_:vb6953393 . _:vb6953395 "I love a Sea voyage and a blu\u017Ftring tempe\u017Ft; [...]"@en . _:vb6953396 "\"And as their valour, so you trow, defiedon aspe'rous voyage cruel harm and sore,so many changing skies their manhood tried,such climes where storm-winds blow and billows roar[.]\""@en . . _:vb6953394 "1599 (first performance), William Shakespeare, \u201CThe Tragedie of Iulius C\u00E6sar\u201D, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies\u00A0[\u2026] (First Folio), London: [\u2026] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, \u2192OCLC, [Act IV, scene iii], page 126, column 1:"@en . _:vb6953396 "1880, Richard Francis Burton, The Lusiads, volume I, translation of Os Lus\u00EDadas by Lu\u00EDs de Cam\u00F5es, page 23:"@en . _:vb6953394 . _:vb6953395 . _:vb6953393 "A long journey, especially by ship."@en . "1" . _:vb6953396 . _:vb6953394 "There is a Tide in the affayres of men, / Which taken at the Flood, leades on to Fortune: / Omitted, all the voyage of their life, / Is bound in Shallowes, and in Mi\u017Feries."@en . _:vb6953395 "1621 (first performance), John Fletcher, \u201CThe Wild-Goose Chase; a Comedy\u201D, in Fifty Comedies and Tragedies.\u00A0[\u2026], [part 1], London: [\u2026] J[ohn] Macock [and H. Hills], for John Martyn, Henry Herringman, and Richard Marriot, published 1679, \u2192OCLC, Act V, scene vi, page 467, column 2:"@en .