_:b6796720 "(obsolete) Of a hare or rabbit: to strike the ground repeatedly with its feet during the rutting season."@en . _:b6796721 "1575, Jacques du Fouilloux, \u201COf the Termes of Venery\u201D, in George Gascoigne, transl., The Noble Art of Venerie or Hunting.\u00A0[\u2026], London: [\u2026] Thomas Purfoot, published 1611, \u2192OCLC, page 240:"@en . . _:b6796720 . _:b6796721 "[A] Bore \u017Fcreameth: a Hare & a Cony beateth or tappeth: a Fox barketh: [\u2026] when they \u017Feeke or hunt after their mates."@en . "2.5" . _:b6796721 .