Class KeepLastInflexionScheme

    • Constructor Detail

      • KeepLastInflexionScheme

        public KeepLastInflexionScheme()
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public boolean add​(MorphoSyntacticFeature morphoSyntacticFeature)
        Adding a feature to the inflection scheme. In a FunctionalInflexionScheme, the feature is added, but any feature corresponding to the same property that is present immediately before addition is silently removed from the set. This guaranties that at any time, all properties contained in the inflection set are functional (i.e. are associated to only one value).
        Specified by:
        add in interface Collection<MorphoSyntacticFeature>
        Specified by:
        add in interface Set<MorphoSyntacticFeature>
        add in class TreeSet<MorphoSyntacticFeature>
        morphoSyntacticFeature -