comrie 1985: 86; Bybee, Perkins, and Pagliuca 1994: 247).
HodiernalPast - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
HodiernalPastTense locates the situation in question before the moment of utterance within the span culturally defined as 'today' (Comrie 1985:87; Dahl 1985:125-126).
HÖFLICHKEITSFORM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Person
HÖFLICHKEITSFORM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Person
HÖFLICHKEITSFORM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Person
holonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
An underspecified holonymy relation between LexicalEntities (Lexical entries or Lexical Senses).
HOLONYM - org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
holonymTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates that the referenced element is a part of this object
homograph - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A word that is spelled like another, but that has a different pronunciation, meaning, and/or origin.Word that is written like another, but that has a different pronunciation, meaning, and/or origin.
Homograph - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Word that is written like another, but that has a different pronunciation, meaning, and/or origin.
homonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A word that is pronounced like another word and that can be spelled the same way (homograph) or can merely sound the same (homophone).Word that sounds the same and is written the same as another word but is different in meaning.
Homonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Word that sounds the same and is written the same as another word but is different in meaning.
homophone - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Word that sounds like another word, but is different in writiing or meaning.A word that is pronounced in the same way as another word but that is spelled differently.
Homophone - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Word that sounds like another word, but is different in writiing or meaning.
Honorific - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
special form of language used when talking about those in positions of social situation (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2347)
HonorificCommonNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Dzongkha uses honorific forms: ན་བཟའ་/nam za/ (cloths) is the honorific form of the noun གོ་ ལ་/gola/(cloths), གསངས་/sung/(tell) the honorific form of the verb སབ་/lab/(tell).
HonorificVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Dzongkha uses honorific forms: ན་བཟའ་/nam za/ (cloths) is the honorific form of the noun གོ་ ལ་/gola/(cloths), གསངས་/sung/(tell) the honorific form of the verb སབ་/lab/(tell).
HortativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A term sometimes used in the grammatical analysis of verbs, to refer to a type of modal meaning in which an exhortation is made.
HTMLComment(int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.HTMLComment
HtmlTableHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
HtmlTableHandler() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.HtmlTableHandler
Human - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
hypernym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
An underspecified hypernymy relation between LexicalEntities (Lexical entries or Lexical Senses).
hypernym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
HYPERNYM - org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
Hyphen - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation that is graphically presented as "-".
hyponym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
An underspecified hyponymy relation between LexicalEntities (Lexical entries or Lexical Senses).
hyponym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
HYPONYM - org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation


Ideophone - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Ideophones are marked words that depict sensory imagery.
idiom - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word understood on its own.
ignorableSectionMarkers - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
ignorableSectionMarkers - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
IGNORE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType
ignoredSection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
ignoredTemplate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
ignoredText - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
illative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
ILLATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
illativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses the meaning of 'motion into' or 'direction towards' the referent of the noun it marks.
IllativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
IllativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location into which another referent is moving.
Image - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
graphical representation (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2249)
ImmediateFuture - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ImmediateFutureTense, also called 'close future', locates the situation in question shortly after the moment of utterance (Dahl 1985:121; Comrie 1985:94; Bybee, Perkins, and Pagliuca 1994: 244-245).
ImmediatePast - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ImmediatePastTense locates the situation in question at a time considered very recent in relation to the moment of utterance (Comrie 1985: 87).
IMPARFAIT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Tense
IMPERATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Mode
IMPERATIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
IMPERATIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
IMPERATIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Tense
IMPERATIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
imperative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
...Mood used to express an order.
imperative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
imperative() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
IMPERATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
ImperativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Pertaining to the mood or mode of a verb form or clause such that it predicates a command, request, or exhortation (OED).
ImperativeMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Pertaining to the mood or mode of a verb form or clause such that it predicates a command, request, or exhortation (OED).
imperativeMoodForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ImperativeVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An imperative verb is used to express commands, direct requests, and prohibitions.
imperfect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Verb tense that refers to action in the past that is incomplete or ongoing.
imperfect - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
Imperfect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Verb tense that refers to action in the past that is incomplete or ongoing.
IMPERFECT - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
imperfective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Imperfective aspect is an aspect that expresses an event or state, with respect to its internal structure, instead of expressing it as a simple whole.
imperfective - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
IMPERFECTIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
ImperfectiveAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The Imperfective aspect is an aspect that expresses an event or state, with respect to its internal structure, instead of expressing it as a simple whole.
imperfectTenseForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IMPERFEKT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense
ImpersonalFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ImpersonalIntransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ImpersonalIntransitivePPFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ImpersonalMoodTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology
ImpersonalMoodTableExtractor(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.ImpersonalMoodTableExtractor
ImpersonalPassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A Passive that alters the mapping of a nominal to the Subject relation in a basic intransitive structure (Klaiman 1991:23) (http://purl.org/linguistics/gold/ImpersonalPassive)
impersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun lacking person referent.
ImpersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Pronoun lacking person referent.
ImpersonalTransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ImpersonalVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An impersonal verb is a verb that - occurs only in third person singular forms - has no specified agent , and - has a dummy subject or no subject.
importArticle(XMLStreamReader2) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafBambaraExtractor
importArticle(XMLStreamReader2) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafExtractor
importArticle(XMLStreamReader2) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafZarmaExtractor
importDilafXmlFile(File) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafExtractor
Impossible - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
to denote something that cannot be considered as being correct in a given language
InablativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
InablativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location from within which another referent is moving.
InallativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
InallativeCase expresses that something is moving toward the region that is inside the referent of the noun it marks.
inanimate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Perceived as not living.
inanimate - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Animacy
Inanimate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Perceived as not living.
INANIMATE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Animate
INANIMATE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Animacy
InanimateGender - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
One of the two grammatical genders, or noun classes, of Nishnaabemwin, the other being animate.
InceptiveAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
InceptiveAspect, also called the ingressive, encodes the beginning portion of some event (Bybee 1985: 147, 149; Payne 1997: 240; Bhat 1999:176).
inchoative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Aspect that expresses the beginning of an event or state.
inchoative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
INCHOATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
InchoativeAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Aspect that expresses the beginning of an event or state.
Inclusive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
the form denoting that the addressee (addressees) are included into the set of their referents which contain also the speaker
InclusiveEmphaticParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Urdu, bhî is an emphatic particle meaning 'even'.
INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME() - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.StrictInflexionScheme.INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME
INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME(String) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.StrictInflexionScheme.INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME
INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.StrictInflexionScheme.INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME
INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.StrictInflexionScheme.INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME
INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.StrictInflexionScheme.INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME
IncorporatingAntipassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Blocks the P or logical object (basic absolutive) nominal from being assigned Focus salience.
incr() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.Statistics.IncrementableLong
incr(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
increment(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.HierarchicalSenseNumber
IncrementableLong() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.Statistics.IncrementableLong
incrementIndent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
indefinite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Value related to an entity in a situation where the identification of this entity is not clear cut.
indefinite - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Definiteness
indefinite() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Indefinite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An entity is specified as indefinite when it refers to a non-particularized individual of the species denoted by the noun.
INDEFINITE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Definiteness
INDEFINITE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Definiteness
indefiniteArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Article not capable of expressing identification.
IndefiniteArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An indefinite article is used before singular nouns that refer to any member of a group.
indefiniteCardinalNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A word used to express imprecise quantity.
IndefiniteCardinalQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ndefiniteCardinalNumeral: A word used to express imprecise quantity.
indefiniteDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Determiner not capable of identification.
IndefiniteDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An indefinite determiner is a determiner that expresses a referent's indefinite number or amount, i.e.
indefiniteMultiplicativeNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A word indicating imprecise number of times something happened.
IndefiniteMultiplicativeQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A word indicating imprecise number of times something happened.
indefiniteOrdinalNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A word used to indicate imprecise rank of an object in a sequence.
indefinitePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun that does not allow reference.
IndefinitePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that belongs to a class whose members indicate indefinite reference.
IndefiniteQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In the Czech and Slovak MTE v4 specs, Numeral/Class="indefinite" are items meaning `several/some', etc.
INDENOMBRABLE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.GNumber
IndentedItem(int, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.IndentedItem
IndentPrinter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
IndentPrinter(PrintStream) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
IndentPrinter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
IndentPrinter(PrintWriter, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
indexFile(Path) - Static method in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndex
returns Path of the index file corresponding to passed dump.
INDICATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Mode
INDICATIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
INDICATIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
INDICATIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
indicative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
...Mood value used in the expression of statements and questions.
indicative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
INDICATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
IndicativeMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The indicative is the unmarked mood.
indicativeMoodForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IndicativeVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Indicative mood is used in factual statements.
indifferent - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Markup to express that there is not any pertinence.
indirectObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An indirect object is a grammatical relation that is one means of expressing the semantic role of goal and other similar roles.
IndirectObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IndirectObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An indirect object is a grammatical relation that is one means of expressing the semantic role of goal and other similar roles.
inEnglish(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.LangTools
inessive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
INESSIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
inessiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses the meaning of location or position within a place.
InessiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
InessiveCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location within which another referent exists.
INFINITIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Mode
INFINITIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
INFINITIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
infinitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Mood cited as unmarked or base form.
infinitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
infinitive() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Infinitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An infinitive is the base form of a verb.
INFINITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
INFINITIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
infinitiveClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
InfinitiveClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A clause whose main verb is infinitive
InfinitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Infinitive frames take an infinitive clause as an argument
infinitiveParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Particle used to express infinitive.
InfinitiveParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Particle used to express infinitive.
InfinitiveVerbPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
VGINF Infinitival Verb Chunk This tag is to mark the infinitival verb form.
infix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Infix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Infix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Affix inserted in the middle of a word to change its meaning or part of speech value.
Inflected - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
see subclasses
InflectedFormSet - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
InflectedFormSet() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectedFormSet
InflectedWithOvertMarker - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An inflected form with overt morphological marking (as opposed to the base form and lexemes that do not inflect at all).
InflectionData - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
InflectionData() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectionData
inflectionElement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An element of language used to change the form of a word (noun, adjective) by declension, and (verbs) by conjugation.
InflectionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology
This wiki model handles the extraction of inflection tables that are to be found at the beginning of adjectival and nominal lexical entries.
InflectionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.InflectionExtractorWikiModel
InflectionScheme - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
InflectionScheme() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectionScheme
inflectionType - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
inflectionType - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
infrequent - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Frequency
INFREQUENT - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Frequency
infrequentlyUsed - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Said of a term that does not appear frequently.
InfrequentlyUsed - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Said of a term that does not appear frequently.
ing - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
English verb forms ending in '-ing' that represent either Gerunds or Participles.
inHouseRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Register of terms that are company-specific and not readily recognized outside this environment.The register of terms that are company-specific and not readily recognized outside this environment.
InHouseRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Register of terms that are company-specific and not readily recognized outside this environment.
init() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
init() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator
INIT - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
INIT - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
INIT - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseTranslationsExtractor
INIT - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
INIT - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
Initial - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
When two distinct words occur, as in German "weder...noch...", then the first is given the Initial value.
InitialCoordinatingConjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
When two distinct words occur, as in German "weder...noch...", then the first is given the Initial value.
InitialField - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In a German clause, the finite verb can appear in three different positions: verb-second, verb-initial, and verb-final.
initialism - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An abbreviation made up of the initial letters of the components of the full form of the designation or from syllables of the full form and pronounced letter by letter.
Initialism - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
initialismFor - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A linking element used to identify a relation between an initialism and its full or expanded form.
initializeAncestors() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLanguageSection(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLanguageSection(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
initializeLanguageSection(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLanguageSection(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLanguageSection(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
initializeLanguageSection(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String, Resource, Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String, Resource, Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry(String, Resource, Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
initializeLexicalEntry__noModel(String, Resource, Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
initializeNewEtymology() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializePageExtraction(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
initializePageExtraction(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryDataHandler
initializePageExtraction(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
inPageKonjugationExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanMorphologyExtractor
inScheme - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
insideField(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
instrumental - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
INSTRUMENTAL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas
INSTRUMENTAL - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
instrumentalCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case indicating that the referent of the noun it marks is the means of the accomplishment of the action expressed by the clause.
InstrumentalCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
InstrumentalCase indicates that the referent of the noun it marks is the means of the accomplishment of the action expressed by the clause (http://purl.org/linguistics/gold/Instrumental)
InstrumentNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
noun expressing an instrument of the action
InstrumentRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SemanticRole added in conformance with TIGER
Intensifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
For Hindi, words like 'bahuta', 'kama', etc.
IntensiveNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
noun that emphasizes another noun
InterablativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
InterablativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location from between which another referent is moving.
InterallativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
InterallativeCase expresses that something is moving toward the region that is in the middle of the referent of the noun it marks.
InteressiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
InteressiveCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location between which another referent exists.
interjection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Word or sound that expresses an emotion.
Interjection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Interjection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An interjection is a form, typically brief, such as one syllable or word, which is used most often as an exclamation or part of an exclamation.
InterlativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
InterlativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location between which another referent is moving.
InterminativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
'into in(side of)'.
INTERNAL_LINKS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPattern
INTERNAL_LINKS_RANGE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
internationalism - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term that has the same or nearly identical orthographic or phonemic form in many languages.
internationalScientificTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term that is part of an international scientific nomenclature as adopted by an appropriate scientific body.
InterrogativeAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Interrogative adverbs are used to introduce questions, e.g.
interrogativeCardinalNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An interrogative/relative word used to ask about quantity.
InterrogativeCardinalQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
interrogativeCardinalNumeral: An interrogative/relative word used to ask about quantity.
interrogativeClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
InterrogativeClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A subclause that begins interrogative construction ("wh"-word in English)
interrogativeDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Determiner used to express a question.
InterrogativeDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A interrogative is a function word used to introduce an interrogative clause.
InterrogativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates the frame has a subframe indicated with the appropriate interrogative (e.g., "who", "where", "how")
interrogativeInfinitiveClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
InterrogativeInfinitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates the frame has an argument that is a clause with both an interrogative and the clause is in the infinitive form
InterrogativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The interrogative modality serves to indicate interrogative quality.
interrogativeMultiplicativeNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An interrogative/relative word used to ask about the number of times something happened.
InterrogativeMultiplicativeQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An interrogative/relative word used to ask about the number of times something happened.
interrogativeOrdinalNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An interrogative/relative word used to ask about numeric ranking.
interrogativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Particle used to express a question.
InterrogativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Particle used to express a question.
interrogativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun used to express a question.
InterrogativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A interrogative pronoun is a pro-form that is used in questions in place of the item questioned for.
InterrogativePunctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation used when the sentence is interrogative.
InterrogativeQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In the Czech and Slovak MTE v4 pecs, Numeral/Class="interrogative" are items meaning `how many/much', etc.
interrogativeRelativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
pronoun which may act as a relative pronoun or an interrogative one
InterterminativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
InterterminativeCase expresses the notion of something moving into the middle of the referent of the noun it marks, but not through it.
IntertranslativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
IntertranslativeCase expresses the notion of something moving along a trajectory between the referent of the noun it marks.
Intransitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A predicate/verb that takes one argument, e.g., English "to go", cf.
INTRANSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Valency
INTRANSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Valency
INTRANSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Valency
INTRANSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Valency
IntransitiveAdjectivalComplementFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitiveAdverbialComplementFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitiveDeclarativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitiveInfinitiveACFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitiveInfinitiveRSFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitiveInfinitiveSCFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitiveInterrogativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
he ASKED [what he should do]
IntransitiveInterrogativeInfinitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitiveNominalComplementFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitivePPDeclarativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitivePPFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitiveSententialFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IntransitiveSubject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Intransitive argument (S), single argument of an intransitive verb or only argument in a one-place predicate (frame).
IntranslativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
IntranslativeCase expresses the notion of something moving through the referent of the noun it marks.
InvalidContextException - Exception in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation
InvalidContextException() - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.InvalidContextException
InvalidContextException(String) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.InvalidContextException
InvalidContextException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.InvalidContextException
InvalidContextException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.InvalidContextException
InvalidContextException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.InvalidContextException
InvalidEntryException - Exception in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation
InvalidEntryException() - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.InvalidEntryException
InvalidEntryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.InvalidEntryException
InvalidEntryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.InvalidEntryException
InvalidEntryException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.InvalidEntryException
InvalidEntryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.InvalidEntryException
InverseVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Signals when actions proceed from ontologically less salient to more salient participants (Klaiman 1991:32) (http://purl.org/linguistics/gold/InverseVoice)
invertedComma - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Inverted comma.
InvertedComma - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Inverted comma.
InvertedQuestionMark - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation used in certain languages at the beginning of an interrogative sentence.
ironicRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
IronicRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Register for irony.
IrrealisModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Irrealis modality indicates the situation to which it pertains is non-actual or non-factual.
IrrealisMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Irrealis modality indicates the situation to which it pertains is non-actual or non-factual.
irreflexivePersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
personal pronoun which is not reflexive
isA - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The 'is a' property represents the single argument of a class or unary predicate.
isClosingHeading(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator
isConceptOf - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
This property formalizes the meaning of a Lexical Concept by linking it to a particular ontological meaning.
isCurrentlyExtracting - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
isCurrentlyExtracting - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
isCurrentlyExtracting - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
isCurrentlyExtracting - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
isCurrentlyExtracting() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
isCurrentlyExtracting() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
isCurrentlyExtracting() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
isDenotedBy - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The object property isDenotedBy is the inverse of the object property denotes.
isDisabled(ExtractionFeature) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
isDisabled(ExtractionFeature) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
isEmpty() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
isEvokedBy - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The inverse relation to evokes.
isExolex() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
isHDT() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
isHeader(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
isHeaderCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInPageKonjugationTableExtractor
isHeaderCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanKonjugationTableExtractor
isHeaderCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanSubstantiveDeklinationTableExtractor
isHeaderCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.ImpersonalMoodTableExtractor
isHeaderCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.StandardMoodTableExtractor
isHeaderCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
isHeaderCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
isIgnoredSection(WikiText.WikiSection) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
isLastLi(Element) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel
isLcssConstraint() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.TverskiIndex
isLexicalizedSenseOf - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The object property isLexicalizedSenseOf is the inverse property of lexicalized sense.
isNameEquals(String, WikiText.WikiSection) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
isNextASection() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
isNextATemplate() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
isNormalCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanKonjugationTableExtractor
isNormalCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
isNormalType(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
ISO639_1 - Class in org.getalp.iso639
ISO639_1.Lang - Class in org.getalp.iso639
ISO639_3 - Class in org.getalp.iso639
ISO639_3.Lang - Class in org.getalp.iso639
isOpeningHeading(WikiText.Token) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator
isReferenceOf - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The object property isReferenceOf is the inverse property of reference.
isResourceCompatible(Resource, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
isSection() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
isSenseOf - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The property isSenseOf is the inverse property of sense.
isTemplate() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
isTranslationOf - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
links the translation information to the Lexical Entity it belongs to.
IStructureChecker - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.api
isValidInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.InternalLink
Wikitext parser considers an internal link as invalid if it contains curly brace Here, we authorize templates but no "free" curly braces or other token.
isValidPOS(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
isValidPOS(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryDataHandler
isValidPOS(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryDataHandler
isValidPOS(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryDataHandler
isVerbose() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.DBnary
ItalianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita
ItalianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
ItalianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
ItalianExampleExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita
ItalianExampleExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianExampleExtractorWikiModel
ItalianLangToCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita
ItalianLangToCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianLangToCode
ItalianPronunciationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita
ItalianPronunciationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianPronunciationExtractorWikiModel
ItalianPronunciationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianPronunciationExtractorWikiModel
ItCleft - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
-CLF (cleft) — marks it-clefts (“true” clefts) and may be added to the labels S, SINV, or SQ.
IterativeAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
IterativeAspect, also called repetitives, encodes a number of events of the same type that are repeated on a particular occasion.
iterator() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding.CodePointWrapper
iterator() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectedFormSet
iterator() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
iterator() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventsSequence
iterator() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiSectionsSequence
IWiktionaryDataHandler - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.api
IWiktionaryExtractor - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.api
Izafat - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The izāfat (pronounced as a shorter form of –ē–) is an enclitic of Persian origin which is used in Farsi and neighboring languages.
izvedenicePattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
izvedenicePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor


JapaneseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn
JapaneseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
JapaneseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
JapaneseLangtoCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn
JapaneseLangtoCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseLangtoCode
JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn
JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
JapaneseTranslationsExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn
JapaneseTranslationsExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseTranslationsExtractor
JapaneseTranslationsExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseTranslationsExtractor
JenaModelsIterator - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.hdt
JenaModelsIterator(Model...) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.JenaModelsIterator


KEEP - org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventFilter.Action
KeepAsis() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiSequenceFiltering.KeepAsis
keepContentOfAll() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfExternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfHeading() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfIndentation() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfIndentedItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfNoWiki() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfNumberedListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfTemplates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepContentOfTemplates(Function<WikiText.Token, List<WikiText.Token>>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
KeepFirstInflexionScheme - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
KeepFirstInflexionScheme() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.KeepFirstInflexionScheme
KeepLastInflexionScheme - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
KeepLastInflexionScheme() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.KeepLastInflexionScheme
keepTargetOfExternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepTargetOfInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
keepTargetOfLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
knownLanguages() - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
knownLanguagesIterator() - Method in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
knownTranslationTemplates - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
KOMPARTIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Degree
KONDICIONAL1 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Tense
KONDICIONAL2 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Tense
konjugationExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanMorphologyExtractor
KONJUNKTIV1 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
KONJUNKTIV1 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
KONJUNKTIV1 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
KONJUNKTIV2 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
KONJUNKTIV2 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
KONJUNKTIV2 - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
KoreanLangtoCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
KoreanLangtoCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.KoreanLangtoCode


lang - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
lang - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.PronunciationPair
Lang() - Constructor for class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_1.Lang
Lang() - Constructor for class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3.Lang
LangTools - Class in org.getalp
LangTools() - Constructor for class org.getalp.LangTools
language - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.SingleLanguageAsOptionMixin
language - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'language' property indicates the language of a lexicon, a lexical entry, a concept set or a lexicalization set.
language - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
language - Variable in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
language - Variable in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.Representation
languagePattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
languages - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryExtractor
languageSectionPatternString1 - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
LANGUE - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
LANGUE - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseTranslationsExtractor
LANGUE - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
LatinLangtoCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat
LatinLangtoCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.LatinLangtoCode
lative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
LATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
lativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case which expresses motion to a location.
LativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
LativeCase expresses 'motion up to the location of,' or 'as far as' the referent of the noun it marks (Pei and Gaynor 1954: 121; Gove, et al.
LayoutElement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
LeftDislocationField - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The German Linksversetzungsfeld is a field for the left-dislocated phrase of resumptive constructions.
LeftParentheticalPunctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Beginning of a paired punctuation.
LeftSentenceBracket - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In a German clause, the finite verb can appear in three different positions: verb-second, verb-initial, and verb-final.
legalTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term that is legally defined and used in legally binding documents.
length - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OffsetValue
length() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
letter - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Letter - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
LetterNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Numeral expressed with letters.
level1HeaderPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
level1HeaderPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
level2HeaderPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
level2HeaderPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
level2HeaderPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
level2HeaderPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
level2HeaderPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
level2HeaderPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
Level2Sim - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string
Level2Sim(AbstractTokenizedStringDistance) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.Level2Sim
LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator(WikiText.WikiContent, int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator
levenstein(String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.StringDistance
Lexeme - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Minimal unit of language which : has a semantic interpretation and embodies a distinct cultural concept.
lexEntries - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
LexicalBuilder(String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
LexicalConcept - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
A lexical concept represents a mental abstraction, concept or unit of thought that can be lexicalized by a given collection of senses.
lexicalEntries - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'lexical entries' property indicates the number of distinct lexical entries contained in a lexicon or lexicalization set.
LexicalEntry - Class in org.getalp.model.ontolex
LexicalEntry - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
A lexical entry represents a unit of analysis of the lexicon that consists of a set of forms that are grammatically related and a set of base meanings that are associated with all of these forms.
LexicalEntry() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
LexicalEntry(String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
LexicalEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
LexicalEntry(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
lexicalEntryCount - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
count of ontolex Lexical Entries contained in a specific extract.
lexicalForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'lexical form' property relates a lexical entry to one grammatical form variant of the lexical entry.
LexicalForm - Class in org.getalp.model.ontolex
LexicalForm() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalForm
LexicalForm(InflectionScheme) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalForm
lexicalizationModel - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'lexicalization model' property indicates the model used for representing lexical information.
lexicalizations - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'lexicalizations' property indicates the total number of lexicalizations in a lexicalization set, that is the number of unique pairs of lexical entry and denoted ontology element.
LexicalizationSet - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
A 'lexicalization set' is a dataset that comprises a collection of lexicalizations, that is pairs of lexical entry and corresponding reference in the associated ontology/vocabulary/dataset.
lexicalizedSense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'lexicalized sense' property relates a lexical concept to a corresponding lexical sense that lexicalizes the concept.
LexicalLinkset - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
A lexical linkset represents a collection of links between a reference dataset and a set of lexical concepts (e.g.
lexicalRel - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The 'lexicalRel' property relates two lexical entries that stand in some lexical relation.
LexicalRelation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
A 'lexical relation' is a lexico-semantic relation that represents the relation between two lexical entries the surface forms of which are related grammatically, stylistically or by some operation motivated by linguistic economy.
LexicalSense - Class in org.getalp.model.ontolex
LexicalSense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
A lexical sense represents the lexical meaning of a lexical entry when interpreted as referring to the corresponding ontology element.
LexicalSense() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalSense
LexicalSense(int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalSense
lexicalSenseCount - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
count of ontolex Lexical Senses contained in a specific extract.
LexicalUnit - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A LexicalUnit is a grammatical expression that is known to the speakers of that language as a conventional expression of a particular concept.
Lexicon - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
A lexicon represents a collection of lexical entries for a particular language or domain.
lexiconDataset - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'lexicon dataset' property indicates the lexicon that contains the entries refered to in a lexicalization set or a conceptualization set.
LexicoSemanticRelation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
A 'lexico-semantic relation' represents the relation between two lexical entries or lexical senses that are related by some lexical or semantic relationship.
LexinfoOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/lexinfo.owl
LexinfoOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
LEXVO - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.model.DbnaryModel
lexvoExtractedLanguage - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
lexvoSectionLanguage - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
lightVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
verb participating in a complex predication that has little semantic content of its own.
LightVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In linguistics, a light verb is a verb participating in complex predication that has little semantic content of its own, but provides through inflection some details on the event semantics, such as aspect, mood, or tense.
LIME - org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature
LIME_ENDOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
LIME_EXOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
LimeOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/lime.owl
LimeOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
linguisticCatalog - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'linguistic catalog' property indicates the catalog of linguistic categories used in a lexicon to define linguistic properties of lexical entries.
Link() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
linkPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
linkPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
links - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'links' property indicates the number of links between concepts in the concept set and entities in the reference dataset.
links() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
links() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
LINKS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPattern
linkTextContent - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
LIST_ITEMS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPattern
ListItem(int, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.ListItem
ListMarker - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
LST — List marker.
listPrefix - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.IndentedItem
LISTS_RANGE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
LithuanianLangtoCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit
LithuanianLangtoCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.LithuanianLangtoCode
lm - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
loadArgs(String[]) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.VerboseCommand
Validate and set command line arguments.
loadArgs(String[]) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
loadArgs(CommandLine) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.RDFDiff
loadArgs(CommandLine) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.SummarizeDifferences
loadArgs(CommandLine) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.VerboseCommand
Load additional command arguments.
loc - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.PronBuilder
localdefinitionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
localdefinitionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
locateEnclosedString(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTool
This function locates the start and end position of two symbols (enclosingStringStart and enclosingStringEnd) in input String s.
LocationAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
LocationalCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Category of case that denotes that the referent of the noun it marks is a location.
LocationRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Semantic role for the final location of action or a time of the action.
locative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
LOCATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas
LOCATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
locativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case that indicates a final location of action or a time of the action.
LocativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Case that indicates a final location of action or a time of the action.
LocativePassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An oblique locative nominal assumes the subject relation.
LocativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A Locative pronoun is a pronoun, which locates the object of a noun or place of anything.
logicalExpression - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An expression used to represent a concept based on mathematical or logical relations, such as statements of inequality, set relationships, boolean operations, and the like.
longEditionLanguageCode - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
longestSubString(String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.TverskiIndex
longSectionLanguageCode - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler


Macron - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Mark placed over a long vowel to mark quantity.
macroOrLinkOrcarPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
macroOrLinkOrcarPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
macroOrLinkOrcarPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
macroOrLinkOrcarPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseTranslationsExtractor
macroOrLinkOrcarPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
macroOrLinkOrcarPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
macroOrLinkOrcarPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
macroOrLinkOrcarPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
macroOrLinkOrcarPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
macroOrLinkOrcarPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseTranslationsExtractor
macroOrLinkOrcarPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
macroOrLinkOrcarPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
macroOrLinkPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
macroOrLinkPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
macroOrPOSPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
macroOrPOSPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
macroPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
macroPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.DBnary
main(String...) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.deprecated.CreateHDTVersions
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.deprecated.TranslateDiachronicStatisticsToDataCubes
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.ExtractWiktionary
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.RDFDiff
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.schemagenIfNewer
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.Sed
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.SummarizeDifferences
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.TestInterwikiLinks
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateDiachronicStatistics
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateLatestStatistics
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding.CodePointIterator
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.EnhanceLatestExtracts
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.SuomiLangToCode
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.miseEnFormlang
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafExtractor
MAIN - org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature
MAIN_ENDOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
MAIN_EXOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
MainClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
MainClause is the class of clauses that can stand on their own as a full, independent sentence.
MainPunctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation that is more important than a secondary punctuation with regards to sentence splitting in a text.
mainVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Main verb in contrast to a modal or an auxiliary.
MainVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Main verb in contrast to a modal or an auxiliary.
MalagasyLangToCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg
MalagasyLangToCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.MalagasyLangToCode
MalefactiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Opposite of BenefactiveCase; used when the marked noun is negatively affected in the clause.
MalefactorRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A maleficiary (malefactor) instantiates the role of an entity (usually animate) who stands to undergoe a misfortune, or be at a disadvantage in some way from the event.
MannerAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
MannerNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
noun expressing a manner
MannerRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Manner applies to constituents that denote how something is carried out.
mappingRelation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
These concept mapping relations mirror semantic relations, and the data model defined below is similar (with the exception of skos:exactMatch) to the data model defined for semantic relations.
marker - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The 'marker' property indicates the marker of a syntactic argument; this can be a case marker or some other lexical entry such as a preposition or particle.
MASCULIN - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Genre
MASCULIN - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Genre
MASCULIN - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Genre
MASCULIN_ET_FEMININ - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Genre
masculine - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to males.
masculine - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
masculine() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
masculine() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Masculine - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Masculine gender is a grammatical gender that marks nouns, articles, pronouns, etc.
MASCULINE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Genre
MASCULINE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Gender
MASCULINE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
Masdar - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
property that expresses a verbal idea under an abstract form.
MASS_NOUN - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
massNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Designation of a term or word that is not countable and cannot generally be used with the indefinite article or in the plural.
massNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
MassNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A mass noun (also uncountable noun or non-count noun) can't be modified by a numeral, occur in singular/plural or co-occur with the relevant kind of determiner.
me - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.RDFDiff
measure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
An alternative to qb:componentProperty which makes explicit that the component is a measure
MeasureArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
added in conformance with TIGER
measureDimension - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
An alternative to qb:componentProperty which makes explicit that the component is a measure dimension
MeasureProperty - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
The class of components which represent the measured value of the phenomenon being observed
measureType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Generic measure dimension, the value of this dimension indicates which measure (from the set of measures in the DSD) is being given by the obsValue (or other primary measure)
MediopassiveVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
voice which subsumes both the middle voice and the passive voice
member - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
memberHolonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates the object is a member of this
memberList - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
For any resource, every item in the list given as the value of the skos:memberList property is also a value of the skos:member property.
memberMeronym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates this is an element of the other
MentalAbilitiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
MentalAbilitiveModality indicates that an agent has the capacity to perform some mental action [Bybee, Perkins and Pagliuca 1994: 192; Palmer 2001: 77].
mergePropertiesIntoResource(HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>, Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
meronym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
An underspecified meronymy relation between LexicalEntities (Lexical entries or Lexical Senses).
MERONYM - org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
meronymTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates this is a part of another concept
middle - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Voice
MIDDLE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Voice
MiddleField - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In a German clause, the finite verb can appear in three different positions: verb-second, verb-initial, and verb-final.
middleVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Value for middle voice that expresses that the subject is both the agent and object, or that the subject is separate from the agent or that the receiver is the agent him/herself.
MiddleVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A verb that appears active but expresses a passive action may be called middle voice, e.g.
miseEnFormlang - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.tools
miseEnFormlang() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.miseEnFormlang
MIXED - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.InflectionType
MIXED - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.InflectionType
MIXED - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.InflectionType
MixedInflection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
German mixed inflection takes its name from the fact that it has endings from both the strong inflection and the weak inflection.
modal - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Verb form that is usually used with another verb to express ideas such as possibilities, permission, or intention.
ModalityMarkingAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A modality-marking adverb is a verbal particle that serves to indicate mood, aspect and/or tense (cf.
ModalParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Particle which functions as a modal.
ModalVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Verb form that is usually used with another verb to express ideas such as possibilities, permission, or intention.
mode - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
mode - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
mode - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
mode - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
model - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
model - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
model - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
model - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
models2hdt(OutputStream, String, Model...) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.Models2HDT
Models2HDT - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.hdt
Models2HDT() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.Models2HDT
Models2HDT(boolean) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.Models2HDT
modern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Currently in use.
ModernUsage - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Currently in use.
modificationType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Refers to the prenominal or postnominal positions of determiners which distinguish different forms.
ModificationType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Modifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
added in conformance with TIGER
ModifierAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adverb/Type="modifier" is used in the English, Romanian and Hungarian MTE v4 specs.
mood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
In TEI: contains information about the grammatical mood of verbs (e.g.
Mood - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Mood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Mood() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
MORPH - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType
Morpheme - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language.
morphoExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
morphologicalElement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Unit resulting from the division of words into their smallest meaningful parts.
MorphologicalParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
added in accordance with TIGER MorphologicalParticle
morphologicalPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'morphological pattern' property indicates the morphological class of a word.
MORPHOLOGY - org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature
MORPHOLOGY - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel.Mode
MORPHOLOGY_ENDOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
MORPHOLOGY_EXOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
morphologyExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
morphologyExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
morphologyExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
MorphologyWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology
An abstract wiki model that handles the transclusion of inflection and conjugation tables for the French language edition.
MorphologyWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.MorphologyWikiModel
MorphoSyntacticFeature - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
MorphoSyntacticFeature() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.MorphoSyntacticFeature
morphosyntacticProperty - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
MorphosyntacticProperty - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Multal - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Multal is a number property that refers to a large number of individuals.
multilineMacroPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
multilineMacroPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
multipleBorrowingSymbolsPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
multipleBulletListPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
multipleBulletListPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
Pattern used to parse Section Descendants
MultipleNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A Multiple Numeral serves to define a complex whole, with respect to the number of its parts, e.g., English "twofold", "twice" or "manyfold".
MultiplicativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The multiplicative case is a grammatical case used for marking a number of something ("three times").
MultiplicativeMarker - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Urdu, multiplicative numerals are formed by adding the suffix gunâ (Schmidt 1999, p.
multiplicativeNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A word that expresses the number of times something happened.
MultiWordExpression - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
A multiword expression is a lexical entry that consists of two or more words.
multiWordTypes - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
mutateString(Function<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence


