_:vb6967953 . _:vb6967953 "As for the pulling of them [ambitious men] downe, if the Affaires require it, and that it may not be done with \u017Fafety \u017Fuddainly, the onely Way is, the Enterchange, continually of Fauours, and Di\u017Fgraces, whereby they may not know, what to expect; And be, as it were, in a Wood."@en . _:vb6967953 "1625, Francis [Bacon], \u201COf Ambition. XXXVI.\u201D, in The Essayes\u00A0[\u2026], 3rd edition, London: [\u2026] Iohn Haviland for Hanna Barret, \u2192OCLC, page 221:"@en . _:vb6967952 . "4" . . _:vb6967952 "(obsolete) An act of unkindness; a disfavor."@en .