_:vb7208388 "1603, Plutarch, \u201COf the Primitive or First Colde\u201D, in Philemon Holland, transl., The Philosophie, Commonlie Called, The Morals\u00A0[\u2026], London: [\u2026] Arnold Hatfield, \u2192OCLC, page 998:"@en . _:vb7208388 "[W]e \u017Fee that the very aire it \u017Felfe is never conglaciate nor frozen, nor hardened, con\u017Fidering that mi\u017Fts, fogs and clouds are no congealations, but onely gatherings and thickenings of a moi\u017Ft and vapourous aire: for the true aire indeed vvhich hath no vapour at all and is altogether drie, admitteth no \u017Fuch refrigeration as may alter it to that degree and heigth."@en .