_:b17609854 "true"^^ . _:b17600480 . _:b17600233 . _:b17609854 . _:b17600531 . _:b17600480 "true"^^ . _:b17604270 . _:b17623545 "true"^^ . "InflectionType is in Eagles an optional attribute for adjectives. Weak and Strong are values for adjectival inflection in the Germanic languages German, Dutch and Danish. (http://www.ilc.cnr.it/EAGLES96/annotate/node18.html#oav1av 14.11.06)"^^ . _:b17596037 . . _:b17609803 . _:b17623744 . _:b17595176 "true"^^ . _:b17600480 . _:b17602412 . _:b10686 . _:b17609556 . _:b17604219 . _:b17609803 . _:b17604023 "true"^^ . _:b17600284 . _:b17595790 . _:b10635 . _:b17595176 . _:b17609854 . _:b17602608 . _:b17623795 "true"^^ . _:b17600284 "true"^^ . _:b17595739 . _:b17609607 . _:b17602659 . _:b17595176 . _:b17600531 . _:b17595739 "true"^^ . _:b17600233 . _:b17602659 "true"^^ . _:b17600233 . _:b17595986 . _:b17602412 "true"^^ . _:b17623545 . _:b17596037 . _:b17603972 . _:b10686 . _:b17623545 . . _:b17609803 "true"^^ . _:b17602412 . _:b17604270 "true"^^ . _:b17609556 "true"^^ . _:b17604023 . _:b17623494 "true"^^ . _:b17595790 . _:b10635 . _:b17609803 . "inflection type feature"@en . _:b17609607 . _:b17595372 . _:b17602659 . _:b17623795 . _:b17604023 . _:b10686 "true"^^ . _:b17623494 . _:b17595423 . _:b17600531 . _:b17595986 "true"^^ . _:b17602361 . _:b17602608 . _:b17609607 . _:b17604270 . _:b17595125 "true"^^ . _:b17623744 . _:b17595125 . _:b17600480 . _:b17604219 . _:b17603972 . _:b17623795 . _:b10635 . _:b17604219 . _:b17595790 . _:b17595372 . _:b17595986 . _:b17623795 . _:b17595423 . _:b17595125 . _:b17595423 . _:b17596037 . _:b17609854 . _:b17609607 "true"^^ . _:b17603972 "true"^^ . _:b17595176 . _:b17595739 . _:b17602361 . _:b17623494 . _:b17602361 "true"^^ . _:b17600233 "true"^^ . _:b17595125 . _:b17623744 "true"^^ . _:b17623494 . _:b10635 "true"^^ . _:b17600284 . _:b17595790 "true"^^ . _:b17604219 "true"^^ . _:b17595372 "true"^^ . _:b17602608 . _:b17603972 . _:b17604023 . _:b17600284 . _:b17595986 . "\n\t\t\tIn this category, different inflection-relevant features are assembled. \n\t\t\tTypically, inflection phenomena are language-specific and pertain to different grammatial categories;\n\t\t\ttherefore, this collection is neither to be supposed exhaustive nor are the features necessarily disjoint\n\t\t\t(e.g., InflectedWithOvertMarker overlaps with StrongInflection or WeakInflection)\n\t\t" . _:b10686 . _:b17595739 . _:b17602659 . _:b17602361 . _:b17595372 . _:b17602608 "true"^^ . _:b17595423 "true"^^ . _:b17604270 . _:b17609556 . _:b17602412 . _:b17623744 . _:b17596037 "true"^^ . _:b17609556 . _:b17600531 "true"^^ . _:b17623545 .