name - Variable in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
NamedEntity - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
segment of text for which one or many rigid designators stands for the referent (Gil Francopoulo; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2275)
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryEtymologyOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DecompOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
narrower - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
Narrower concepts are typically rendered as children in a concept hierarchy (tree).
narrowerTransitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
narrowMatch - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
nbEntries - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
nbEntries() - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
nbEntries() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
nbEntries() - Method in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
ncolumns() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.ArrayMatrix
NearFuture - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
adopted from GOLD, no definition given there (http://purl.org/linguistics/gold/NearFuture)
NecessitativePassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A passive in Irish in which the preposition "with" is used, and a semantic meaning of necessity is added.
Negation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
denotes the negation or the absence (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-1839) http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#Negated: Negative="yes" encodes negative verbal word-forms in Slavic languages and Estonian.
negative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
denotes the negation or the absence
Negative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
NegativeAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adverb/Type="negative" are used in the Serbian and Romanian MTE v4 specs, e.g., for Romanian nicăieri - nowhere, niciodată - never.
NegativeDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Determiner/Type="negative" (Romanian)<br/> In Romanian the negative determiner is expressed by the unit nici + indefinite article (e.g.
negativeForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
negativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Particle used to express negation.
NegativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Particle used to express negation.
negativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun used in a context of a negation or for expressing a negation.
NegativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Pronoun used in a context of a negation or for expressing a negation.
NEODREDENI - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Mode
NetherlandLangToCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld
NetherlandLangToCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.NetherlandLangToCode
neuter - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to objects that are not characterized as male or female.
neuter - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
Neuter - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Neuter gender is a grammatical gender that includes those nouns, articles, pronouns, etc.
NEUTER - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Genre
NEUTER - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
neutralRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The register appropriate to general texts or discourse.
NeutralRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The register appropriate to general texts or discourse.
neutrum() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
NEUTRUM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Genre
NEUTRUM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Genre
NEUTRUM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Gender
newEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
newEntry(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
newEntry(String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
next() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding.CodePointIterator
next() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.JenaModelsIterator
next() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
next() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventIterator
next() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator
nextTemplate() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
nlines() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.ArrayMatrix
no - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Value for negation.
Nominal - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
-NOM (nominal) — marks free (“headless”) relatives and gerunds when they act nominally.
NOMINAL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SyntacticFunction
NominalComplementFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
NominalizedVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A non-finite embedded construction which contains features with nominal properties (http://languagelink.let.uu.nl/tds/onto/LinguisticOntology.owl#withNominalProperites, with reference to Dik 1997)
NominalNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Nominal numbers are used to identify or refer the things.
NominalPredicate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A nominal predicate (noun or adjective), either with or without copula.
NominalQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A noun which quantifies one or more things, regardless of subject and an object.
NOMINATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Cas
NOMINATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Cas
NOMINATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas
nominative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
nominative() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Nominative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In nominative-accusative languages, nominative case marks clausal subjects and is applies to nouns in isolation.
NOMINATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GrammaticalCase
NOMINATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
nominativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case used to indicate the subject of a verb.
nominativeCaseForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
NON_FINITE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Finiteness
NON_STANDARD_LANGUAGE_MAPPINGS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
NonabsolutiveAntipassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An Antipassive in which the P or logical object is overtly downgraded.
NonAgentiveVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A non-agentive verb is a type of verb, which indicates an action without the doer.
NONE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel.Mode
NonEmphatic - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In languages where emphasis can be grammatically marked, the unmarked form would be considered NonEmphatic, see #Emphatic
nonFinite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Property related for verb forms occurring on their own only in dependent clauses and lacking tense and mood contrasts.
nonFinite - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Finiteness
NonFiniteEmbeddedConstruction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An embedded construction which contains a non-finite verb form (http://languagelink.let.uu.nl/tds/onto/LinguisticOntology.owl#non-finiteEmbeddedConstruction with reference to Dik 1997)
NonFiniteVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Verb forms occurring on their own only in dependent clauses and lacking tense and mood contrasts.
NonfiniteVerbPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
NonInitial - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
When two distinct words occur, as in German weder...noch..., then the second is given the Non-initial value.
NonInitialCoordinatingConjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
When two distinct words occur, as in German weder...noch..., then the second is given the Non-initial value.
NonInversePassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An agent-demoting voice construction where the realization of the demoted agent is not obligatory (against Inverse).
NonNegated - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Non-negated verbs carry no morphological marks of negation.
NonpromotionalInverseVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Involves demotion of the non-topical obviate-agent from subjecthood.
NonreducedInflection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Nonreduced adjective inflection of Slavic languages, e.g., Czech nejubožejšími/ubohý, nejvyspělejších/vyspělý, nejvyšších/vysoký, nejvznešenějšímu/vznešený, nejvážnějšímu/vážný, nejvýznamnějších/významný, nejvýznamnějšími/významný, nejvýznamnějšímu/významný, největšími/velký (http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#CompoundAdjective)
NonReflexive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A non-reflexive verb is a verb whose semantic agent and patient (typically represented syntactically by the subject and the direct object) are not the same.
NonSeparable - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Non-separable verbs are not composed of a verb stem and a separable affix.
Nonspecific - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
"By ʻspecificʼ and ʻnon-specificʼ I intend the difference between the two readings of English indefinites like (3): (3) Iʼm looking for a deer.
NonspecificArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
"By ʻspecificʼ and ʻnon-specificʼ I intend the difference between the two readings of English indefinites like (3): (3) Iʼm looking for a deer.
NonspecificPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In the Russian MTE v4 specs, Pronoun/Type="nonspecific" marks the following Russian words: весь 'all', всякий 'any, every', сам 'oneself', самый 'the very', каждый 'every, each', иной 'other', любой 'any', другой 'other'.
normalize(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractGlossFilter
normalize(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.LangTools
normativeAuthorization - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term status qualifier assigned by an authoritative body, such as a standards body or a governmental entity with a regulatory function.
NormativeAuthorization - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
NorskLangToCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor
NorskLangToCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.NorskLangToCode
NOTASECTION - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType
notation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
notComparable() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
note - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
note - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
note - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
note - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A statement that provides further information on any part of a language resource entry.
note - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
note(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Cas
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Degree
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Genre
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.GNumber
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.InflectionType
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Person
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Tense
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Valency
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Voice
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Cas
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Degree
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Genre
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.GNumber
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.InflectionType
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Person
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Tense
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Valency
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Voice
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Degree
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Genre
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.GNumber
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Mode
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Person
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Tense
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Valency
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Animate
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Degree
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Genre
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.GNumber
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Mode
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Person
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Tense
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Definiteness
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Degree
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Gender
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GNumber
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GrammaticalCase
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.InflectionType
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Person
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.ReferentType
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SubClass
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SyntacticFunction
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Valency
NOTHING - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Voice
NotTemporallyAnchored - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
To be used for actions that are not bound to a particular reference point.
noun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Part of speech used to express the name of a person, place, action or thing.
Noun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Noun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A noun, or noun substantive, is a part of speech (a word or phrase) which can co-occur with (in)definite articles and attributive adjectives, and function as the head of a noun phrase.
NounFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
NounHeadedPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A NounHeadedPhrase takes a nominal as its (semantic) head.
NounPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
NounPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
At phrase level, the noun phrase is probably the least problematic of the categories to be dealt with.
NounPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
NounPossessiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
NounPPFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
NounPredicateFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
nounVerbal - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
NoWiki(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.NoWiki
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryEtymologyOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DecompOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The namespace of the vocabulary as a string
NucleonicMiddle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Object of action belongs to.
nucleus - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The component of a multiword or multi-morphemic compound term that is determined or modified by the other components making up the term.
number - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
number - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
number - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
number - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
number - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Grammatical category for the variation in form of nouns, pronouns, and any words agreeing with them, depending on how many persons or things are referred to.In many languages, the grammatical distinction that indicates the number of objects referred to by the term or word.
Number - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Number - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Number() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
numeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Part of speech that expresses a number or the relation to a number.
Numeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Numeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A numeral is a word, functioning most typically as an adjective or pronoun, that expresses a number, and relation to the number, such as one of the following: Quantity, Sequence, Frequency, Fraction.
NumeralBoth - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Numeric value for two.
numeralFraction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Word used to denote the denominator of a fraction.
NumeralModifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A nominal is modified by a numeral.
NumeralPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
numResultEstimation() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.JenaModelsIterator
NUMSN - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.SenseNumberBasedTranslationDisambiguationMethod
nymAndUsagePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
nymExpression - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
nymMarkers - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkers - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishGlobals
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryExtractor
nymMarkerToNymName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
nymPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
nymPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
nymPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
nymPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
nymPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
nymPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
nymPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
nymRelation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
the dimension stating the counted nym relation in the Nym Count Datacube.
NymRelation - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.model
NYMS - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType
nymSensePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
nymsPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
nymsPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
nymsPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
nymsPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
nymsPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
nymsPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
NymStatistics - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.stats
NymStatistics() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.NymStatistics


object - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Object - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
objectComplement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ObjectComplement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ObjectControl - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates the object of the main clause is also the (omitted) object of the subclause
ObjectiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Case used to express the direct object, indirect object, object of a preposition, object complement and subject of an infinitive.
objOfProp - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The 'objOfProp' represents the 2nd argument or object of a binary predicate (property) in the ontology.
ObligativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ObligativeModality indicates that an agent is required to perform the action expressed by the predicate [Bybee, Perkins and Pagliuca 1994: 177; Palmer 2001: 71].
oblique - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
OBLIQUE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
obliqueCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case that is used when a noun is the object of a verb or a proposition, except for nominative and vocative case.
ObliqueCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Case that is used when a noun is the object of a verb or a proposition, except for nominative and vocative case.
ObliquePassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A Passive in which a basic Oblique nominal assumes the Subject relation in a corresponding nonbasic configuration.
ObliqueRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A semantic role which is not straightforward.
observation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
indicates a observation contained within this slice of the data set
Observation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
A single observation in the cube, may have one or more associated measured values
observationGroup - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Indicates a group of observations.
ObservationGroup - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
A, possibly arbitrary, group of observations.
observationLanguage - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The language dimension of an observation
obsoleteForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term or lexeme which is no longer in common use.
ODREDENI - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Mode
of(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.PronBuilder
of(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
of(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
of(String, Set<String>) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
of(String, WiktionaryDataHandler) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
of(String, WiktionaryDataHandler) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
of(List<WikiText.Token>) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
of(List<WikiText.Token>, Set<String>) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
of(WikiText.WikiSection) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
of(WikiText.WikiSection, Set<String>) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
offset - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
OffsetValue - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
OffsetValue(long, int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.OffsetValue
old - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Used in the past.
OldUsage - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Used in the past.
OliaOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/olia.owl
OliaOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
OmittedUnit - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
*U* â ´ unit ...
OnceNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
noun conveying the meaning that the action is performed once
onlyShowFilename - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GrepInWiktionary
ontoCorrespondence - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The 'ontoCorrespondence' property binds an argument of a predicate defined in the ontology to a syntactic argument that realizes this predicate argument syntactically.
OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages
OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler.PosAndType - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages
OntolexOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/ontolex.owl
OntolexOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
OntoMap - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
An 'ontology mapping' (OntoMap for short) specifies how a syntactic frame and its syntactic arguments map to a set of concepts and properties in the ontology that together specify the meaning of the syntactic frame.
ontoMapping - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The 'ontoMapping' property relates an ontology mapping to its corresponding lexical sense.
OpenAngleBracket - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
< *LAB* Left angle bracket (Santorini 1991)
OpenBracket - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation that is represented graphically as [ (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2082)
openCloseAll() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseExternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseHeading() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseIndentation() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseIndentedItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseNowiki() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseNumberedListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
openCloseTemplates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
OpenContentClose(Function<WikiText.Token, List<WikiText.Token>>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiSequenceFiltering.OpenContentClose
OpenCurlyBracket - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation that is graphically represented as { (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2084)
openParenthesis - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Beginning of a pair of parenthesis.
OpenParenthesis - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Beginning of a pair of parenthesis.
OpenQuote - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
quotation mark, opening
OpenSquareBracket - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
[ *LSB* Left square bracket (Santorini 1991)
OptativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Optative indicates that the speaker wishes or hopes that the expressed proposition be the case (Bybee, Perkins, and Pagliuca 1994: 179; Palmer 2001: 204).
OptativeMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Optative indicates that the speaker wishes or hopes that the expressed proposition be the case (Bybee, Perkins, and Pagliuca 1994: 179; Palmer 2001: 204).
optional - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The 'optional' property indicates whether a syntactic argument is optional, that is, it can be syntactically omitted.
optionalElement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
1951: An optional part of a headword.
options - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLine
options - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.VerboseCommand
options - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
or(WikiEventFilter) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventsSequence
order - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
indicates a priority order for the components of sets with this structure, used to guide presentations - lower order numbers come before higher numbers, un-numbered components come last
OrderedCollection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
ordinalAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adjective/numeral/number expressing a numeric ranking.
OrdinalAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adjective expressing a numeric ranking.
OrdinalNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An ordinal number is a number belonging to a class whose members designate positions in a sequence, e.g.
org.getalp - package org.getalp
org.getalp.dbnary - package org.getalp.dbnary
org.getalp.dbnary.api - package org.getalp.dbnary.api
org.getalp.dbnary.bliki - package org.getalp.dbnary.bliki
org.getalp.dbnary.cli - package org.getalp.dbnary.cli
org.getalp.dbnary.cli.deprecated - package org.getalp.dbnary.cli.deprecated
org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins - package org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins
org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils - package org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils
org.getalp.dbnary.commons - package org.getalp.dbnary.commons
org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer - package org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer
org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation - package org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation
org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding - package org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding
org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation - package org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation
org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.segmentation - package org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.segmentation
org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity - package org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity
org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string - package org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string
org.getalp.dbnary.hdt - package org.getalp.dbnary.hdt
org.getalp.dbnary.languages - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.commons - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.commons
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur
org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho - package org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
org.getalp.dbnary.model - package org.getalp.dbnary.model
org.getalp.dbnary.morphology - package org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
org.getalp.dbnary.rdfutils - package org.getalp.dbnary.rdfutils
org.getalp.dbnary.stats - package org.getalp.dbnary.stats
org.getalp.dbnary.tools - package org.getalp.dbnary.tools
org.getalp.dbnary.wiki - package org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit - package org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit
org.getalp.dilaf - package org.getalp.dilaf
org.getalp.iso639 - package org.getalp.iso639
org.getalp.model.dbnary - package org.getalp.model.dbnary
org.getalp.model.lexinfo - package org.getalp.model.lexinfo
org.getalp.model.ontolex - package org.getalp.model.ontolex
org.getalp.wiktionary - package org.getalp.wiktionary
originalDump(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
originalDumpFilename(String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
other - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Animacy
other - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
other - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
OTHER - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Animacy
OTHER - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
OTHER - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
otherAnimacy - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Perceived as related to animacy, but without specific reference to the previous items.
OtherAnimacy - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Perceived as related to animacy, but without specific reference to the previous items.
otherForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'other form' property relates a lexical entry to a non-preferred ("non-lemma") form that realizes the given lexical entry.
otherFormPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
otherFormPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
otherGender - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A grammatical category that indicates grammatical relationships between words in sentences.
otherNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Designation used to classify number-related grammatical information that can differ from the standard European classifications cited above.
OtherSourceEvidentiality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An indication that the source of information is someone other than the speaker.
outdatedForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term or lexeme that has fallen from fashion, but the meaning of which is readily recognizable.
output(String, String, Model) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
OUTPUT_FILE_SUFFIX_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
outputAndLink(String, String, Model) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.EnhanceLatestExtracts
outputFileForFeature(ExtractionFeature, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
outputFileForFeature(ExtractionFeature, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
outputFilename(ExtractionFeature, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
outputFilename(ExtractionFeature, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ExtractionPreferences
outputFileSuffix - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer


page - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
Page - Class in org.getalp.model.dbnary
Page - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
A Page corresponds to a Wiktionary web page describing a set of Lexical Entries that usually share the same written form but that do not necessarily share the same Part Of Speech.
Page(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Page
pageAnalyser(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
pageAnalyzer(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
pageContent - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
pageCount - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
count of dbnary Pages contained in a specific extract.
pageGetNext() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
PageIterator - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.tools
PageIterator(List<WikiText.Token>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
PageIterator(List<WikiText.Token>, Set<String>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
pageOffsetGet(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
pageTag - Static variable in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndexer
parent - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CheckWiktionaryQuality
parent - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CompareExtracts
parent - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GrepInWiktionary
parent - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
parent - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateAndExtractDumps
parentChildProperty - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Specifies a property which relates a parent concept in the hierarchy to a child concept.
ParentheticalPunctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Parenthetical elements are dominated by a node labeled PRN.
parseArgs(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTool
Parse the args of a Template, e.g., parses a string like xxx=yyy|zzz=ttt It can handle nested parentheses, e.g., xxx=yyy|zzz={{aaa=bbb|ccc=ddd}}|kkk=hhh and xxx=yyy|zzz=[[aaa|bbb|ccc]]|kkk=hhh.
parseArgs(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTool
use WikiText package
parseBulgarianBlock(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
parseCompound() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
This function is used to replace "COMPOUND_OF LEMMA AND LEMMA" and equivalents with a single "LEMMA" Symbol of type compound|lang1|word1|lang2|word2
parseDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.GreekDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
parseDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
Parse a mediawiki string and register its plain text rendering as a new definition
parseDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
parseDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
parseDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
parseDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.DefinitionExtractorWikiModel
parseDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.PortugueseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
parseDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
parseDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
parseDefinition(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
parseDiacritics(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
parseEnTemplatesHTML(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
parseExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianExampleExtractorWikiModel
parseExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
parseFunction(List<String>, IWikiModel, char[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInvoke
parseHeaderBlock(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishHeaderExtractorWikiModel
parseHTML(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanSubstantiveDeklinationTableExtractor
parseHTML(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
parseLanguage(WikiText.Heading) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
parseLanguageTemplate(WikiText.Template) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
parseLink(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
parseMorphoBlock(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
parseMorphology(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
parseMultipleBorrowing() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
This function is used to replace FROM LANGUAGE LEMMA, FROM LANGUAGE LEMMA; FROM LANGUAGE LEMMA AND FROM LANGUAGE LEMMA with a single "LEMMA" Symbol of type mult|lang|lang1|word1|lang2|word2 etc
parseNyms(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
parseOther(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
parseOtherForm(String, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.InflectionExtractorWikiModel
parsePronunciation(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
parsePronunciation(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianPronunciationExtractorWikiModel
parsePronunciation(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel
parsePronunciation2(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChinesePronunciationExtractorWikiModel
parseRelatedWords(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
parseRelatedWords(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
parseSense() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
parseTable(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
parseTable(Element, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
parseTable(Element, List<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
parseTables(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDeklinationExtractorWikiModel
parseTables(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanKonjugationExtractorWikiModel
parseTables(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanTableExtractorWikiModel
parseTables(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishTableExtractorWikiModel
parseTables(WikiText.Template) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanTableExtractorWikiModel
parseTemplate(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
parseTrans(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
parseTranslationBlock(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
parseTranslationBlock(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.PortugueseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
parseTranslationBlock(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianTranslationExtractorWikiModel
parseTranslationBlock(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
parseTranslationBlock(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractor
parseTranslationBlock(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
parseTranslationBlockWithBliki(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
parseTranslations(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseTranslationsExtractor
partHolonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates a part of this object
PARTICIPE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Mode
participle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Term referring to a word derived from a verb and used as an adjective.
participle - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
participle() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
Participle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A participle is a lexical item, derived from a verb that has some of the characteristics and functions of both verbs and adjectives.
PARTICIPLE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
participleAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adjective based on a verb.
ParticipleAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adjective based on a verb.
participleFormOf - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates that one lexical entry is the participle form of another, e.g., the adjective 'reassuring' is the participle of 'to reassure'
particle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Word that does not belong to one of the main classes of words, is invariable in form, and typically has grammatical or pragmatic meaning.
Particle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Particle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
synonym of Unique, to be avoided because of its divergent definitions (Chiarcos)
ParticleAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Word that is both an adverb and a particle.
ParticlePOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
partition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'partition' property relates a lexicalization set or lexical linkset to a logical subset that contains lexicalizations for a given ontological type only.
partitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
PARTITIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
partitiveArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Article expressing a part or quantity.
PartitiveArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A partitive article indicates an indefinite quantity of a mass noun; there is no partitive article in English, though the words some or any often have that function.
partitiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case that expresses the partial nature of the referent of the noun it marks, as opposed to expressing the whole unit or class of which the referent is a part.
PartitiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The partitive case is a grammatical case which denotes "partialness", "without result", or "without specific identity".
PartitiveDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A partitive determiner indicates an indefinite quantity of a mass noun; there is no partitive article in English, though the words some or any often have that function.
partitiveRelation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A relation between two concepts where one of the concepts constitutes the whole and the other concept a part of that whole.
PARTIZIPIEN - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
partMeronym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates this a component of the other concept
partNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A unique alphanumeric designation assigned to an object in a manufacturing system.
partOfSpeech - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The original part of speech as it was defined in the Wiktionary page.
partOfSpeech - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A category assigned to a word based on its grammatical and semantic properties.Term used to describe how a particular word is used in a sentence.
PartOfSpeech - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
partOfSpeechMarkers - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.WiktionaryExtractor
partOfSpeechMarkers - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryExtractor
partOfSpeechPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
partOfSpeechPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
PASSÉ_SIMPLE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Tense
PASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Voice
PASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Voice
PASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Voice
passive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Voice
passive() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
PASSIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Voice
passiveVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Term referring to a situation where the grammatical subject is typically the recipient or goal of the action denoted by the verb.
PassiveVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
When the subject is the patient, target or undergoer of the action, it is said to be in the passive voice.
past - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Past tense is an absolute tense that refers to a time before the moment of utterance.
past - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
Past - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The past tense is a verb tense expressing action, activity, state or being in the past.
PAST - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Tense
PAST - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
PAST_PARTICIPLE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
PastInFuture - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Locates the situation in question in the future, prior to a reference time in the future.
pastParticiple() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
PastParticiple - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
pastParticipleAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adjective based on a past participle.
PastParticipleAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adjective based on a past participle.
PastPerfectTense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Past perfect tense is an absolute-relative tense that refers to a time in the past relative to a reference point, which itself is in the past relative to the moment of utterance (www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms/WhatIsPastPerfectTense.htm; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-1348)denoting a tense of verbs used in relating past events where the action had already occurred at the time of the action of a main verb that is itself in a past tense.
pastTense() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
pastTenseForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PathRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
added in accordance with TIGER way (directional modifier)
PATICIPLE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
PatientRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A patient instantiates the role of an entity which undergoes a change of state (Cruse 2000:284) http://languagelink.let.uu.nl/tds/onto/LinguisticOntology.owl#patientRole
paucal - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Number that specifies 'a few' things.
paucal - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
Paucal - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Number that specifies 'a few' things.
PAUCAL - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
PaucalQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Quantifiers that enforce paucal agreement.
peek(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.Struct
PejorativeEvaluative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An evaluative property of a noun that indicates the speaker regards the person or object being referred to with distaste, contempt, or displeasure [Valentine 2001: 190-193].
percentage - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'percentage' property expresses the percentage of entities in the reference dataset which have at least one lexicalization in a lexicalization set or are linked to a lexical concept in a lexical linkset.
Perfect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A verb tense that refers to completed action in the past.
perfective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Perfective aspect is an aspect that expresses a temporal view of an event or state as a simple whole, apart from the consideration of the internal structure of the time in which it occurs.
perfective - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
PERFECTIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
PerfectiveAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The perfective aspects (inceptive, punctual and completive) view the situation as a bounded entity, and often put an emphasis on its beginning or end.
PERFEKT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Tense
PERFEKT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense
PERFEKT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
PeriodicAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
It is an adjective, which expresses the time or period of the circumstances, while modifying a noun.
PerlativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
PerlativeCase expresses that something moved 'through','across', or 'along' the referent of the noun that is marked (Blake 1998: 38, 203).
PermissiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
PermissiveModality indicates that an agent has permission to perform the action expressed by the predicate [Palmer 2001: 10, 71].
person - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
person - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
person - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
person - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
person - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indication of grammatical person (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) associated with a given inflected form.
Person - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Person - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Person() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Person
personal - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Property that refers to the person.
personal - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.ReferentType
Personal - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Property that refers to the person.
PERSONAL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.ReferentType
PERSONAL - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.ReferentType
PersonalPassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A Passive in which the argument mapped to Object in a basic structural configuration assumes the Subject relation in a corresponding nonbasic configuration.
personalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun referring a person.
PersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A personal pronoun is a pronoun that expresses a distinction of person deixis.
personnal() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
PersReflPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Eagles personal and reflexive pronouns are brought together as a single value Pers./Refl.
pertainsTo - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PhasalAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A set of aspectual distinctions involving relations between a background situation (the reference situation) and a situation located relative to the reference situation (the denoted situation).
phoneticRep - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'phonetic representation' property indicates one phonetic representation of the pronunciation of the form using a scheme such as the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
PhoneticRepresentation - Class in org.getalp.model.ontolex
PhoneticRepresentation(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.PhoneticRepresentation
Phrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Phrase is the class of syntactic constructions that consist of one or more syntactic words, but lack the subject-predicate organization of a clause.
Phraseme - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Conventional lexical unit consisting of a particular phrase (CC)
phraseologicalUnit - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Any group of two or more words that form a unit, the meaning of which frequently cannot be deduced based on the combined sense of the words making up the phrase.
PhysicalAbilitiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
PhysicalAbilitiveModality indicates that an agent has the physical capacity to perform some action.
PlaceNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
noun expressing a location
plainDisplay - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GrepInWiktionary
PlainMiddle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Results of action occur to subject.
plainVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
verb which has its own semantics
PluperfectTense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
PastInPast tense locates the situation in question prior to a reference time in the past.
plural - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
plural - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Value that expresses more than one element.The form of a term or word (usually of a noun) used to designate more than one object.
plural - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
plural() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
plural() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Plural - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Plural is a grammatical number, typically referring to more than one of the referent in the real world.
PLURAL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.GNumber
PLURAL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.GNumber
PLURAL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.GNumber
PLURAL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GNumber
PLURAL - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
pluralNumberForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PluralQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A PluralQuantifier is a Quantifier (or Numeral) that specifies a large multitude of entities.
PLURIEL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.GNumber
PLUSKVAMPERFEKT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense
PLUSQUAMPERFEKT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Tense
PLUSQUAMPERFEKT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
point - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Sign (.) used to expresses the end of a sentence or an abbreviation.
Point - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Sign (.) used to expresses the end of a sentence or an abbreviation.
PointOfViewAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
point of view aspect (http://languagelink.let.uu.nl/tds/onto/LinguisticOntology.owl#viewPointAspect)
polishDefinitionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
polishDefinitionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
PolishLangToCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol
PolishLangToCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.PolishLangToCode
polishNymLinePattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
PoliteSecondPersonPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In several European languages exist special forms of pronouns for polite or respectful reference, e.g.
polwdh - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
pop(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.Struct
populateMetadata(String, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryExtractor
populateMetadata(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
populateMetadata(Model, Model, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
populateMetadata(Model, Model, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
PortugueseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por
PortugueseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.PortugueseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
PortugueseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.PortugueseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
PortugueseLangToCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por
PortugueseLangToCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.PortugueseLangToCode
PortugueseTranslationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por
PortugueseTranslationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.PortugueseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
PortugueseTranslationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.PortugueseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
pos - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler.PosAndType
PosAndType(Resource, Resource) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler.PosAndType
posAndTypeValueMap - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
posHeaderElementsPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
posHeaderElementsPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
posIsValid() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryDataHandler
POSITIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Degree
PositionerRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The entity controlling a Position (Dik, 1997:118) (http://languagelink.let.uu.nl/tds/onto/LinguisticOntology.owl#positionerRole)
POSITIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Degree
positive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Value used in a comparison relationship when no comparison is involved.
positive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Degree
positive() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Positive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Value used in a comparison relationship when no comparison is involved.
POSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Degree
POSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Degree
POSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Degree
POSITIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Degree
positiveDegreeForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
positiveForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
posMarkers - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
posMarkers - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
posMarkers - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
posMarkersPrefixes - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
posPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
posPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
posPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
posPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
posPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
posPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
posResource(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
posResource(OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler.PosAndType) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
PossessedCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
PossessedCase is used to mark the noun whose referent is possessed by the referent of another noun.
PossessionMarker - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Urdu, wālā can be added to substantives to derive nouns implying possession or general relationships, e.g., go-wāl, or go-wālā, s.m.
possessive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Relative to the possession or association.
possessive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.ReferentType
possessive() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Possessive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Relative to the possession or association.
POSSESSIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.ReferentType
POSSESSIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.ReferentType
possessiveAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An adjective derived from a noun and denoting possession by the object described by the noun.
PossessiveAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adjective/Type="possessive" are denominal, not pronominal expressions of possession (Ivan A Derzhanski, email 2010/06/09).
possessiveAdjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PossessiveAdjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PossessiveArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In Romanian, the possessive article (also called genitival article) is an element in the structure of the possessive pronoun, of the ordinal numeral (e.g.
possessiveDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Determiner that expresses ownership.
PossessiveDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A possessive determiner is a part of speech that modifies a noun by attributing ownership to someone or something.
possessiveInfinitiveClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
possessiveParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Particle expressing ownship.
PossessiveParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Particle expressing ownship.
possessivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun that expresses ownership and relationships like ownership, such as kinship, and other forms of association.
PossessivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A possessive pronoun is a pronoun that expresses relationships like ownership, such as kinship, and other forms of association.
possessiveRelativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A relative pronoun whose antecedent is the possessor of the subject or object in the relative clause.
PossessiveRelativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A relative pronoun whose antecedent is the possessor of the subject or object in the relative clause.
PossessorRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Semantic role as used by the Stanford Dependency Parser
Possible - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Value that denotes a linguistic situation considered as being correct in the given language
PostHodiernalFuture - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
PostHodiernalFutureTense locates the situation in question after the span that is culturally defined as 'today' (Bybee, Perkins, and Pagliuca 1994: 247).
postModifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Situation where the modifier is after the modified.
PostNominalModifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Postmodifying is a function of an adjective that can modify, describe, or qualify a preceding noun.
postposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adposition that appears at the end of the noun phrase.
Postposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Postposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A postposition is an adposition that occurs after its complement.
postPositiveArg - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates an argument of an adjective indicated by post-positive modification.
PostPositiveArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
postProcessAfterExtraction(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
postProcessData(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryExtractor
postProcessData(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
postProcessData(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
postProcessData(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
postProcessEtymology() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
postProcessForms(WikiText.Template, InflectedFormSet) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanSubstantiveDeklinationExtractorWikiModel
postProcessForms(WikiText.Template, InflectedFormSet) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanTableExtractorWikiModel
postProcessModel(Model, Model, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
PostTranslationDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.commons
A data handler tailored to handle language editions where translation are given after all the different entries and should be attached to correct entries somehow.
PostTranslationDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
PPFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PragmaticInverseVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
If the agent is more topical than the patient, the direct-active clause is used.
PRÄSENS - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Tense
PRÄTERITUM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Tense
precisionMeasure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The number of correct guesses among the computed guesses
Predicate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The predicate is the relation between the Clause and a portion of a clause, excluding the subject, that expresses something about the subject (Crystal 1980: 280; Hartmann and Stork 1972: 182; Pei and Gaynor 1954: 173; Pike and Pike 1982: 40; Mish et al.
predicative() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
PREDICATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SubClass
predicativeAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PredicativeAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PredicativeAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A predicative adjective is one which functions as part of the predicate of a sentence.
predicativeAdjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
predicativeAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PredicativeAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
predicativeNominative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PredicativeNominative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PreferredEvaluative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An evaluative property of a noun that indicates the speaker regards the person or object being referred to with favor or admiration.
preferredTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term rated according to the scale of a term acceptability rating as the primary term for a given concept.
prefix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Prefix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Prefix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Affix added before a word to change its meaning or part of speech.
prefLabel - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
A resource has no more than one value of skos:prefLabel per language tag, and no more than one value of skos:prefLabel without language tag.The range of skos:prefLabel is the class of RDF plain literals.skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties.
PreHodiernalPast - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
PreHodiernalPastTense locates the situation in question before that of a contrasting HodiernalPastTense.
PREMIÈRE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Person
preModifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Situation where the modifier is before the modified.
PreNominalModifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Premodifying is a function of an adjective that can modify a following noun.
prepareExtraction() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.ExtractWiktionary
prepareExtraction() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GetExtractedSemnet
prepareForTransclusion(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.DbnaryWikiModel
preposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adposition placed at the beginning of a noun phrase.
Preposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Preposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A preposition is an adposition that occurs before its complement.
prepositionalAdjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PrepositionalAdjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
prepositionalAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
adverb which is very similar in its form to a preposition
PrepositionalAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
adverb which is very similar in its form to a preposition
PrepositionalCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In many grammars, the term "prepositional case" is to refer to case marking that only occurs in combination with prepositions.
PrepositionalFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Abstract frame for words that take a prepositional phrase as an argument
prepositionalGerundClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
prepositionalInterrogativeClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PrepositionalInterrogativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
prepositionalObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PrepositionalObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PrepositionalObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Prepositional object
PrepositionalPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A sequence of a preposition and its complement is a prepositional phrase.
PrepositionalPhraseFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PrepositionFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PrepositionPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
present - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Verb tense that indicates action or state of being in the present.
present - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
present() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Present - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Present tense refers to the moment of utterance.
PRESENT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Tense
PRESENT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
PRESENT - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
PRÉSENT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Tense
PRESENT_PARTICIPLE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
presentativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
pronoun that identify the current locative or temporal situation
PresentativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
pronoun that identify the current locative or temporal situation
presentParticiple() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
PresentParticiple - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
presentParticipleAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adjective based on a present participle.
PresentParticipleAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adjective based on a present participle.
presentTense() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
presentTenseForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
PresumptiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The presumptive mood is used in Romanian to express presupposition or hypothesis regarding the fact denoted by the verb, as well as other more or less similar attitudes: doubt, curiosity, concern, condition, indifference, inevitability.
PresumptiveMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The presumptive mood is used in Romanian to express presupposition or hypothesis regarding the fact denoted by the verb, as well as other more or less similar attitudes: doubt, curiosity, concern, condition, indifference, inevitability.
preterit() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
PRETERIT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
preterite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The simple past or preterite as distinct from the perfect form, e.g,, "showed" not "shown"
preterite - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
PRETERITE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
PreverbalParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
PREZENT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense
PREZENT - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Tense
print(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
printConfidenceStats(PrintStream) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats
printContentForest(PrintWriter, WikiText.WikiContent) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter
printContentForest(WikiText.WikiContent) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter
printDocumentTree(PrintStream, WikiText.WikiDocument) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter
Prints a textual representation of the Wiki Document Tree in the given print stream
printDocumentTree(WikiText.WikiDocument) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter
Prints a textual representation of the Wiki Document Tree in standard output
printIndent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
println() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
println(Object) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
println(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
printSectionTree(WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter, WikiText.WikiSection) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter
printStat(String, PrintStream) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats
printStat(String, PrintWriter) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats
printStat(String, PrintWriter) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStatsModule
printStats(Model, String, PrintWriter) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.GeneralStatistics
printStats(Model, String, PrintWriter) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.NymStatistics
printStats(Model, String, PrintWriter, boolean) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.GeneralStatistics
printStats(Model, String, PrintWriter, boolean) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.NymStatistics
printStats(Model, String, String, PrintWriter) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.TranslationsStatistics
printStats(Model, String, String, PrintWriter, boolean) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.TranslationsStatistics
printTextTree(PrintStream, WikiText) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter
printTextTree(WikiText) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter
printToken(WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter, WikiText.Token) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter
printUsage() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.deprecated.TranslateDiachronicStatisticsToDataCubes
printUsage() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.RDFDiff
printUsage() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.SummarizeDifferences
printUsage() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateDiachronicStatistics
printUsage() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateLatestStatistics
printUsage() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLine
printUsage() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.VerboseCommand
printUsage() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
printUsage() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.EnhanceLatestExtracts
processDir - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
ProcessedRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The entity that undergoes a Process (Dik, 1997:118).
processTranslations(Model, Model, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.TranslationSourcesDisambiguator
productName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An attribute assigned to a term indicating that that term is the official designator for a product.
ProgressiveAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
ProgressiveAspect, also called the continuative or the durative, encodes a single event as an ongoing process.
ProgressivePassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A passive in Irish in which the preposition "at" is used, and a semantic meaning of progressive tense is found (Noonan 1994:280) (http://purl.org/linguistics/gold/ProgressivePassive)
prolative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
PROLATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
prolativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case for a noun or a pronoun that expresses motion within a place or a period of time needed for an event.
ProlativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Case for a noun or a pronoun that expresses motion within a place or a period of time needed for an event.
PromotionalInverseVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Involves promotion of the topical proximate-patient to subjecthood.
pron - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.PronBuilder
pron - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.PronunciationPair
PRON - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType
PronBuilder(String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.PronBuilder
PronBuilder(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.PronBuilder
pronominalAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
adverb formed in replacement of a preposition and a pronoun
PronominalAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Pronominal adverbs substitute for a preposition (which is incorporated into them) and an NP, cf.
pronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Word used in place of a noun or a noun phrase.
Pronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A pronoun is a pro-form which functions like a noun and substitutes for a noun or a noun-phrase.
pronounciationPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
pronounciationPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
pronounciationPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
pronounciationPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
pronounciationPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
PronounOrDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The parts of speech Pronoun, Determiner and Article heavily overlap in their formal and functional characteristics, and different analyses for different languages entail separating them out in different ways.
PronounPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
pronPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
pronPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
pronunciation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The representation of the manner by which a term or word is articulated.
PRONUNCIATION - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel.Mode
PronunciationPair - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
PronunciationPair(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.PronunciationPair
pronunciationPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
pronunciationPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
properNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A noun or adjective denoting a single object.Noun that is the name of a specific individual, place, or object.
ProperNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ProperNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Proper nouns (also called proper names) are the names of unique entities.
property() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.MorphoSyntacticFeature
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Animacy
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Definiteness
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Degree
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Finiteness
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Frequency
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Gender
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Person
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.ReferentType
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
property() - Method in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Voice
propertyDomain - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
'Property domain' provides a pragmatic restriction on the domain of the property referred to by this sense.
PropertyObjectPair - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
propertyRange - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
'Property domain' provides a pragmatic restriction on the range of the property referred to by this sense.
ProprietiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Proprietive case marks a possessional relation, i.e.
ProQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A ProQuantifier is a quantifier derived from a pronominal element.
PROSLOST - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Tense
proverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A brief popular axiom or saying.
Proximal - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The referent denoted by a distal demonstrative pronoun (e.g., English that) is usually spatially more remote or discoursally less salient as compared to a referent denoted by a proximal demonstrative pronoun (e.g., English this) (Chiarcos)
PseudopassiveVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
voice in a specify passive construction (different from the regular passive) where the patient is the syntactic subject and agent is the syntactic object
punctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Graphical mark used either at word level to indicate an abbreviation or at a text level to separate phrases or sentences.
Punctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation marks (PU) are treated here as a part of morphosyntactic annotation, as it is very common for punctuation marks to be tagged and to be treated as equivalent to words for the purposes of automatic tag assignment.
PurposeRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
-PRP (purpose or reason) â ´ marks purpose or reason clauses and PPs.
PurposiveAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The purposive aspect appears to add the notion of intention or probability, both negative and positive.
PurposiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Purposive marks the goal of an activity, e.g., 'going out FOR (i.e.
push(String, Object) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.Struct


