_:b6447011 "A Day or two after they parted, [Francis] Spriggs was cho\u017Fe Captain by the re\u017Ft, and a black En\u017Fign was made, which they called Jolly Roger, with the \u017Fame Device that Captain [Edward] Low carried, viz. a white Skeliton in the Middle of it, with a Dart in one Hand \u017Ftriking a bleeding Heart, and in the other, an Hour Gla\u017Fs; when this was fini\u017Fhed and hoi\u017Fted, they fired all their Guns to \u017Falute their Captain and them\u017Felves, and then looked out for Prey."@en . _:b6447010 "She dressed up as a skeleton for Halloween."@en . . _:b6447011 "1724, Charles Johnson, \u201COf Captain Spriggs and His Crew\u201D, in A General History of the Pyrates,\u00A0[\u2026], 2nd edition, London: Printed for, and sold by T. Warner,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, pages 411\u2013412:"@en . _:b6447009 . _:b6447010 . _:b6447009 "An anthropomorphic representation of a skeleton."@en . _:b6447011 . "2" .