_:vb6925120 "Na\u00EFve parturient females [i.e., those that have never encountered young animals except for their own litter-mates], unlike most other na\u00EFve animals, display immediate maternal behavior as soon as they give birth, except for some rare infanticidal or indifferent mothers. [\u2026] This difference between the behavior of na\u00EFve mothers and na\u00EFve animals other than mothers suggests that gestation and parturition favor a very rapid establishment of maternal behavior."@en . _:vb6925120 "1972, Elaine Noirot, \u201CThe Onset of Maternal Behavior in Rats, Hamsters, and Mice: A Selective Review\u201D, in Daniel S. Lehrman, Robert A[ubrey] Hinde, Evelyn Shaw, editors, Advances in the Study of Behavior, volume 4, New York, N.Y., London: Academic Press, \u2192ISBN, section II (Sensitization or Priming), page 108:"@en .