"\n\t\t\tThe comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb which denotes \n\t\t\tthe degree or grade by which a person, thing, or other entity has a \n\t\t\tproperty or quality greater or less in extent than that of another. \n\t\t\tIn English the structure of a comparative consists normally of the \n\t\t\tpositive form of the adjective or adverb, plus the suffix -er, or \n\t\t\t(especially in the case of longer words) the modifier \"more\" (or \n\t\t\t\"less\") before the adjective or adverb. The form is usually completed \n\t\t\tby \"than\" and the noun which is being compared, e.g. \"he is taller \n\t\t\tthan his father is\", or \"the village is less picturesque than the \n\t\t\ttown near by is\". (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparative 17.11.06)\n\t\t" . . "comparative"@en . . "EAGLES, http://www.isocat.org/datcat/DC-1421" .