"1" . _:b6306093 "2009, Lissa Evans, Their Finest Hour and a Half, London\u00A0[\u2026]: Doubleday, \u2192ISBN, page 321:"@en . . _:b6306091 "The or an act of taking."@en . _:b6306092 "The 1994 Amendments address the incidental take of marine mammals in the course of commercial fishing, not the direct lethal take of pinnipeds for management purposes."@en . _:b6306092 . _:b6306093 . _:b6306092 "1999, Report to Congress: Impacts of California Sea Lions and Pacific Harbor Seals on Salmonids and West Coast Ecosystems, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, page 32:"@en . _:b6306091 . _:b6306093 "'I saw you in Norfolk doing twenty-odd takes with that fisherman chap and it looked perfect in the rushes.'"@en .