_:vb7248894 "Now, Republican legislators cannot afford to lose a single seat, in either chamber, if they want to continue to override his vetoes."@en . "2" . _:vb7248891 . _:vb7248892 "1978, Richard Nixon, \u201CThe Presidency 1973-1974\u201D, in RN: the Memoirs of Richard Nixon\u200E[1], Grosset & Dunlap, \u2192ISBN, \u2192LCCN, \u2192OCLC, \u2192OL, page 1078:"@en . _:vb7248892 "I called Haig in and told him that I wanted to veto the agricultural appropriations bill we had discussed in the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, because I did not want Ford to have to do it on his first day as President. Haig brought the veto statement in, and I signed it. It was the last piece of legislation I acted on as President."@en . . _:vb7248893 "The failure on Wednesday to overturn Mr. Cooper\u2019s veto was among the most dramatic consequences of Democratic legislative victories in North Carolina last November, which broke Republican supermajorities in both chambers and made it easier for Mr. Cooper\u2019s vetos to survive."@en . _:vb7248891 "An invocation of that right."@en . _:vb7248892 . _:vb7248893 . _:vb7248894 . _:vb7248894 "2026 July 8, David W. Chen, \u201CIn North Carolina, the Math for a Supermajority May Come Down to One\u201D, in The New York Times\u200E[1]:"@en . _:vb7248893 "2019 May 6, Richard Fausset, \u201CNorth Carolina Legislature Fails to Overturn Governor\u2019s Veto of Anti-Abortion Bill\u201D, in The New York Times\u200E[1]:"@en .