_:vb7302215 "2009, William Efford, Picaroon, page 77:"@en . _:vb7302217 "I think it would be a good idea to have a squizz at Toowoomba\u2032s place."@en . _:vb7302214 . _:vb7302213 "(West Country, Commonwealth, Irish, colloquial) A look."@en . _:vb7302215 . _:vb7302217 "2012, Jo Nesb\u00F8, The Bat, page 328:"@en . _:vb7302214 "The building itself is worth a squizz; its modern metal forms and structures evoke maritime themes."@en . _:vb7302216 . _:vb7302217 . _:vb7302216 "\u201CI'll get you to have a look at the paper work and just have a squizz through some patient\u2032s case notes, so you get an idea of how we document our daily nursing units of care. [\u2026] \u201D"@en . . _:vb7302213 . . _:vb7302214 "2002, Chris Rowthorn, Alex Landragin, Kate Daly, Victoria, Lonely Planet, page 297:"@en . . "1" . _:vb7302216 "2012, Annette Evalyn Swain, Suicide Angels and the Silent Terrorists: A Story About Bullying, iUniverse, page 82:"@en . . _:vb7302215 "\u201CThat lot heard about the place and came in here on their way to an Antarctic research station. But mostly, it\u2032s just curious folks that drop by for a squizz\u2014like you, for instance.\u201D"@en .