_:vb6792157 . _:vb6792158 . _:vb6792157 "1904, Guy Wetmore Carryl, The Transgression of Andrew Vane, Henry Holt and Company, page 140:"@en . "2" . _:vb6792155 "(informal) Depressed, melancholic, sad."@en . . _:vb6792156 "\u201CHeavens!\u201D exclaimed Nina, \u201Cthe blue-stocking and the fogy!\u2014and yours are pale blue, Eileen!\u2014you\u2019re about as self-conscious as Drina\u2014slumping there with your hair tumbling \u00E0 la M\u00E9rode! Oh, it's very picturesque, of course, but a straight spine and good grooming is better.\u00A0[\u2026]\u201D"@en . _:vb6792157 "\"Will you play some of the 'Garden' now?\" she asked. \"I think I should like it. I'm just the least bit blue.\""@en . _:vb6792158 "But I'm bluer than blue / Sadder than sad."@en . _:vb6792158 "1978, Michael Johnson, Bluer Than Blue:"@en . _:vb6792155 . _:vb6792156 "1907 August, Robert W[illiam] Chambers, chapter IX, in The Younger Set, New York, N.Y.: D. Appleton & Company, \u2192OCLC:"@en . _:vb6792156 .