_:vb7027391 "Lewis of France had his infancy attended by crafty and worldly men, who made extent of territory the most glorious instance of power, and mistook the acquisition of fame, for the spreading of honour."@en . _:vb7027392 "2013 August 3, \u201CBoundary problems\u201D, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8847:"@en . _:vb7027392 "Economics is a messy discipline: too fluid to be a science, too rigorous to be an art. Perhaps it is fitting that economists\u2019 most-used metric, gross domestic product (GDP), is a tangle too. GDP measures the total value of output in an economic territory. Its apparent simplicity explains why it is scrutinised down to tenths of a percentage point every month."@en . _:vb7027390 . _:vb7027392 . _:vb7027391 "1711 August 8, \u201CThe Love of Glory\u201D, in The Spectator\u200Ehttps://books.google.com.au/books?id=N7k9AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA79&dq=territory&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjFy42J6qDRAhUBPJQKHWUJA2o4FBDoAQgYMAA#v=onepage&q=territory&f=false, volume 3:"@en . . _:vb7027391 . _:vb7027390 "A geographic area under control of a single governing entity such as state or municipality; an area whose borders are determined by the scope of political power rather than solely by natural features such as rivers and ridges."@en . "4" .