_:vb7294140 "2013 August 10, Lexington, \u201CKeeping the mighty honest\u201D, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8848:"@en . _:vb7294140 "British journalists shun complete respectability, feeling a duty to be ready to savage the mighty, or rummage through their bins. Elsewhere in Europe, government contracts and subsidies ensure that press barons will only defy the mighty so far."@en . . _:vb7294137 . _:vb7294138 . _:vb7294139 "an ashes bin"@en . _:vb7294139 . _:vb7294136 "A container for rubbish or waste."@en . _:vb7294140 . . _:vb7294138 "a wastepaper bin"@en . _:vb7294136 . . "2" . . _:vb7294137 "a rubbish bin"@en . .