quadrial - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Property related to four elements.
quadrial - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
Quadrial - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Property related to four elements.
QUADRIAL - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
Qualifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Also called MODIFIER : A word or phrase that qualifies the sense of another word; for example, the noun alarm is a modifier of clock in "alarm clock" and the phrase every day is an adverbial modifier of walks in "he walks every day" (www.wordreference.com/English/definition.asp?en=modifier; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-1373)
qualifierAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Adjective used to qualify.
QualifierAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adjective used to qualify.
QuantificationalAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A speaker may report an event as occurring once only (semelfactive) or several times (iterative); he may view it as a specific event or as part of a general habit of carrying out similar events; he may also differentiate between different degrees of frequency with which the event occurs.
Quantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A quantifier is a determiner that expresses a referent's definite or indefinite number or amount.
quasiEquivalent - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Question - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
There are two types of questions: direct questions (which are main clauses ending with a question mark) and indirect questions (which are subordinate clauses embedded under a verb).
questionMark - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Sign used to express a question.
QuestionMark - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Sign used to express a question.
QuestionPredicate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SQ â ´ Inverted yes/no question, or main clause of a wh-question, following the wh-phrase in SBARQ.
QuestionWord - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A proform that is used in questions to stand for the item questioned.
QuotativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A quotative is grammatical device to mark reported speech in some languages (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotative), e.g., in Estonian.<br/> ‘Reportedly, while he was going (in his boat), he turned over.’ Ta olevat oma paadiga ümber läinud He was_QUOTATIVE his_own boat_WITH over gone.<br/> (Estonian translation of an example given under http://www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms/WhatIsAQuotativeEvidential.htm) (Heiki-Jaan.Kaalep, email 2010/06/22)
QuotativeMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A quotative is grammatical device to mark reported speech in some languages (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotative), e.g., in Estonian.<br/> ‘Reportedly, while he was going (in his boat), he turned over.’ Ta olevat oma paadiga ümber läinud He was_QUOTATIVE his_own boat_WITH over gone.<br/> (Estonian translation of an example given under http://www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms/WhatIsAQuotativeEvidential.htm) (Heiki-Jaan.Kaalep, email 2010/06/22)
QuotativeVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A quotative is grammatical device to mark reported speech in some languages (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotative), e.g., in Estonian.<br/> ‘Reportedly, while he was going (in his boat), he turned over.’ Ta olevat oma paadiga ümber läinud He was_QUOTATIVE his_own boat_WITH over gone.<br/> (Estonian translation of an example given under http://www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms/WhatIsAQuotativeEvidential.htm) (Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, email 2010/06/22)
Quote - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation usually used to surround a quotation.


radical - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A basic identifiable component of every CJKV character, often found on the left side of the character, that sometimes gives a rough indication of meaning and is used for collating lexical and terminological resources.
RaisableSubject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
RaisingSubject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates the syntactic subject of the main clause is in fact the subject of the subclause.
rank - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
rare - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Frequency
RARE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Frequency
rarelyUsed - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Said of a term that is almost never used.
RarelyUsed - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Said of a term that is almost never used.
RDF_FORMAT_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
RDF_FORMAT_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.EnhanceLatestExtracts
rdf2hdt(Path, Path) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.RDF2HDT
rdf2hdt(Path, Path, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.RDF2HDT
RDF2HDT - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.hdt
RDF2HDT() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.RDF2HDT
RDF2HDT(boolean) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.RDF2HDT
RDFDiff - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
RDFDiff(String[]) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.RDFDiff
rdfFormat - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
rdfFormat - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.EnhanceLatestExtracts
RDFFormats - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils
RDFFormats() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.RDFFormats
read(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CheckWiktionaryQuality
recallMeasure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The fraction of relevant instances that were actually retrieved
RecentPast - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
RecentPastTense locates the situation in question prior to the present moment, but by culturally and situationally defined criteria, usually within the span ranging from yesterday to a week or a few months previous (Comrie 1985:87; Dahl 1985:121-122).
RecipientRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A recipient instantiates the role of an entity (usually animate) who recieves an entity in some way from the event.
ReciprocalFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ReciprocalMiddle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Referents of plural subject do action to one another.
reciprocalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun expressing mutual relationship.
ReciprocalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A reciprocal pronoun is a pronoun that expresses a mutual feeling or action among the referents of a plural subject.
ReducedInflection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Reduced adjective inflection of Slavic languages, e.g., Czech e.g., brillská/brillský, neznámo/neznámý, samo/sám, samy/sám (http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#NominalAdjective)
ReducedRelativeClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
RRC (reduced relative clause) Reduced relative clauses are adjoined to the NP they modify.
Reduplication - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
process to modify the sense of a word by some operations to repeat the sound of a word.
RefactoredTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
RefactoredTableExtractor(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
reference - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'reference' property relates a lexical sense to an ontological predicate that represents the denotation of the corresponding lexical entry.
referenceDataset - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'reference dataset' property indicates the dataset that contains the domain objects or vocabulary elements that are either referenced by a given lexicon, providing the grounding vocabulary for the meaning of the lexical entries, or linked to lexical concepts in a concept set by means of a lexical link set.
references - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'references' property indicates the number of distinct ontology or vocabulary elements that are either associated with lexical entries via a lexicalization set or linked to lexical concepts via a lexical link set.
ReferentialVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
entails assignment of the absolutive to certain kinds of arguments other than the logical subjects (A) and objects (P), including the dative, benefactive, malefactive, and possessor.
referentType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Type of concrete object or concept (the referent) that an expression represents (the reference).
ReferentType - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
ReferentType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ReferentType() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.ReferentType
REFLEXIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Voice
REFLEXIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Voice
REFLEXIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Voice
reflexive() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Reflexive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A reflexive verb is a verb whose semantic agent and patient (typically represented syntactically by the subject and the direct object) are the same.
REFLEXIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SubClass
ReflexiveDativeTransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ist diese frame echt?
reflexiveDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Determiner that refers to the same entity.
ReflexiveDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Determiner that refers to the same entity.
ReflexiveDitransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ReflexiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ReflexiveMiddle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Reflexive middle makes use of grammatical devices that normally indicate reflexivity.
ReflexiveObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ReflexivePassive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A Passive construction which contains reflexive markings.
reflexivePersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
personal pronoun which is reflexive
ReflexivePossessiveDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Attributive possessive pronoun form of the reflexive pronoun, e.g., Russian свой: Обама на свой день рождения угощал гостей стейками и хот-догами.
reflexivePossessivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A possessive pronoun that refers to the subject as the possessor.
ReflexivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that has coreference with the subject.
ReflexiveReciprocalFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ReflexiveTransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ReflexiveTransitivePPFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ReflexiveVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The reflexive voice is a grammatical voice in which the subject is both the agent and the patient or recipient.
register - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Classification indicating the relative level of language individually assigned to a lexeme or term or to a text type.
Register - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
registerAlternateSpelling(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerAlternateSpelling(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerAnswer(Collection<T>, Collection<T>, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats
registerAnswer(Collection<T>, Collection<T>, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats.Stat
registerCurrentEtymologyEntry(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerDefinition(Resource, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafLemonDataHandler
registerDerivation(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerDerivation(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerDerivation(String, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerDerivation(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerDerived(Etymology) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerDerivedForm(String...) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerDerivedForms(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerEtymology(Etymology) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerEtymologyPos(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerEtymologyPos(String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerExample(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerExample(String, Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
Register example ex for the current lexical sense.
registerExample(String, Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerExample(Set<Pair<Property, RDFNode>>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerExample(Resource, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafLemonDataHandler
registerInflection(String, String, String, String, int, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerInflection(String, String, String, String, int, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerInflection(String, String, String, String, int, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerInflection(String, String, String, String, int, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>, HashSet<PronunciationPair>) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerInflection(String, String, String, String, int, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>, HashSet<PronunciationPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerInflection(String, String, String, String, int, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>, HashSet<PronunciationPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerInflection(String, String, HashSet<PropertyObjectPair>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerInflection(InflectionData, Set<String>) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerInflection(InflectionData, Set<String>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerInflection(LexicalForm, String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerInflexion(String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
registerLexicalEntry(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafLemonDataHandler
registerLexicalSense(Resource, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafLemonDataHandler
registerNewDefinition(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
Register definition def for the current lexical entry.
registerNewDefinition(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerNewDefinition(String, int) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
Register definition def for the current lexical entry.
registerNewDefinition(String, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerNewDefinition(String, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
Register definition def for the current lexical entry.
registerNewDefinition(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
registerNewDefinition(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
Register a definition with the given sense number.
registerNewDefinition(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerNewLexicalSense(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafLemonDataHandler
registerNymRelation(String, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerNymRelation(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerNymRelation(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerNymRelation(String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerNymRelation(String, String, Resource, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerNymRelation(String, String, Resource, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerNymRelationOnCurrentSense(String, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerNymRelationOnCurrentSense(String, String, Resource, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerNymRelationOnCurrentSense(String, String, Resource, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerNymRelationToEntity(String, String, Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerNymRelationToEntity(String, String, Resource, Resource, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerNymRelationToEntity(String, String, Resource, Resource, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerPron(ArrayList<WiktionaryExtractor.PronBuilder>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerPronunciation(String, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerPronunciation(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerPronunciation(Resource, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerPropertyOnCanonicalForm(Property, RDFNode) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerPropertyOnCanonicalForm(Property, RDFNode) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerPropertyOnLexicalEntry(Property, RDFNode) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerPropertyOnLexicalEntry(Property, RDFNode) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerTranslation(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerTranslation(String, Resource, String, String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryDataHandler
registerTranslation(String, Resource, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
registerTranslation(String, Resource, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerTranslation(String, Resource, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerTranslation(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStat
registerTranslation(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStatsModule
registerTranslations(Resource, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafLemonDataHandler
registerTranslationToEntity(Resource, String, Resource, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
registerVerbForm(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryDataHandler
registerWikisaurusNym(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
regulatedTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term defined by law or government regulation.
reifiedNymCount - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
related - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
skos:related is disjoint with skos:broaderTransitive
relatedMatch - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
relatedTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term connected to another term by a coordinate or associative relation.
relates - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The 'relates' property links a lexico-semantic relation to the two lexical entries or lexical senses between which it establishes the relation.
RELATION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
RELATION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
RelationalAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The Slovene adjective expresses three main ideas: quality (qualitative adjectives, kakovostni pridevniki), relation (relational adjectives, vrstni pridevniki) and possession (possessive adjectives, svojilni pridevniki).
relationNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
relation noun
RelationNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
relation noun (MIRACL & LSCA; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2226)
RelativeAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Relative adjectives express similarity or a comparison.
RelativeAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The value relative is used for adverbs in clear relative cases as in: "The place 'where' I met you.", "The reason 'why' I did it." (http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/pub/eagles/lexicons/elm_en.ps.gz, p.33, 07.05.07)
RelativeClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun.
relativeDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Determiner related to a referent.
RelativeDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The relative determiner describes a attributive relative pronoun.
RelativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Mood to express reported speech (or indirect speech) as opposed to direct speech.
RelativeMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Mood to express reported speech (or indirect speech) as opposed to direct speech.
relativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
relative particle
RelativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
relative particle (MIRACL & LSCA; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2229)
RelativePast - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
RelativePastTense locates the situation in question before that of a contextually determined temporal reference point (Comrie 1985: 104).
RelativePresent - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
RelativePresentTense locates the situation in question simultaneously with some contextually determined temporal reference point.
relativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Pronoun which introduces a relative clause and refers to something that has been said before.
RelativePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A relative pronoun is a pronoun that marks a relative clause, functions grammatically within the relative clause, and is coreferential to the word modified by the relative clause.
RelativeQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In the Czech MTE v4 specs, Numeral/Class="relative" are items meaning `how many/much', `as many/much' etc.
RelativeTense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Relative tense is a tense that refers to a time in relation to a contextually determined temporal reference point, regardless of the latter’s temporal relation to the moment of utterance.
RelaxInflexionScheme - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
RelaxInflexionScheme() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RelaxInflexionScheme
RelevanceAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
relevance aspect (http://languagelink.let.uu.nl/tds/onto/LinguisticOntology.owl#relevanceAspect)
relMarkerToRelName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
relMarkerToRelName - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
relPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
relPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
remaining() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
remainingArgs - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.VerboseCommand
RemoteFuture - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
RemoteFutureTense locates the situation in question at a time that is considered relatively distant.
RemotePast - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
RemotePastTense locates the situation in question prior to the present moment, usually more than a few days ago (Dahl 1985:121; Comrie 1985:88).
remove() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.encoding.CodePointIterator
remove() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.hdt.JenaModelsIterator
remove() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator
remove(Object) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
remove(String, Object) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.Struct
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
removeReferencesIn(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTool
removeTablesIn(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTool
removeTextWithinParenthesesIn(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTool
removeValue(Representation) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalForm
removeXMLComments(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
render(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.DbnaryWikiModel
render(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
render(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
renderHtml(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.ExpandAllWikiModelCat
RepetitiveCoordinatingConjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Conjunction/Coord_Type="repetit" (Romanian).
representation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'representation' property indicates a string by which the form is represented according to some orthography.
Representation - Class in org.getalp.model.ontolex
Representation() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.Representation
RESERVED - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPattern
reset(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats
reset(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStatsModule
reset(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
resetAll() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
resetContext() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.ExpandAllWikiModelCat
Residual - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The residual value (R) is assigned to classes of text words which lie outside the traditionally accepted range of grammatical classes, although they occur quite commonly in many texts and very commonly in some.
resourceType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The 'resource type' property indicates the type of ontological entity of a lexicalization set or lexical linkset.
results - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
RhetoricalModifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
added in conformance with TIGER
RightParentheticalPunctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
End of a paired punctuation.
romanization - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Transcription or transliteration from non-Latin script into Latin script.
RomanNumeral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Numeral expressed with roman digits.
root - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
base of a word
Root - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
base of a word (MIRACL & LSCA; http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2231)
rootElement() - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafBambaraExtractor
rootElement() - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafExtractor
rootElement() - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafZarmaExtractor
RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus
RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel.Example - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus
RussianLangtoCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus
RussianLangtoCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianLangtoCode
RussianMorphoExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus
RussianMorphoExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
RussianMorphoExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
RussianTranslationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus
RussianTranslationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianTranslationExtractorWikiModel
RussianTranslationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianTranslationExtractorWikiModel


