_:vb7008262 "An extract or concentrate obtained from a plant or other matter used for flavouring, or as a restorative."@en . _:vb7008264 . _:vb7008265 . _:vb7008263 "She bathed the face of the sleeper with some essence, raised her in her arms, and called upon her name."@en . "7" . . _:vb7008263 . _:vb7008263 "1831, L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon], chapter IV, in Romance and Reality.\u00A0[\u2026], volume III, London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, page 78:"@en . _:vb7008264 "1887, Harriet W. Daly, Digging, Squatting, and Pioneering Life in the Northern Territory of South Australia, page 150:"@en . _:vb7008264 "There was no one to cook the necessary food that the invalids required to pick up their strength; no fowls to be bought, to make into the essence that is so generally given to fever patients wherever I have been since."@en . _:vb7008262 . _:vb7008265 "vanilla essence"@en .