_:b7002187 "1698, Lancelot Addison, \u201CA Farther Account of the Things to be Pray\u2019d for\u201D, in The Christians Daily Sacrifice, Duly Offer\u2019d. Or A Practical Discourse Teaching the Right Performance of Prayer, London: [\u2026] Robert Clavel,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, page 118:"@en . _:b7002187 "And the Petition for Daily Bread [in the Lord's Prayer] is by \u017Fome thus paraphras'd, \"Provide for us to morrows Bread, and give it to us to day, that we be not \u017Folicitous for to morrow: for \u017Fufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.\""@en .