_:vb6807956 "He wants to eat now. So does she."@en . _:vb6807957 "1883, Howard Pyle, chapter V, in The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood\u00A0[\u2026], New York, N.Y.: [\u2026] Charles Scribner\u2019s Sons\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC:"@en . "6" . _:vb6807954 . _:vb6807955 . _:vb6807954 "Just as you have the right to your free speech, so I have the right to mine.\u2003 Many people say she's the world's greatest athlete, but I don't think so.\u2003 \"I can count backwards from one hundred.\" \"So can I.\""@en . _:vb6807956 . _:vb6807958 "1920, Edward Carpenter, Pagan and Christian Creeds, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., published 1921, page 192:"@en . _:vb6807957 . _:vb6807957 "\"Good morrow to thee, jolly fellow,\" quoth Robin, \"thou seemest happy this merry morn.\" \u00B6 \"Ay, that am I,\" quoth the jolly Butcher, \"and why should I not be so? Am I not hale in wind and limb? Have I not the bonniest lass in all Nottinghamshire? And lastly, am I not to be married to her on Thursday next in sweet Locksley Town?\""@en . _:vb6807958 . _:vb6807959 "It was a goal that meant West Ham won on their first appearance at Wembley in 31 years, in doing so becoming the first team since Leicester in 1996 to bounce straight back to the Premier League through the play-offs."@en . _:vb6807959 . _:vb6807958 "The work thus done has probably been of the greatest value to the human race; but, just as in other cases it has sometimes happened that the effort to do a certain work has resulted in the end in an unbalanced exaggeration so here."@en . _:vb6807953 . _:vb6807955 "\u2018There're another two.\u2019 \u2018So there are.\u2019"@en . _:vb6807959 "2012 May 19, Paul Fletcher, \u201CBlackpool 1-2 West Ham\u201D, in BBC Sport:"@en . _:vb6807953 "In the same manner or to the same extent as aforementioned; likewise, also."@en . .