"2" . _:vb6890039 . . _:vb6890039 "I have three copies of his first book."@en . _:vb6890040 . _:vb6890038 . _:vb6890040 "2022 December 6, Stephen Marche, quoting Sam Bankman-Fried, \u201CThe College Essay Is Dead\u201D, in The Atlantic\u200E[1]:"@en . _:vb6890040 "\u201CI would never read a book,\u201D he once told an interviewer. \u201CI don\u2019t want to say no book is ever worth reading, but I actually do believe something pretty close to that.\u201D"@en . _:vb6890038 "A long work fit for publication, typically prose, such as a novel or textbook, and typically published as such a bound collection of sheets, but now sometimes electronically as an e-book."@en .