_:vb6837245 "1549 April 22 (Gregorian calendar), Hughe Latymer [i.e., Hugh Latimer], Augustine Bernher, compiler, \u201C[27 Sermons Preached by the Ryght Reuerende Father in God and Constant Matir of Iesus Christe, Maister Hugh Latimer,\u00A0[\u2026].] The Syxte Sermon of Maister Hugh Latymer, whiche He Preached before K. Edward [VI], the XII. Day of Aprill.\u201D, in Certayn Godly Sermons, Made uppon the Lords Prayer,\u00A0[\u2026], London: [\u2026] John Day,\u00A0[\u2026], published 1562, \u2192OCLC, folio 75, verso:"@en . _:vb6837245 "But I tell you, it is farre wyde, that the people haue \u017Fuche iudgmentes, the By\u017Fhoppes they coulde laughe at it."@en .