_:b6341149 "(physics) A group of energy levels in a solid state material."@en . _:b17702437 "valence band;\u2003 conduction band"@en . _:b17702432 . _:b17702434 . _:b17702436 "valence band;\u2003 conduction band"@en . _:b17702433 . _:b17702435 . _:b17702436 . _:b6341149 . _:b17702437 . _:b6341150 . _:b17702435 "(physics) A group of energy levels in a solid state material."@en . "8" . _:b17702433 "valence band;\u2003 conduction band"@en . _:b17702434 "(physics) A group of energy levels in a solid state material."@en . . _:b17702432 "(physics) A group of energy levels in a solid state material."@en . _:b6341150 "valence band;\u2003 conduction band"@en .