sansBalises(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.MorphologyWikiModel
save() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
save() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
saveCanonicalForm(WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
saveToDataHandler(WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
sch - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
sch - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
schemagenIfNewer - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
schemagenIfNewer() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.schemagenIfNewer
scopeNote - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
Script - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Set of graphic characters used for the written form of one or more languages.
second - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Person
Second - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Refers to the person(s) the speaker is addressing (Crystal 1997: 285).
SECOND - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Person
SECOND - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Person
SECOND - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Person
SECOND - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Person
SECOND - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Person
SecondaryPunctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Punctuation that is not very important with regards to sentence splitting in a text.
SECONDE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Person
SecondFamiliar - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In several European languages exist special forms of pronouns for polite or respectful reference, e.g.
SecondHonorific - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SecondNonHonorific - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
secondPerson - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Second person deixis is deictic reference to a person or persons identified as addressee.
secondPerson() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
secondPersonForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SecondPersonPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Second person deixis means deictic reference to a person or persons identified as addressee.
SecondPolite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In several European languages exist special forms of pronouns for polite or respectful reference, e.g.
sectionLanguage(WikiText.WikiSection) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPattern2 - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPatternString1 - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
sectionPatternString2 - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
sections() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
sections(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
sections(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
Sed - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
Sed() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.Sed
segment(String) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.segmentation.Segmenter
segment(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.segmentation.SpaceSegmenter
Segment(int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Segment
Segment(int, int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Segment
segmentation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Specification of the pointers in time or sequence that indicates the segmentation process.
Segmenter - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.segmentation
selectWordSenses(Resource, Object) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.DisambiguationMethod
returns a set of LexicalSense that are considered relevant by the method as a disambiguation for a LexicalEntry in a specific context.
selectWordSenses(Resource, Object) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.SenseNumberBasedTranslationDisambiguationMethod
selectWordSenses(Resource, Object) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.TverskyBasedTranslationDisambiguationMethod
SemanticInverseVoice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
If the agent outranks the patient on the relevant generic topic hierarchy, the direct-active clause is used.
semanticRelation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
SemelfactiveAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Momentaneous, without an inherent end-point, as sneeze (Michaelis 1998:xvi).
semiColon - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Sign (;) usually used to separate phrases.
SemiColon - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Sign (;) usually used to separate phrases.
sense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'sense' property relates a lexical entry to one of its lexical senses.
senseExample - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Descriptive material that provides a sample of an object or entity defined in the entry.
senseNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The number of the lexical Sense in the Lexical Entry, as given by Wiktionary.
senseNumber - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.StructuredGloss
senseNumber - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.StructuredGloss
SenseNumberBasedTranslationDisambiguationMethod - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation
SenseNumberBasedTranslationDisambiguationMethod() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.SenseNumberBasedTranslationDisambiguationMethod
senseNumberOrRangeRegExp - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
senseNumberRegExp - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
senseNumberRegExp - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
senseNumRegExp - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GlossFilter
senseNumRegExp - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.GlossFilter
senseNumRegExp - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.GlossFilter
senseRel - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The 'senseRel' property relates two lexical senses that stand in some sense relation.
SenseRelation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
A 'sense relation' is a lexico-semantic relation that represents the relation between two lexical senses the meanings of which are related.
senses - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
Sentence - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The maximal, syntactically independent, segments into which a text is subdivided, for parsing purposes, are normally considered to be sentences.
SentenceFinalPunctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SentenceFinalPunctuation are .
SentenceMedialPunctuation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SentenceMedialPunctuation are , ; : - .
sententialClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SententialFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Sentential frames take a clause as argument, no conjunction is used and the syntax of the clause is the same as a main clause
Separable - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A separable verb is a verb that is composed of a verb stem and a separable affix.
SeparablePrefix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
separable verb prefix, e.g., "Auch die Vertreter der AfB [stimmten] den 86 Millionen [zu]."
Sequel - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adopted from ILPOSTS for Indian languages.
SerboCroatianInflectionData - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianInflectionData() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
SerboCroatianInflectionData.Animate - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianInflectionData.Degree - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianInflectionData.Genre - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianInflectionData.GNumber - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianInflectionData.Mode - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianInflectionData.Person - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianInflectionData.Tense - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianLangToCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianLangToCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianLangToCode
SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
set(int, int, T) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.ArrayMatrix
set(String, Object) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.Struct
setCanonicalForm(Resource, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafLemonDataHandler
setDebug(String[]) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.DBnary
setDumpFile(Path) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.WiktionaryIndexMixin
setEnd(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Segment
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.ExternalLink
sets the end offset to the given position (should point to the first char of the closing "]")
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Heading
sets the end offset to the given position (should point just after the last char of the closing "===...")
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.IndentedItem
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Template
sets the end offset to the given position (should point to the first char of the closing "}}")
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Text
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiSection
setEntryNumber(int) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
setFeature(InflectionScheme) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalForm
setGlobalDbnaryPrefix(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.model.DbnaryModel
Set the DBNARY prefix globally.
setGloss(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.StructuredGloss
setGloss(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.StructuredGloss
setIndentLevel(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.SingleLanguageAsOptionMixin
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.Representation
setLcssConstraint(boolean) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.TverskiIndex
setPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
setPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
setPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.ExampleExpanderWikiModel
setPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.ExampleExpanderWikiModel
setPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
setPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
setPartOfSpeech(Resource) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
setPattern(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GrepInWiktionary
setPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A fixed, lexicalized phrase.
setSection(WikiText.WikiSection) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Heading
setSenseNumber(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.StructuredGloss
setSenseNumber(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.StructuredGloss
setTrace(String[]) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.DBnary
setupHandlers(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
setValue(String) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.Representation
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IStructureChecker
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.api.IWiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryStructureChecker
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryIndex(WiktionaryPageSource) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPageName(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
setWiktionaryPartOfSpeech(String) - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.LexicalEntry
shadowNext() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
shadowNextTemplate() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
sharedInstance - Static variable in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_1
sharedInstance - Static variable in class org.getalp.iso639.ISO639_3
SHORT_ARTICLE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Definiteness
shortArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
For definiteness, when a specific form is not the syntactic subject of the clause.
shortArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Definiteness
ShortDefiniteArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
For definiteness, when a specific form is not the syntactic subject of the clause.
shortEditionLanguageCode - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
ShortErrorMessageHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils
ShortErrorMessageHandler() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.ShortErrorMessageHandler
shortForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A variant of a multiword term or lexeme that includes fewer words than the full form.
shortFormFor - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A linking element used to identify a relation between a short form and its full or expanded form.
shortSectionLanguageCode - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
shouldIgnoreCurrentH2(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanTableExtractor
shouldIgnoreCurrentH2(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
returns true if the current H2 element should be ignore while extracting morphological tables
shouldProcessCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.CatalanConjugationTableExtractor
shouldProcessCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.FrenchAccordsTableExtractor
shouldProcessCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.ImpersonalMoodTableExtractor
shouldProcessCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.StandardMoodTableExtractor
shouldProcessCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishTableExtractor
shouldProcessCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
true if the cell should be processed by the extractor.
shouldProcessCell(Element) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
showAllMatches - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GrepInWiktionary
SimilarityMeasure - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity
Simple - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Simple applies to the regular type of coordinator occurring between conjuncts: German und, for example.
SimpleAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
non-progressive, non-purposive aspect (for Indian languages defined by http://purl.org/olia/ilposts.owl#SimpleAspect)
SimpleCoordinatingConjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In the Romanian MTE v4 specs, Conjunction/Coord_Type="simple" is defined in contrast to repetitive and correlative coordinating conjunctions.
SimpleFuture - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
FutureTense locates the situation in question after the present moment, with no specification on the distance in time.
simpleNumListFilter - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GlossFilter
simpleNumListFilter - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.GlossFilter
simpleNumListFilter - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.GlossFilter
simpleNumListMatcher - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GlossFilter
simpleNumListMatcher - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.GlossFilter
simpleNumListMatcher - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.GlossFilter
simpleNumListPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GlossFilter
simpleNumListPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.GlossFilter
simpleNumListPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.GlossFilter
SimplePast - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
PastTense locates the situation in question prior to the present moment, with no specification on the distance in time (Comrie 1985).
SimplePreposition - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Preposition that is a pure simple word in contrast with the notion of fused preposition.
SingleLanguageAsOptionMixin - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins
SingleLanguageAsOptionMixin() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.SingleLanguageAsOptionMixin
singular - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
singular - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The form of a term or word (usually of a noun) used to designate one object.Value that expresses one element.
singular - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
singular() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
singular() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Singular - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Singular is a grammatical number denoting a unit quantity (as opposed to the plural and other forms).
SINGULAR - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.GNumber
SINGULAR - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.GNumber
SINGULAR - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.GNumber
SINGULAR - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GNumber
SINGULAR - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
singularNumberForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SingularQuantifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A singular quantifier is a quantifier or a numeral that specifies a single referent from a set.
SINGULIER - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.GNumber
SINGULIER_ET_PLURIEL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.GNumber
size - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
size() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
skip(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
skippedTemplate - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
skipSimpleText(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
skipUntilNextSection(PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
SkosOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/skos.rdf
SkosOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
sku - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An inventory item identified by a unique alphanumeric designation assigned to an object in an inventory control system.
SLACK_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.SummarizeDifferences
slangRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An extremely informal register of a word, term, or text that is used in spoken and everyday language and less commonly in documents.
SlangRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An extremely informal register of a word, term, or text that is used in spoken and everyday language and less commonly in documents.
slash - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The punctuation sign /
Slash - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The punctuation sign / (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-1437)
slice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Indicates a subset of a DataSet defined by fixing a subset of the dimensional values
Slice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Denotes a subset of a DataSet defined by fixing a subset of the dimensional values, component properties on the Slice
sliceKey - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
indicates a slice key which is used for slices in this dataset
SliceKey - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
Denotes a subset of the component properties of a DataSet which are fixed in the corresponding slices
sliceStructure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
indicates the sub-key corresponding to this slice
sociative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
SOCIATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
sociativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case related to the person in whose company the action is carried out, or to any belongings of people which take part in the action.
SociativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Case related to the person in whose company the action is carried out, or to any belongings of people which take part in the action.
source - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The 'source' property indicates the lexical sense or lexical entry involved in a lexico-semantic relation as a 'source'.
sourceAll() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceContent - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
sourceExternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceHeading() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceHTMLComment() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceIndentation() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceIndentedItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceNowiki() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceNumberedListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
SourceRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A source role instantiates the origin of an event or entity.
sourceTemplates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
sourceText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
Space - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Empty area between words, lines or columns (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2189)
SpaceSegmenter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.segmentation
SpaceSegmenter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.segmentation.SpaceSegmenter
Span - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Span(int, int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.Span
SpanishDefinitionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa
SpanishDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
SpanishDefinitionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
spanishDefinitionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
spanishDefinitionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
SpanishHeaderExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa
SpanishHeaderExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishHeaderExtractorWikiModel
SpanishHeaderExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishHeaderExtractorWikiModel
SpanishTranslationExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa
SpanishTranslationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
SpanishTranslationExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
SpatiotemporalNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Noun denoting spatial and temporal expressions "A tag NST has been included to cover an important phenomenon of Indian languages.
spec - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CompareExtracts
spec - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
Specific - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
"By ʻspecificʼ and ʻnon-specificʼ I intend the difference between the two readings of English indefinites like (3): (3) Iʼm looking for a deer.
SpecificArticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
"By ʻspecificʼ and ʻnon-specificʼ I intend the difference between the two readings of English indefinites like (3): (3) Iʼm looking for a deer.
splitUnlessInTemplateOrLink(String, char) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTool
standardizedTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term that has been standardized by a standardizing body.
standardizePronunciation(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.Utils
standardizeValue(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.RefactoredTableExtractor
StandardMoodTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology
StandardMoodTableExtractor(String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.StandardMoodTableExtractor
standardText - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A fixed chunk of recurring text.
starChinesePatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
start - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OffsetValue
start - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.Span
startNewEtymologySection() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.PostTranslationDataHandler
Stat() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats.Stat
Statistics - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.stats
Statistics() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.Statistics
STATISTICS - org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature
STATISTICS_ENDOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
STATISTICS_EXOLEX - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature2
Statistics.IncrementableLong - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.stats
stats - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
STATS_FILE_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
statsOutput - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.DBnaryEnhancer
StatusConstructus - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
morphological form of the nominal head of noun+noun-phrases which in spite of a missing determiner (article) is invariably understood as semantically determined.
STDOUT_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.SummarizeDifferences
Stem - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Root of a word, together with any derivational affixes, to which inflectional affixes are added.
StillPresent - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
StillPresentTense is similar to PresentTense but carries the presupposition that an event or state held before the moment of utterance.
stream() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventsSequence
stream() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiSectionsSequence
StrictAuxiliaryVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Non-modal, non-copular auxiliary verb.
StrictInflexionScheme - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
StrictInflexionScheme() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.StrictInflexionScheme
StrictInflexionScheme.INCOHERENT_INFLECTION_SCHEME - Exception in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
string - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
string - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
string - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A chunk of text used in a software interface, documentation, help file, or the like.
String - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Character string to be interpreted in context
stringCategory - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A type value assigned to a string.
StringDistance - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.tools
StringDistance() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.StringDistance
stripParentheses(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
Strong - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Strong pronouns are different from the weak pronouns (cf.
STRONG - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.InflectionType
STRONG - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.InflectionType
STRONG - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.InflectionType
StrongInflection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In German (and other Germanic languages), when gender, number and case are not expressed by a determiner, the adjective takes the endings of the strong inflection.
strongPersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Personal pronoun that can occupy the position after a preposition and/or reinforce a weak personal pronoun.
StrongPersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Personal pronoun that can occupy the position after a preposition and/or reinforce a weak personal pronoun.
struct(String, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.CheckWiktionaryQuality
Struct - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.tools
Struct() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.Struct
StructuralExpletive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Three different expletive usages [of the German expletive pronoun es] are traditionally distinguished: formal subject or object (expletive argument), correlate of an extraposed clausal argument (expletive correlate), and Vorfeld-es (structural expletive) (cf.
structure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
indicates the structure to which this data set conforms
StructureCheckerFactory - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages
StructureCheckerFactory() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.StructureCheckerFactory
StructuredGloss - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation
StructuredGloss - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
StructuredGloss() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.StructuredGloss
StructuredGloss() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.StructuredGloss
StructuredGloss(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.StructuredGloss
StructuredGloss(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.StructuredGloss
SubablativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SubablativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location from under which another referent is moving.
SuballativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SuballativeCase expresses that something is moving toward the region that is under the referent of the noun it marks.
SubessiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SubessiveCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location under which another referent exists.
subject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
relation between a phrase and a verb, that represents the person or thing that performs the action or about which something is stated
Subject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SubjectControl - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates the subject of the main clause is the (omitted) subject of the subclause
SubjectlessFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SubjectlessIntransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SubjectlessIntransitivePPFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SubjectlessTransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SubjectlessTransitivePPFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
subjOfProp - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The 'subjOfProp' property represents the 1st argument or subject of a binary predicate (property) in the ontology.
SUBJONCTIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Mode
subjunctive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
...Mood often used to express uncertainty, whishes or desires.
subjunctive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
SUBJUNCTIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Mood
subjunctiveClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SubjunctiveClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A subclause that is in the subjunctive mood
SubjunctiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The subjunctive is the mood that is minimally marked as opposed to the indicative and that marks a clause as not directly representing an assertion of the speaker.
SubjunctiveMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The subjunctive is the mood that is minimally marked as opposed to the indicative and that marks a clause as not directly representing an assertion of the speaker.
subjunctiveMoodForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SubjunctiveParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In the Romanian MULTEXT-East scheme, a verbal particle with Particle/Type="future" modifies the verbs and marks the verb as being subjunctive, e.g., s-/să, să (Dan Tufis, email 2010/06/09, http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#SubjunctiveParticle)
SubjunctiveVerb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A subjunctive verb is typically used to expresses wishes, commands (in subordinate clauses), emotion, possibility, judgment, necessity, and statements that are contrary to fact at present.
sublative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
SUBLATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
sublativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case for a move of something to the surface of another object.
SublativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SublativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location under which another referent is moving toward.
submap - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The 'submap' property relates a (complex) ontological mapping to a set of bindings that together bind the arguments of the involved predicates to a set of syntactic arguments that realize them syntactically.
SubordinateClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SubordinateClause is the class of clauses that cannot stand on their own as sentences.
subordinatingConjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Conjunction that links constructions by making one of them a constituent of another.
SubordinatingConjunction - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Subordinating conjunctions, also called subordinators, are conjunctions that introduce a dependent clause.
SubordinatingConjunctionWithComparative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
For example, in German the subordinating conjunction "als" is followed by various kinds of comparative clause (including clauses without finite verbs).
SubordinatingConjunctionWithFiniteClause - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
For example, in German the subordinating conjunction "weil" introduces a clause with a finite verb.
SubordinatingConjunctionWithInfinite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
For example, in German the subordinating conjunction "ohne" ("zu"...) is followed by an infinitive.
SubordinatingConjunctionWithNegation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Conjunction/Sub_Type="negative" (Romanian, Serbian, Russian) In Romanian, each conjunction requires another mood, so that the diversity may be controlled by subcategorisation rules.
SubordinatingConjunctionWithoutNegation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Conjunction/Sub_Type="negative" (Romanian, Serbian, Russian) In Romanian, each conjunction requires another mood, so that the diversity may be controlled by subcategorisation rules.
SubordinatorField - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In the German clause, the PARORD-field is the field for non-coordinating particles which optionally occur as the left-most element of a verb-second clause (Telljohann et al.
subSection4PatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
subSection4PatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
subSequence(int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
substanceHolonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates what this is composed of
substanceMeronym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Indicates this is a substance that composes the other
substantivDeklinationExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanMorphologyExtractor
SubstantiveAdjective - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An adjective that modifies an implied, but not expressed, noun.
substituteDefinitionTemplate(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.ExpandAllWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.DefinitionsWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.ExpandAllWikiModelCat
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDefinitionExpander
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanKonjugationExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanTableExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.GreekDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.FinnishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.ExampleExpanderWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.MorphologyWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianExampleExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianPronunciationExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.DefinitionExpanderWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.DefinitionExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.ExampleExpanderWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.DefinitionExpanderWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.PortugueseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.PortugueseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianMorphoExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianTranslationExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishHeaderExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.SpanishTranslationExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseDefinitionExtractorWikiModel
substituteTemplateCall(String, Map<String, String>, Appendable) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
SubstitutivePronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
non-attributive pronoun
subTense - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
subterm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DecompOnt
The property 'subterm' relates a compound lexical entry to one of the lexical entries it is composed of.
SubterminativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SubterminativeCase expresses the notion of something moving into the region under the referent of the noun it marks, but not through that region.
subText(int, int) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Text
SubtranslativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SubtranslativeCase expresses the notion of something moving along a trajectory underneath the referent of the noun it marks.
suffix - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.ExtractWiktionary
suffix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Suffix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Suffix - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Affix added at the end of the word to change its meaning or part of speech.
suffixChange(String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.StringDistance
return the suffixal change from s to t
SummarizeDifferences - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
SummarizeDifferences(String[]) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.SummarizeDifferences
SuomiLangToCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin
SuomiLangToCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.SuomiLangToCode
SuperablativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Superablative expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location from over which another referent is moving.
SuperallativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SuperallativeCase expresses that something is moving toward the region that is above the referent of the noun it marks.
superessive - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
SUPERESSIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
superessiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case indicating location on top of something or on the surface of something.
SuperessiveCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SuperessiveCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location on which another referent exists.
SUPERLATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Degree
superlative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Value used in a comparison between more than two entities.
superlative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Degree
superlative() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
superlative() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Superlative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The superlative of an adjective or adverb is a form of adjective or adverb which indicates that something has some feature to a greater degree than anything it is being compared to in a given context.
SUPERLATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Degree
SUPERLATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Degree
SUPERLATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Degree
SUPERLATIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Degree
SUPERLATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Degree
superlativeAdjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SuperlativeAdjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SuperlativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SuperlativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun it marks is the location onto which another referent is moving.
superlativeDegreeForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
superlativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Particle expressing superlative degree.
SuperlativeParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Particle expressing superlative degree.
supersededTerm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A term that is no longer preferred or admitted.
SuperterminativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SuperterminativeCase expresses the notion of something moving into the region over the referent of the noun it marks, but not through that region.
SupertranslativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SupertranslativeCase expresses the notion of something moving along a trajectory above the referent of the noun it marks.
Supine - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Supine is a nonfinite form of motion verbs with functions similar to that of an infinitive (Angelika Adams)
supinum() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
SUPINUM - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
suspensionPoints - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Sequence of three dots having the same meaning as &quot;et cetera&quot; (full form) or &quot;etc&quot; (abbreviated form).
SuspensionPoints - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Sequence of three dots having the same meaning as "et cetera" (full form) or "etc" (abbreviated form).
SwedishInflectionData - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
SwedishInflectionData.Definiteness - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.Degree - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.Gender - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.GNumber - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.GrammaticalCase - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.InflectionType - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.Mode - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.Person - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.ReferentType - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.SubClass - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.SyntacticFunction - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.Tense - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.Valency - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishInflectionData.Voice - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishMorphologyExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishMorphologyExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishMorphologyExtractor
SwedishTableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishTableExtractor() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishTableExtractor
SwedishTableExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishTableExtractorWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishTableExtractorWikiModel
SwedishWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
SwedishWikiModel(Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishWikiModel
SwedishWikiModel(WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishWikiModel
switchCurrentLanguage(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
syllable - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A unit of spoken language that is next bigger than a speech sound and consists of one or more vowel sounds alone or of a syllabic consonant alone or of either with one or more consonant sounds preceding or following.
symbol - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Symbol - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Symbol - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In morphosyntactic annotation schemes, a symbol is a single graphical sign that occurs in a written text with a conventionalized meaning but that does not represent a phoneme (like ordinary characters), an orthogaphic sign (punctuation), or a number.
SymbolPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
symbols - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
Symbols - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
Symbols is an object that contains data about a Wiktionary template (e.g.: {{m|en|door}}) or a Wiktionary link (e.g.: [[door]]).
Symbols(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
Symbols(String, String, ArrayList<Symbols>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
synArg - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The object property synArg relates a syntactic frame to one of its syntactic arguments.
synBehavior - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The 'syntactic behavior' property relates a lexical entry to one of its syntactic behaviors as captured by a syntactic frame.
synonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
An underspecified synonymy relation between LexicalEntities (Lexical entries or Lexical Senses).
synonym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
SYNONYM - org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
synonymes - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
SynSemOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/synsem.owl
SynSemOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
SyntacticAdjunct - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Prototypically, an optional (morpho)syntactic constituent.
SyntacticArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DecompOnt
SyntacticArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An inherent (morpho)syntactic constituent subcategorized for by a predicate.<br/> 'Arguments are those terms which are required by some predicate in order to form a complete nuclear predication.
SyntacticArgument - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
A 'syntactic argument' represents a slot that needs to be filled for a certain syntactic frame to be complete.
SyntacticComplement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The complement is attached inside the VP, NP, ADJP, or PP.
SyntacticFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
A 'syntactic frame' represents the syntactic behavior of an open class word in terms of the (syntactic) arguments it requires.
SyntacticObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In linguistics, the object of a transitive verb is one of its core arguments, which generally represents the target of the verb's action or the undergoer of its effects.
SyntacticSubject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The subject of a sentence is one of the two main parts of a sentence, the other being the predicate.


tableDerivedLemmasPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
tableExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishMorphologyExtractor
TableExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.morphology
TableExtractor() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.TableExtractor
tabooRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TabooRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Register that expresses a situation that people avoid because it is extremely offensive or embarrassing.
target - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The 'target' property indicates the lexical sense or lexical entry involved in a lexico-semantic relation as a 'target'.
target - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Link
targetLanguage - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The target language of a given translation, defined as a Linguistic System.
targetLanguageCode - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The target language of a given translation.
TargetRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The target role instantiates the destination of an event or entity.
tBox - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.model.DbnaryModel
tdbDir() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.BatchExtractorMixin
technicalRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The register appropriate to scientific texts or special languages.
TechnicalRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The register appropriate to scientific texts or special languages.
templateDispatcher(WikiText.Token, PageIterator) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
templateRender - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
templateRender - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
templates - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.ExpandAllWikiModel
templates - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanDefinitionExpander
templates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
templates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
TEMPLATES - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPattern
TEMPLATES_RANGE - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
templatesOnUpperLevel() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
templatesOnUpperLevel() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
TemporalisCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The so-called Temporalis Case is formed in Hungarian with -kor.
TemporallyDefinedUsage - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Indication specifying whether the usage is old or modern.
temporalQualifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An attribution of a term or lexeme with respect to its use over time.
TemporalQualifier - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
tense - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
tense - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
tense - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
tense - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
tense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Property referring to the way the grammar marks the time at which the action denoted by the verb took place.
Tense - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Tense - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Tense() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Tense
TenseMarkingAuxiliary - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An auxiliary that marks exclusively tense, e.g., in Urdu: Auxiliaries: Based on the syntactic nature of Urdu, auxiliaries are divided into two categories.
TenseMarkingParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Dzongkha has also a tense marker, which is not complicated like in other languages.
termElement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Any logically significant portion of a larger term or lexeme.
TermElement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
terminative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
TERMINATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
TerminativeAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Denotes the termination of an event (Bhat 1999: 92).
terminativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case that indicates to what or where something ends.
TerminativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Case that indicates to what or where something ends.
TerminologicalRelation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
A 'terminological relation' is a sense relation that relates two lexical senses of terms that are semantically related in the sense that they can be exchanged in most contexts, but their surface forms are not directly related.
termType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
An attribute assigned to a lexeme or a term.
TermType - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TestInterwikiLinks - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
TestInterwikiLinks() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.TestInterwikiLinks
testQueryLangLinks() - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.TestInterwikiLinks
Text - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Series of sentences expressed in a natural language.
ThemeRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Theme is a general term covering the notions of patient that means an entity affected by the action, of result that means an entity effected by the action, i.e.
third - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Person
Third - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Third person is deictic reference to a referent(s) not identified as the speaker or addressee.
THIRD - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Person
THIRD - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Person
THIRD - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Person
THIRD - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Person
THIRD - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Person
ThirdObviative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Obviative refers to one or more non-participants that are in some way further removed from the speaker than other non-particpants.
thirdPerson - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Third person deixis is deictic reference to a referent(s) not identified as the speaker or addressee.
thirdPerson() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
thirdPerson() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
thirdPersonForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
ThirdPersonPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Third person reference is a deictic reference to a referent(s) not identified as the speaker or addressee.
ThirdProximative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Proximative refers to one or more non-participants that are in some way distinct/closer to the speaker than other non-particpants.
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianLangtoCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanLangToCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.GreekLangtoCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishLangToCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.SuomiLangToCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchLangtoCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianLangToCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.ItalianLangToCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseLangtoCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.LatinLangtoCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.LithuanianLangtoCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.MalagasyLangToCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.NetherlandLangToCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.NorskLangToCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.PolishLangToCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.PortugueseLangToCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.RussianLangtoCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.TurkishLangtoCode
threeLettersCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.LangTools
threeLettersCode(HashMap<String, String>, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.LangTools
TimeNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
noun expressing time
TimeRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Semantic role corresponding to the label "TIME" used by the Stanford Dependency Parser.
TimitiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
TimitiveMood expresses that the speaker fears something expressed in what is said (Palmer 2001: 13, 22).
TimitiveMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
TimitiveMood expresses that the speaker fears something expressed in what is said (Palmer 2001: 13, 22).
TitleInRunningText - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
-TTL (title) — is attached to the top node of a title when this title appears inside running text.
TitleNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A title designates the function or the social status of an individual.
titleTag - Static variable in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndexer
toArray() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
toBeRegisterFlexion - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryDataHandler
toCentent() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
Token - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Character string surrounded by separators.
Token() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
tokens() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
returns all tokens in the wikiText, that is all special media wiki constructs, along with special Text tokens containing textual content.
tokens() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
returns a List of wikiTokens including Text tokens that may be intertwined.
tokensWithHtmlComments() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
returns all tokens in the wikiText, that is all special media wiki constructs, along with special Text tokens containing textual content.
tokensWithHtmlComments() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
returns a List of wikiTokens including Text tokens that may be intertwined.
toPage() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.BatchExtractorMixin
toParameterString(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTool
topConceptOf - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SkosOnt
Topicalization - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Topicalization structures are ones where a non-subject immediately precedes a subject, which immediately precedes the verb/auxiliary of the sentence.
toPropertyObjectMap() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
toPropertyObjectMap() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
toPropertyObjectMap() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
toPropertyObjectMap() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData
toPropertyObjectMap() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
toPropertyObjectMap() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectionData
toStandardPattern(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPattern
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.HierarchicalSenseNumber
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.EvaluationStats.Stat
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.PronBuilder
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Definiteness
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Degree
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Gender
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GNumber
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GrammaticalCase
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.InflectionType
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Person
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.ReferentType
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SubClass
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SyntacticFunction
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Valency
toString() - Method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Voice
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.InflectionScheme
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.MorphoSyntacticFeature
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.OffsetValue
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.PropertyObjectPair
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.Statistics.IncrementableLong
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CharRange
Gets a string representation of the character range.
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.PageIterator
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Segment
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.Token
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiSection
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.PhoneticRepresentation
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.Representation
toString() - Method in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.WrittenRepresentation
toString(ArrayList<Symbols>) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
toSymbols(List<String>, Pattern) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Etymology
toText(WikiText.WikiContent) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
toText(WikiText.WikiContent) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
trace - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.DbnaryWikiModel
Trace - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
traceCounters(Logger) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
traceCounters(Logger, String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.tools.CounterSet
TRAD - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
TRAD - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseTranslationsExtractor
TRAD - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseTranslationExtractorWikiModel
tradContentPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
tradContentPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
tradPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
tradPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
tradPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
tradPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
tradPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
tradPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
tradPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
tradPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
tradPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
tradPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
trans - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The property 'trans' relates a TranslationSet to one of its translations.
TRANS - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType
transcribedForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A form of a term or lexeme resulting from an operation whereby the characters of one writing system are represented by characters from another writing system, taking into account the pronunciation of the characters converted.
Transgressive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
present (action in the same time as of the predicate): The dog going through the house barks.
Transitive - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A predicate/verb that takes two arguments, e.g., English "to kiss", cf.
TRANSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Valency
TRANSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Valency
TRANSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Valency
TRANSITIVE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Valency
TransitiveAdjectivalComplementFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveAdverbialComplementFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveDeclarativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveInfinitiveACFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveInfinitiveOCFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveInfinitiveSCFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveInterrogativeFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveInterrogativeInfinitiveFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveNominalComplementFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveObject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Second argument of a transitive verb, transitive object (P) (http://languagelink.let.uu.nl/tds/onto/LinguisticOntology.owl#P)
TransitivePPFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveSententialFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
TransitiveSubject - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
First argument of a transitive or ditransitive verb.
translatableAs - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The 'translatableAs' property relates a lexical entry in some language to a lexical entry in another language that it can be translated as depending on the particular context and specific senses of the involved lexical entries.
TranslateDiachronicStatisticsToDataCubes - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.deprecated
TranslateDiachronicStatisticsToDataCubes() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.deprecated.TranslateDiachronicStatisticsToDataCubes
translation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
translation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
The 'translation' property relates two lexical senses of two lexical entries that stand in a translation relation to one another.
Translation - Class in org.getalp.model.dbnary
Translation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
Describe translation information for a Lexical Entry or a Lexical Sense.
Translation - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
A 'translation' is a 'sense relation' expressing that two lexical senses corresponding to two lexical entries in different languages can be translated to each other without any major meaning shifts.
Translation(ISO639_3.Lang, Set<AcceptTranslation>, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Translation
Translation(ISO639_3.Lang, Set<AcceptTranslation>, String, StructuredGloss) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Translation
Translation(ISO639_3.Lang, Set<AcceptTranslation>, String, StructuredGloss, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Translation
Translation(ISO639_3.Lang, AcceptTranslation, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Translation
Translation(ISO639_3.Lang, AcceptTranslation, String, StructuredGloss) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Translation
Translation(ISO639_3.Lang, AcceptTranslation, String, StructuredGloss, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.dbnary.Translation
translationBodyExpression - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
translationBodyPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
translationCount - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
translationCounts(Model) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.Statistics
translationExpression - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
translationExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
translationExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
translationExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
translationGlossesCube - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The Data Cube containing observations on glosses attached to translations.
translationGlossesDataStructure - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The DataStructure of the DataCube describing the translations and their associated glosses.
TranslationGlossesStat - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation
TranslationGlossesStat() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStat
TranslationGlossesStatsModule - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation
TranslationGlossesStatsModule() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.evaluation.TranslationGlossesStatsModule
translationLangExpression - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
translationLangPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
translationPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.BulgarianWikiModel
translationsCount - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
count of Dbnary Translations contained in a specific extract.
TranslationSet - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
A 'translation set' is a set of translations that have some common source.
TranslationSourcesDisambiguator - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer
TranslationSourcesDisambiguator(double, double, double, boolean, TranslationGlossesStatsModule, EvaluationStats) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.TranslationSourcesDisambiguator
TranslationsStatistics - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.stats
TranslationsStatistics() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.stats.TranslationsStatistics
translationsWithNoGloss - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
count of the number of translation that is not associated to a gloss.
translationsWithSenseNumber - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
count of the number of translations that are associated to a gloss containing only a sense number.
translationsWithSenseNumberAndTextualGloss - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
count of the number of translations that are associated to a gloss containing both a sense number and a textual description
translationsWithTextualGloss - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
count of the number of translations that are associated with a gloss containing only a textual description.
translative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
TRANSLATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
translativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case indicating that the referent of the noun, or the quality of the adjective, that it marks is the result of a process of change.
TranslativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
TranslativeCase expresses that the referent of the noun, or the quality of the adjective, that it marks is the result of a process of change (Lyons 1968: 299301, Gove, et al.
transliteration - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Form resulting from the conversion of one writing system into another
trial - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Grammatical number referring to 'three things', as opposed to 'singular' and 'plural'.
trial - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
Trial - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Grammatical number referring to 'three things', as opposed to 'singular' and 'plural'.
TRIAL - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Number
triletterCode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseLangtoCode
TROISIÈME - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Person
troponym - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
A verb that indicates more precisely the manner of doing something by replacing a verb of a more generalized meaning.
TROPONYM - org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
trueLiteral - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.FrenchInflectionDecoder
TurkishLangtoCode - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur
TurkishLangtoCode() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.TurkishLangtoCode
TverskiIndex - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string
TverskiIndex(double, double) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.TverskiIndex
TverskiIndex(double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.TverskiIndex
TverskiIndex(double, double, boolean, boolean, AbstractStringDistance) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.TverskiIndex
TverskiIndex(Segmenter, double, double) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.TverskiIndex
TverskiIndex(Segmenter, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.similarity.string.TverskiIndex
TverskyBasedTranslationDisambiguationMethod - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation
TverskyBasedTranslationDisambiguationMethod(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.enhancer.disambiguation.TverskyBasedTranslationDisambiguationMethod
type - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler.PosAndType
typeResource(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
typeResource(OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler.PosAndType) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
Typo - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
a mis-typed word


unaccomplished - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
aspect that expresses an event or state that is not finished.
unaccomplished - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
UNACCOMPLISHED - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Aspect
UnaccomplishedAspect - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
aspect that expresses an event or state that is not finished.
unclassifiedParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Particle that is not covered by other sorts of particle definitions.
uncountable() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
uncountable() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData
Uncountable - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A mass noun (also uncountable noun or non-count noun) can't be modified by a numeral, occur in singular/plural or co-occur with the relevant kind of determiner.
UNCOUNTABLE - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GNumber
UndergoerMacroRole - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The least agentive argument of the current clause (van Valin and Lapolla 1997), the designated object (from a semantic perspective).
Uninflected - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In many inflecting languages, there occur lexemes whose form does not change throughout the paradigm, e.g., Russian papa "dad".
Unique - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Unique approximates the linguistic concept "Particle".
UniquitiveDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Determiner/Type="exceptional" is applied to the Persian uniquitive determiner تنها i.e., "the only" (MTE v4; Hamidreza Kobdani, email 2010/06/15, http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#UniquitiveDeterminer)
UnitNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Measuring units are frequently used with numerals.
UNPACK_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.commons.EnglishLikeModulesPatcherWikiModel
updateAndExtract() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateAndExtractDumps
UpdateAndExtractDumps - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
UpdateAndExtractDumps() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateAndExtractDumps
UpdateDiachronicStatistics - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
This command line should not be used anymore.
UpdateDiachronicStatistics() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateDiachronicStatistics
UpdateLatestStatistics - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
UpdateLatestStatistics() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.UpdateLatestStatistics
URI - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.rdfutils
URI() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.rdfutils.URI
uriEncode(String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.model.DbnaryModel
uriEncode(String, String) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.model.DbnaryModel
uriEncode(String, StringBuilder) - Static method in class org.getalp.dbnary.model.DbnaryModel
url() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
url() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
usage - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
Usage note that is used to further annotate the target of the translation.
usage - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'usage' property indicates usage conditions or pragmatic implications when using the lexical entry to refer to the given ontological meaning.
usageNote - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
A note containing information on the usage of the associated word or term.
useTdb() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.BatchExtractorMixin
Utils - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology
Utils() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.Utils
Utterance - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Complete unit of talk, bounded by the speaker's silence.


