_:b6737083 "(intransitive) To display fine qualities; to stand out as excellent."@en . _:b6737085 "2022 July 7, Sonia Fernandez, \u201C\u2018Out of the Starting Gate\u2019\u201D, in The Current\u200E[1], University of California, Santa Barbara, archived from the original on 2022-07-07:"@en . _:b6737085 "[Alissa Monte said] \u201CThis result was all about demonstrating that LZ [the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment] works, and it does! As we take more data and mature our analyses, we get to make LZ sing. [\u2026] \u201D"@en . _:b6737084 "The sauce really makes this lamb sing."@en . _:b6737084 . _:b6737085 . . _:b6737083 . "9" .