_:vb6971148 "[W]e felt a brisk gale coming from off the Coa\u017Ft of America, but \u017Fo violently hot, that vve thought it came from \u017Fome burning Mountain on the \u017Fhore, and vvas like the heat from the mouth of an Oven. Ju\u017Ft \u017Fuch another gleam I felt one afternoon al\u017Fo, as I lay anchor at the Groin in July 1694. it came vvith a Southerly VVind: both the\u017Fe vvere follovved by a Thunder-\u017Fhovver."@en . _:vb6971148 "1697, William Dampier, chapter XIX, in A New Voyage Round the World.\u00A0[\u2026], London: [\u2026] James Knapton,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, page 530:"@en .