. _:vb7513000 . "2" . _:vb7513005 "Gentleman Johnny [Johnny Carey], as he was known in England and at home, was clearly no gurrier. A magnificent footballer, he was a man of exceptional character, [\u2026]"@en . _:vb7513003 "People from other parts of Ireland refer to Dubliners as Jackeens or Gurriers. Jackeen in the city always meant a cunning, loudmouthed, ignorant youth: while Gurrier was a term of approbation. In the Thirties and Forties to be a Great Little Gurrier was to be a bosom friend, a fine fellow, a taproom companion: but today it has been debased and is the equivalent of a bowsey or a gouger."@en . . . . _:vb7513004 "The old man told me that James Joyce was nothing but a dirty little pup who had never done a decent day's work in his life, a dirty little gurrier who had run Ireland down for money; these were the actual words he used. James Joyce had \"run Ireland down for money,\" the old man said, \"and he had told dirty lies about Irish history.\""@en . _:vb7513004 . _:vb7513005 . _:vb7513002 . _:vb7513003 "1983, Benedict Kiely, compiler, Dublin (Small Oxford Books), Oxford: Oxford University Press, \u2192ISBN, page 3:"@en . _:vb7513001 "1966, Seamus De Burca, The Irish Digest, volume 86, number 3, Dublin: Irish Digest, \u2192OCLC, page 25:"@en . _:vb7513003 . _:vb7513001 . _:vb7513002 "She said the gentleman in question was nothing but a gurrier. She went into details over his garb and his accent. He wore a blazer with brass buttons and his trousers were gray flannel. He was the sporting type. His accent she said had to be heard to be believed, likewise his impertinence. She called him a pup. Then she said gurrier. Then she reverted to pup."@en . . _:vb7513000 "A loutish young man; a ruffian. [from 1950s]"@en . . _:vb7513005 "2013, Eamon Dunphy, \u201CDessie\u201D, in The Rocky Road, Dublin: Penguin Ireland, \u2192ISBN:"@en . _:vb7513001 "The Garda sergeant wanted to know the distinction between a Gouger and a Gurrier. Mr. Howard, who was a true-blue Dubliner, supplied the answer: \"A Gurrier is a little man cut short, a mickey dazzler. He cuts a dash among the girls and is always willing and able to strike a blow for a pal. But our Gurrier, unlike the Gouger, never gets into trouble with the police.\""@en . _:vb7513004 "1994, Joseph O\u2019Connor, The Secret World of the Irish Male, Dublin: New Island Books, \u2192ISBN, page 149:"@en . _:vb7513002 "1970, Edna O\u2019Brien, A Pagan Place: A Novel, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, \u2192ISBN; republished New York, N.Y.: Mariner Books, 2001, \u2192ISBN, page 121:"@en .