_:b6422436 "In the piano stool there was a stack of music, mostly sentimental ballads intended to be sung by people with very average voices accompanied by not very competent pianists."@en . _:b6422433 "(informal) Not outstanding, not good, banal; bad or poor."@en . _:b6422436 "2009, Carn Tiernan, On the Back of the Other Side, page 62:"@en . . "4" . _:b6422435 "But what the vast majority of the populace doesn\u2032t realise is the fact that he\u2032s only on TV because he became famous from one case, Winona Ryder's, which, by the way, he lost because he\u2032s only a very average attorney."@en . _:b6422436 . _:b6422433 . _:b6422434 . _:b6422435 . _:b6422434 "The graphics, sound, and most everything else are all very average. However, the main thing that brings this game down are the controls - they feel very clumsy and awkward at times."@en . _:b6422435 "2005, Brad Knight, Laci Peterson: The Whole Story: Laci, Scott, and Amber's Deadly Love Triangle, page 308:"@en . _:b6422434 "2002, Andy Slaven, Video Game Bible, 1985-2002, page 228:"@en .