_:vb6910101 . "4" . _:vb6910099 . _:vb6910100 "THe kyngdom\u0303 of hev\u1EBD is lyke vnto a certayne kinge\u00A0/ which maryed his \u017Fonne\u00A0[\u2026]."@en . _:vb6910099 "He was eager to marry his daughter to a nobleman."@en . _:vb6910098 . _:vb6910101 "1870 July, \u201CMr. Vivian A. Webber on \u201CPopulation and Emigration.\u201D, in The Isle of Wight Observer, number 931, Ryde, Isle of Wight, page 5, column 3:"@en . _:vb6910101 "The Queen has set the example of marrying her children very early in life; [\u2026]"@en . _:vb6910098 "(transitive) To arrange for the marriage of; to give away as wife or husband. [from 14th c.]"@en . . _:vb6910100 "1526, [William Tyndale, transl.], The Newe Testam\u1EBDt\u00A0[\u2026] (Tyndale Bible), [Worms, Germany: Peter Sch\u00F6ffer], \u2192OCLC, Matthew xxij:[2], folio xxx, verso:"@en . _:vb6910100 .