_:vb7818194 "The forceful desire, especially in human beings, to aggressively overcome, conquer, and dominate others."@en . . . _:vb7818197 "2001 Sep. 20, George W. Bush, address to the U. S. Congress (quoted in \"The Bush Speech: How to Rally a Nation\" by Frank Pellegrini, Time, 21 Sep. 2001):"@en . _:vb7818195 . _:vb7818196 . _:vb7818197 "\"By sacrificing human life to serve their radical visions, by abandoning every value except the will to power, they follow in the path of fascism, Nazism and totalitarianism.\""@en . _:vb7818195 "But he had a certain acrid courage, and a certain will-to-power. In his own small circle he would emanate power, the single power of his own blind self."@en . _:vb7818197 . . _:vb7818195 "1915, D. H. Lawrence, England, My England:"@en . _:vb7818194 . _:vb7818196 "1983 June 26, Robert Nisbet, \"The Will to Power\" (book review of Modern Times: A History of the World from the 1920s to the 1980s by Paul Johnson), New York Times (retrieved 11 May 2015):"@en . "2" . _:vb7818196 "By far the greater part of Mr. Johnson's book is concerned with precisely that, the will to power, as it has been made manifest since the end of World War I\u2014first in Europe, then on a rising scale in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the United States."@en .