_:b6997361 "It may be that precisely due to its weak nature, an authoritarian dictatorship needs rampant violence and lies to maintain its rule."@en . _:b6997360 . _:b6997361 . _:b6997362 . _:b6997360 "The authoritarian government was demanding stricter laws for low-wage peasants."@en . _:b6997359 . _:b6997361 "2020 March 14, \u201CWhat Did the Sudden Fall of the Berlin Wall Tell Us?\u201D, in Minghui\u200E[1]:"@en . _:b6997359 "Demanding obedience to authority; marked by authoritarianism; dictatorial, tyrannical."@en . "2" . . _:b6997362 "2022, \u201CSeptember 25, 2022\u201D, in Mainland Affairs Council\u200E[1], archived from the original on 04 March 2023, Chronology:"@en . _:b6997362 "Wang Yi blatantly intimidates the world at the UNGA. He is a cheat and bully on the global stage in fundamental violation of the facts. Democratic countries should clearly recognize and unify against the challenge of authoritarian intervention. The Republic of China is a sovereign state. Taiwan has never been part of the People's Republic of China in historical fact, international law, or reality."@en .