_:vb6875491 "1791 (date written), Mary Wollstonecraft, \u201CSome Instances of the Folly which the Ignorance of Women Generates; with Concluding Reflections on the Moral Improvement that a Revolution in Female Manners may Naturally be Expected to Produce\u201D, in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: With Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects, London: [\u2026] J[oseph] Johnson,\u00A0[\u2026], published 1792, \u2192OCLC, page 435:"@en . _:vb6875492 "Gullivant had to be firmly identified with Compton, the convict, in such a way as to bring the police hot on the scent."@en . _:vb6875487 "The tip put the detectives on a false scent / the wrong scent."@en . _:vb6875490 "1749, Henry Fielding, chapter V, in The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, volume I, London: A[ndrew] Millar,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, book II, page 71:"@en . _:vb6875489 "to throw / put someone off the scent"@en . _:vb6875488 "discover one of a series of clues in the trail of evidence"@en . _:vb6875486 . _:vb6875487 . _:vb6875485 . . _:vb6875490 "Mrs. Wilkins having [\u2026] by Accident, gotten a true Scent of the above Story [\u2026] failed not to satisfy herself thoroughly of all the Particulars,"@en . _:vb6875492 . _:vb6875486 "The minister's off-hand remark put journalists on the scent of a cover-up."@en . _:vb6875489 "distract them from following the trail of evidence"@en . _:vb6875488 . _:vb6875489 . _:vb6875490 . "5" . _:vb6875491 . _:vb6875492 "1926, Nevil Shute, chapter 3, in Marazan\u200E[1], London: Cassell:"@en . _:vb6875488 "to pick up a scent / get scent of something"@en . _:vb6875491 "Before marriage it is their business to please men; and after, with a few exceptions, they follow the same scent with all the persevering pertinacity of instinct."@en . _:vb6875485 "(figuratively) Any trail or trace that can be followed to find something or someone, such as the paper left behind in a paperchase."@en .