_:vb6878323 . _:vb6878324 . _:vb6878325 . _:vb6878326 . _:vb6878326 "1919, B. G. Jefferis, J. L. Nichols, Searchlights on Health:When and Whom to Marry:"@en . _:vb6878325 "Men so situated, beyond the pale of the honor and the law, are not to be trusted."@en . _:vb6878324 "But let my due feet never fail, / To walk the \u017Ftudious cloy\u017Fters pale, / And love the high embowed roof, / With antic pillars ma\u017F\u017Fy proof, / And \u017Ftoried windows richly dight, / Ca\u017Fting a dim religious light."@en . . _:vb6878324 "1645, John Milton, Il Penseroso, in The Poetical Works of Milton, volume II, Edinburgh: Sands, Murray, and Cochran, published 1755, p. 151, lines 155\u2013160:https://books.google.com/books?id=deGR-SSW2kgC&pg=PA151"@en . "3" . _:vb6878326 "All things considered, we advise the male reader to keep his desires in check till he is at least twenty-five, and the female not to enter the pale of wedlock until she has attained the age of twenty."@en . _:vb6878323 "(by extension) Limits, bounds (especially before of)."@en . _:vb6878325 "1900, Jack London, The Son of the Wolf:The Wisdom of the Trail:"@en .