valency - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
valency - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
valency - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData
validateAndStandardizeLanguageCode(String) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
Standardize a wiktionary language code into a "valid" language code.
validSectionTemplates - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
value - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
value - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder
value - Variable in class org.getalp.model.ontolex.Representation
value() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.morphology.MorphoSyntacticFeature
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Cas
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Degree
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Genre
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.GNumber
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.InflectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Person
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Tense
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Valency
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Voice
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Cas
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Degree
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Genre
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.GNumber
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.InflectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Person
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Tense
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Valency
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Voice
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Degree
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Genre
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.GNumber
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Person
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Tense
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Valency
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Animate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Degree
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Genre
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.GNumber
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Person
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Tense
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Definiteness
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Degree
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Gender
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GNumber
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GrammaticalCase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.InflectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Person
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.ReferentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SubClass
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SyntacticFunction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Valency
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Voice
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventFilter.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.Symbols
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.ExtractionFeature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Cas
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Degree
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Genre
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.GNumber
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.InflectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Person
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Tense
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Valency
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Voice
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.CombinedWikiModel.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Cas
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Degree
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Genre
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.GNumber
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.InflectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Person
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Tense
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Valency
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Voice
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Degree
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Genre
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.GNumber
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Person
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Tense
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.FrenchInflectionData.Valency
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Animate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Degree
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Genre
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.GNumber
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Person
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.SubTense
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Tense
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Definiteness
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Degree
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Gender
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GNumber
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.GrammaticalCase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.InflectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Person
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.ReferentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SubClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SyntacticFunction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Tense
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Valency
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Voice
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.model.NymRelation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventFilter.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VALUES - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.JapaneseRelatedWordsExtractorWikiModel
VALUES - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.ChineseRelatedWordsExtractor
VarTransOnt - Class in org.getalp.dbnary
Vocabulary definitions from /Users/serasset/dev/dbnary/gitlab/dbnary/dbnary-ontology/src/main/resources/org/getalp/dbnary/vartrans.owl
VarTransOnt() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.VarTransOnt
VegetableGender - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Vegetable gender refers to inanimates and exists in some four-way gender systems, e.g., masculine, feminine, neuter, and vegetable as in Bininj Gun-wok [Evans 2003: 202].
verb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Element which, singly or in combination with other verbs is used as the minimal predicate of a sentence, co-occurring with a subject.
Verb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Verb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A verb is a part of speech that usually denotes action ("bring", "read"), occurrence ("decompose", "glitter"), or a state of being ("exist", "stand").
Verbal - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In MULTEXT-East a characteristic of abbreviated verbs (http://purl.org/olia/mte/multext-east.owl#Verbal)
VERBAL - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.SyntacticFunction
VerbalAdverb - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adverb/Type="verbal" applies to adverbs derived from from verbs (verbal adverbs) in the Serbian, Macedonian and Hungarian MTE v4 specs.
VerbalComplex - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
In a German clause, the finite verb can appear in three different positions: verb-second, verb-initial, and verb-final.
VerbalHead - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A Verb (V) at the syntax layer is either a lexical (VLEX) or a copula verb (VCOP) at the POS layer.
verbalInflectionExtractor - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
VerbalInflexionExtractorWikiModel - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology
This wiki model handles the extraction of inflection tables that are to be found at the beginning of adjectival and nominal lexical entries.
VerbalInflexionExtractorWikiModel(IWiktionaryDataHandler, WiktionaryPageSource, Locale, String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.morphology.VerbalInflexionExtractorWikiModel
VerbalNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A verbal noun is a noun formed directly as an inflexion of a verb or a verb stem, sharing at least in part its constructions.
VerbalParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
A verbal particle modifies the verb and carries information on the verb form (e.g., finiteness, tense and aspect).
VerbalPredicate - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
The predicate of the clause is represented by a verbal lexeme.
verbFormMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
One of a set of distinctive forms that are used to signal modality.
VerbFormMood - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
VerbFrame - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
verbose - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLine
verbose - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.VerboseCommand
VERBOSE_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.DBnaryCommandLine
VERBOSE_OPTION - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.VerboseCommand
VerboseCommand - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli
VerboseCommand() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.VerboseCommand
VerbPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
VerbPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
This category is slightly more difficult to define, since there is disagreement over the extent of the verb phrase.
VerbPOS - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
verbType - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder
VERSION_INFO - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DataCubeOnt
The ontology's owl:versionInfo as a string
VERSION_INFO - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The ontology's owl:versionInfo as a string
VERSION_INFO - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DecompOnt
The ontology's owl:versionInfo as a string
VERSION_INFO - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The ontology's owl:versionInfo as a string
VERSION_INFO - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LimeOnt
The ontology's owl:versionInfo as a string
VERSION_INFO - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The ontology's owl:versionInfo as a string
VERSION_INFO - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.SynSemOnt
The ontology's owl:versionInfo as a string
VersionProvider - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils
VersionProvider() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.utils.VersionProvider
visit(WikiText.ExternalLink) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.ExternalLink) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.ExternalLink) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.Heading) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.Heading) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.Heading) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.HTMLComment) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.HTMLComment) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.HTMLComment) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.Indentation) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.Indentation) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.Indentation) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.InternalLink) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.InternalLink) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.InternalLink) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.Item) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.Item) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.Item) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.ListItem) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.ListItem) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.ListItem) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.NoWiki) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.NoWiki) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.NoWiki) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.NumberedListItem) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.NumberedListItem) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.NumberedListItem) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.Template) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.Template) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.Template) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.Text) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.Text) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.Text) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.WikiContent) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.WikiDocument) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.WikiDocument) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.WikiDocument) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
visit(WikiText.WikiSection) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishTranslationTemplateStream
visit(WikiText.WikiSection) - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.BaseWikiTextVisitor
visit(WikiText.WikiSection) - Method in interface org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit.Visitor
Visitable - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit
Visitor<T> - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.visit
VisualEvidentiality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
VisualEvidentiality encodes the fact that the speaker came to believe the content of the expression through direct visual experience; they saw it [Palmer 2001: 57].
VOCATIF - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.SerboCroatianInflectionData.Cas
vocative - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
VOCATIVE - Static variable in class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Case
vocativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Case used to indicate direct address.
VocativeCase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Vocative case marks a noun whose referent is being addressed.
VocativeExpression - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
An expression referring to a person to which the utterance is addressed, e.g.
voice - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData
voice - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData
voice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Way sentences may alter the relationship between the subject and object of a verb, without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Voice - Class in org.getalp.model.lexinfo
Voice - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Voice() - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.lexinfo.Voice
VoiceNoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
noun of a voice (http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-2253)
VoiceParticle - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
E.g., the mediopassive (middle) voice marker se in the Portuguese EAGLES scheme.
Void() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiSequenceFiltering.Void
VOID - org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventFilter.Action
voidAll() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidExternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidHeading() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidHTMLComment() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidIndentation() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidIndentedItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidInternalLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidLink() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidNowiki() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidNumberedListItem() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidPartOfSpeech() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryDataHandler
voidTemplates() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
voidText() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.ClassBasedSequenceFilter
VolitiveModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
VolitiveForce indicates that the speaker is willing to perform some action [Palmer 2001: 76].
VORGANGSPASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Voice
VORGANGSPASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Voice
VORGANGSPASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Voice
vulgarRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
The register of a term or text type that can be characterized as profane or socially unacceptable.Register of a term or text type that can be characterized as profane or socially unacceptable.
VulgarRegister - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Register of a term or text type that can be characterized as profane or socially unacceptable.


wdh - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
wdh - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
wdh - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanTableExtractorWikiModel
wdh - Variable in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafExtractor
we - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
Weak - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Weak pronouns are helping pronouns many languages have for easily explaining the possessive status of something, to which something belongs.
WEAK - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.InflectionType
WEAK - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.InflectionType
WEAK - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.InflectionType
WeakInflection - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
German adjectives take the endings of the weak inflection when a determiner expresses number, gender and case.
WeakObligativeModality - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
WeakObligativeModality indicates that an agent is under a moral obligation to perform the action expressed by the predicate [Bybee, Perkins and Pagliuca 1994: 186-187].
weakPersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Personal pronoun that cannot occupy the position after a preposition and/or reinforce a strong personal pronoun.
WeakPersonalPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Personal pronoun that cannot occupy the position after a preposition and/or reinforce a strong personal pronoun.
WHAdjectivePhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
WHADJP â ´ Wh-adjective Phrase.
WHAdverbPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
WHADVP|Wh-adverb phrase.
WHCleft - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Wh-clefts are constructions in which a wh-clause functions as the subject of a sentence.
WHDeterminer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
WHNounPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
WHNP|Wh-noun phrase.
WHPrepositionalPhrase - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
WHPP|Wh-prepositional phrase.
WHPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
WHTypeAdverbs - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Adverb that serves to express interrogativity, exclamation or that serves to link a subordinate clause to the matrix clause.
wi - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.bliki.DbnaryWikiModel
wi - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.DisplayWikiTextTree
wi - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.GetRawEntry
wi - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.Extractor
wi - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.WiktionaryIndexMixin
wi - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
WikiCharSequence - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
A WikiCharSequence is a special character sequence that transforms a mediawiki code according to a filter function.
WikiCharSequence(WikiText) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
WikiCharSequence(WikiText.WikiContent) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
WikiCharSequence(WikiText.WikiContent, Function<WikiText.Token, WikiSequenceFiltering.Action>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
WikiCharSequence(WikiText, Function<WikiText.Token, WikiSequenceFiltering.Action>) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiCharSequence
WikiEventFilter - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
Created by serasset on 01/02/16.
WikiEventFilter.Action - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiEventFilterConjunction - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiEventFilterConjunction(WikiEventFilter, WikiEventFilter) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventFilterConjunction
WikiEventFilterDisjunction - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiEventFilterDisjunction(WikiEventFilter, WikiEventFilter) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventFilterDisjunction
WikiEventIterator - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
Created by serasset on 28/01/16.
WikiEventIterator(WikiText.WikiContent, WikiEventFilter) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventIterator
WikiEventsSequence - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
Created by serasset on 28/01/16.
WikiEventsSequence(WikiText.WikiContent, WikiEventFilter) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiEventsSequence
WikiPattern - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
Created by serasset on 05/03/17.
WikiPattern() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPattern
WikiPatterns - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiPatterns() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiPatterns
WikisaurusExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
WikisaurusExtractor(WiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WikisaurusExtractor
wikiSectionPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
wikiSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
wikiSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
wikiSectionPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
WikiSectionsSequence - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
Created by serasset on 28/01/16.
WikiSectionsSequence(WikiText.WikiContent, int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiSectionsSequence
WikiSequenceFiltering - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
Created by serasset on 17/02/17.
WikiSequenceFiltering.Action - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiSequenceFiltering.Atomize - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiSequenceFiltering.Content - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiSequenceFiltering.KeepAsis - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiSequenceFiltering.OpenContentClose - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiSequenceFiltering.Void - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
wikiText - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.commons.FunctionalWiktionaryExtractor
WikiText - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
Created by serasset on 24/01/16.
WikiText(String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
WikiText(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
WikiText(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
WikiText.ExternalLink - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.Heading - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.HTMLComment - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.Indentation - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.IndentedItem - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.InternalLink - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.Item - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.LevelBasedWikiSectionsIterator - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.Link - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.ListItem - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.NoWiki - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.NumberedListItem - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.Segment - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
A segment of text identifies a substring whose first character is at position start and last character is at position end-1;
WikiText.Template - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.Text - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.Token - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiText.WikiContent - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
Upper element containing text/links/templates and comments interleaved
WikiText.WikiDocument - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
A wiki content structured as a document, i.e.
WikiText.WikiSection - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiTextPrinter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiTextPrinter() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTextPrinter
WikiTextPrinter.IndentPrinter - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
wikiTokens() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
returns all wikiTokens in the wikiText, that is all special media wiki constructs, excluding html comments.
wikiTokens() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
returns all wikiTokens in the wikiText, that is all special media wiki constructs, excluding html comments.
wikiTokensStream() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
returns a stream serving all wikiTokens in the wikiText, that is all special media wiki constructs, excluding html comments.
wikiTokensStreamWithHtmlComments() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
returns a stream serving all wikiTokens in the wikiText, that is all special media wiki constructs, excluding html comments.
wikiTokensWithHtmlComments() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText.WikiContent
returns all wikiTokens in the wikiText, that is all special media wiki constructs, including html comments.
wikiTokensWithHtmlComments() - Method in class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiText
returns all wikiTokens in the wikiText, that is all special media wiki constructs, including html comments.
WikiTool - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.wiki
WikiTool() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.wiki.WikiTool
WIKT - Variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.OntolexBasedRDFDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
Created by serasset on 17/09/14, pantaleo
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur
Created by serasset on 17/09/14.
WiktionaryDataHandler - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryDataHandler
WiktionaryDataHandlerFactory - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages
WiktionaryDataHandlerFactory() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.WiktionaryDataHandlerFactory
wiktionaryDumpVersion - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
version number of the wiktionary dump from which the lexical data is extracted.
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur
WiktionaryExtractor - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.bul.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ell.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fin.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.fra.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.hbs.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ind.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.ita.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.jpn.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.kur.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lat.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.lit.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.mlg.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nld.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.por.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.rus.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.tur.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor(IWiktionaryDataHandler) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.zho.WiktionaryExtractor
WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat
WiktionaryExtractor.FormBuilder - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle
WiktionaryExtractor.LexicalBuilder - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.gle
WiktionaryExtractor.PronBuilder - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.cat
WiktionaryExtractor.SectionType - Enum in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.pol
WiktionaryExtractorFactory - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages
WiktionaryExtractorFactory() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.WiktionaryExtractorFactory
WiktionaryGlossFilterFactory - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages
WiktionaryGlossFilterFactory() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.WiktionaryGlossFilterFactory
WiktionaryIndex - Class in org.getalp.wiktionary
WiktionaryIndex is a Persistent HashMap designed to hold an index on a Wiktionary dump file.
WiktionaryIndex(Path) - Constructor for class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndex
Creates a WiktionaryIndex for the wiktionary dump whose path is passed as a parameter
WiktionaryIndexer - Class in org.getalp.wiktionary
WiktionaryIndexer() - Constructor for class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndexer
WiktionaryIndexerException - Exception in org.getalp.wiktionary
WiktionaryIndexerException(Exception) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndexerException
WiktionaryIndexerException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndexerException
WiktionaryIndexMixin - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins
WiktionaryIndexMixin() - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.mixins.WiktionaryIndexMixin
WiktionaryPageSource - Interface in org.getalp.dbnary.api
WiktionaryStructureChecker - Class in org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa
WiktionaryStructureChecker(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.spa.WiktionaryStructureChecker
WithComparative - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
For example, in German the subordinating conjunction "als" is followed by various kinds of comparative clause (including clauses without finite verbs).
WithFinite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
For example, in German the subordinating conjunction "weil" introduces a clause with a finite verb.
WithInfinite - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
For example, in German the subordinating conjunction "ohne" ("zu"...) is followed by an infinitive.
Word - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
A word is a lexical entry that consists of a single token.
wordElement - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Any lexeme element in a compound lexical unit that is itself a word.
WordOrderInverse - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
SINV|Inverted declarative sentence, i.e.
wordToMutiWordPOSTypes - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
wordTypes - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.WiktionaryDataHandler
writtenForm - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.DBnaryOnt
The written form of a translation equivalent.
writtenRep - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OntolexOnt
The 'written representation' property indicates the written representation of a form.
writtenRepPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
writtenRepPatternString - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.nor.WiktionaryExtractor
WrittenRepresentation - Class in org.getalp.model.ontolex
WrittenRepresentation(String, String) - Constructor for class org.getalp.model.ontolex.WrittenRepresentation


xmlCommentPattern - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.languages.AbstractWiktionaryExtractor
xmlif - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.cli.ExtractWiktionary
xmlif - Variable in class org.getalp.dilaf.DilafExtractor
xmlif - Static variable in class org.getalp.wiktionary.WiktionaryIndexer


yes - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.LexinfoOnt
Positive value
YesNoQuestion - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
There are two types of direct questions: yes-no questions and wh-questions.


ZeroComplementizer - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
0|Zero represents a zero complementizer (= subordinating conjunction); it may need to be deleted.
ZeroPronoun - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
*|An asterisk represents a zero pronoun; it may need to be deleted.
ZU_INFINITIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Mode
ZU_INFINITIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Mode
ZU_INFINITIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Mode
zuInclusion - Static variable in class org.getalp.dbnary.OliaOnt
Inclusion of zu.
ZUSTANDSPASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Voice
ZUSTANDSPASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Voice
ZUSTANDSPASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Voice
ZUSTANDSREFLEXIVEPASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.deu.GermanInflectionData.Voice
ZUSTANDSREFLEXIVEPASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.eng.EnglishInflectionData.Voice
ZUSTANDSREFLEXIVEPASSIV - org.getalp.dbnary.languages.swe.SwedishInflectionData.Voice
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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