_:vb7077228 "To punish (a person, an animal, etc.); to chastise."@en . _:vb7077233 "1835, [Edward Bulwer-Lytton], \u201CThe Brawl\u201D, in Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes.\u00A0[\u2026], volume I, London: Saunders and Otley,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, book I (The Time, the Place, and the Men), page 42:"@en . _:vb7077234 "Upon how grievous iniquities consumed I myself, pursuing a sacrilegious curiosity, that having forsaken Thee, it might bring me to the treacherous abyss, and the beguiling service of devils, to whom I sacrific ed my evil actions, and in all these things thou didst scourge me! I dared even, while Thy solemnities were celebrated within the walls of Thy Church, to desire, and to compass a business, deserving death for its fruits, for which Thou scourgedst me with grievous punishments, [\u2026]"@en . _:vb7077230 "He cals vs rebels, traitors, and vvill \u017Fcourge / VVith haughtie armes this hatefull name in vs."@en . _:vb7077232 "[T]he purgatory is before the indulgence, the correction is before mercy. He scourgeth every son whom he receiveth; first he scourges him, and then he receives him; [\u2026] as long as his love lasts, he corrects us, and as long as he corrects us, he loves us."@en . _:vb7077233 "Look at thy followers and clients: are they not cutting the throats of humble men by way of vengeance for the crime of a great one? But that is the way one patrician always scourges the insolence of another."@en . _:vb7077235 "God has got me in his power at last, and is going to scourge me for my bad doings\u2014that's what is seems like."@en . _:vb7077232 . _:vb7077233 . _:vb7077234 . _:vb7077235 . _:vb7077232 "1626 May 31 (Gregorian calendar), John Donne, \u201CSermon LXXVII. Preached at St. Paul\u2019s, May 21, 1626.\u201D, in Henry Alford, editor, The Works of John Donne, D.D.,\u00A0[\u2026], volume III, London: John W[illiam] Parker,\u00A0[\u2026], published 1839, \u2192OCLC, page 413:"@en . _:vb7077228 . _:vb7077235 "1876, Thomas Hardy, \u201CLychworth (continued)\u2014The Anglebury Highway\u201D, in The Hand of Ethelberta: A Comedy in Chapters\u00A0[\u2026], volume II, London: Smith, Elder, & Co.,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, page 282:"@en . _:vb7077236 . _:vb7077236 "1877, Homer, \u201CBook I\u201D, in James A. Martling, transl., The Iliad of Homer.\u00A0[\u2026], St. Louis, Mo.: The R. P. Studley Company,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, page 19, lines 453\u2013454:"@en . _:vb7077236 "Once thou verily hearkened unto my prayer aforetime, / Honoring me, and severely scourgedst the host of the Grecians!"@en . "3.1" . . _:vb7077231 "1607, Thomas Dekker, \u201CThe Whore of Babylon.\u00A0[\u2026]\u201D, in The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker\u00A0[\u2026], volume II, London: John Pearson\u00A0[\u2026], published 1873, \u2192OCLC, page 256:"@en . _:vb7077229 . _:vb7077230 . _:vb7077229 "For a Patient and Thankful Heart in Sickness. Whom thou lovest, O Lord, him dost thou chasten, yea, every son that thou receivest, thou scourgest, and in so doing thou offerest thyself unto him, as a father unto his son. For what son is whom the father chasteneth not?"@en . _:vb7077231 . _:vb7077234 "1840, S[aint] Augustine [i.e., Augustine of Hippo], \u201CThe Third Book\u201D, in E[dward] B[ouverie] Pusey, transl., The Confessions of S. Augustine.\u00A0[\u2026] (Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church,\u00A0[\u2026]; I), Oxford, Oxfordshire: John Henry Parker; London: J. G. F. and J. Rivington, \u2192OCLC, paragraph [III].5, page 31:"@en . _:vb7077231 "You \u017Fhall with rods of iron \u017Fcourge the\u017Fe trea\u017Fons."@en . _:vb7077230 "c. 1597 (date written), [William Shakespeare], The History of Henrie the Fourth;\u00A0[\u2026], quarto edition, London: [\u2026] P[eter] S[hort] for Andrew Wise,\u00A0[\u2026], published 1598, \u2192OCLC, [Act V, scene ii], signature [I4], recto:"@en . _:vb7077229 "1553, \u201CThe Primer: Or Book of Private Prayer, Needful to be Used of All Christians. [\u2026] [Sundry Godly Prayers for Divers Purposes.]\u201D, in Joseph Ketley, editor, The Two Liturgies, A.D. 1549, and A.D. 1552: With Other Documents Set Forth by Authority in the Reign of King Edward VI.\u00A0[\u2026], Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: [\u2026] University Press, published 1844, \u2192OCLC, page 474:"@en .