_:b6834879 "1992 November 18, Larry David, Seinfeld, 4.11: \"The Contest\":"@en . . _:b6834878 "But are you still master of your domain?"@en . "3" . _:b6834880 . _:b6834876 . _:b6834877 . _:b6834875 "The sonne is the lorde of planetes."@en . _:b6834878 . _:b6834879 . _:b6834874 "ante\u00A01300, Cursor Mundi, 782"@en . _:b6834873 "One possessing similar mastery in figurative senses (esp. as lord of ~)"@en . _:b6834874 . _:b6834875 . _:b6834877 "The masterful wind was up and out, shouting and chasing, the lord of the morning."@en . _:b6834874 "O wityng bath god and ill \u021Cee suld be lauerds at \u021Dour will."@en . _:b6834879 "I am king of the county. You?"@en . _:b6834875 "1398, Bartholomew de Glanville, translated by John Trevisa, De Proprietatibus Rerum, published 1495, viii. xvi. 322:"@en . _:b6834876 "Love is Lord of all."@en . _:b6834880 "Lord of the manor."@en . _:b6834877 "1895, Kenneth Graham, The Golden Age, London, page 8:"@en . _:b6834876 "1697, Virgil, \u201CThe Third Book of the Georgics\u201D, in John Dryden, transl., The Works of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, and \u00C6neis.\u00A0[\u2026], London: [\u2026] Jacob Tonson,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC:"@en . _:b6834873 . _:b6834878 "1992 November 18, Larry David, Seinfeld, 4.11: \"The Contest\":"@en . _:b6834880 "1992 November 18, Larry David, Seinfeld, 4.11: \"The Contest\":"@en .