_:vb8374030 "\u201C [\u2026] The Twelfth Kentucky infantry has had all the chances in the world to follow the path of glory. I\u2019d like a change. Fiddles instead of drums and girls, very pretty girls, Ewing, in drawingrooms. The drawingrooms are important.\u201D [\u2026] I give you my word she would like nothing better than to see you dead in one of the drawingrooms you are so particular about. [\u2026] It bothers me to see you sitting on the portico, or in the drawingroom, day after day. [\u2026] John remembered, now, seeing a small framed daguerreotype of Wickliffe Sash in the drawingroom at Calydon\u2014a dark boy with hair carefully brushed away from a thin intent face."@en . _:vb8374030 "1931, Joseph Hergesheimer, The Limestone Tree, New York, N.Y.: Alfred A. Knopf, pages 269 and 282, 311, and 368:"@en .