_:vb6782441 "1817 (date written), [Jane Austen], chapter IX, in Persuasion; published in Northanger Abbey: And Persuasion.\u00A0[\u2026], volume IV, London: John Murray,\u00A0[\u2026], 20 December 1817 (indicated as 1818), \u2192OCLC, page 170:"@en . _:vb6782437 "(with there, or dialectally it, as dummy subject) To exist."@en . _:vb6782438 . _:vb6782439 . _:vb6782440 . _:vb6782441 . _:vb6782442 . _:vb6782440 "c. 1596\u20131598 (date written), William Shakespeare, \u201CThe Merchant of Venice\u201D, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies\u00A0[\u2026] (First Folio), London: [\u2026] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, \u2192OCLC, [Act IV, scene i], page 178:"@en . _:vb6782440 "Some men there are loue not a gaping Pigge: / Some that are mad, if they behold a Cat: / And others, when the bag-pipe sings i\u2019th nose, / Cannot containe their Vrine for affection."@en . _:vb6782442 "2011 July 6, Mark Sweney, The Guardian:"@en . _:vb6782441 "\"There is a sort of domestic enjoyment to be known even in a crowd, and this you had.\""@en . "2.1" . _:vb6782442 "\"There has been lots of commentary on who is staying and who is staying out and this weekend will be the real test,\" said one senior media buying agency executive who has pulled the advertising for one major client."@en . . _:vb6782437 . _:vb6782438 "There is just one woman in town who can help us."@en . _:vb6782439 "(or, dialectally:) It is just one woman in town who can help us."@en .