_:vb7491752 . _:vb7491750 "1645, James Howell, \u201CEngland\u2019s Tears, for the Present Wars, which for the Nature of the Quarrel, the Quality of the Strength, the Diversity of Battels, Skirmishes, Encounters, and Sieges, (Happened in so Short a Compasse of Time) Cannot be Parallel\u2019d in Any Precedent Age\u201D, in \u0394\u0395\u039D\u0394\u03A1\u039F\u039B\u039F\u0393\u038A\u0391 [DENDROLOGIA]: Dodona\u2019s Grove, or The Vocall Forrest. The Third Edition More Exact and Perfect than the Former; with the Addition of Two Other Tracts: viz. Englands Tears for the Present Wars. And The Pre-eminence of Parlements, 3rd edition, Cambridge: Printed by R. D. for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Prince's Arms in S. Pauls Church-yard, \u2192OCLC, page 189:"@en . _:vb7491753 . _:vb7491751 "1668 June 22 (first performance; Gregorian calendar), John Dryden, An Evening\u2019s Love, or The Mock-Astrologer.\u00A0[\u2026], In the Savoy [London]: [\u2026] T[homas] N[ewcomb] for Henry Herringman,\u00A0[\u2026], published 1671, \u2192OCLC, Act III, page 33:"@en . _:vb7491749 "(transitive) To cut down or reduce."@en . _:vb7491752 "Foppi\u017Fh and fanta\u017Ftick Ornaments are only Indications of Vice, not criminal in them\u017Felves. Extingui\u017Fh Vanity in the Mind, and you naturally retrench the little Superfluities of Garniture and Equipage. The Blo\u017F\u017Foms will fall of them\u017Felves, when the Root that nouri\u017Fhes them is de\u017Ftroyed."@en . _:vb7491754 "And it would signal to a wider world that Britain is retrenching and not developing its infrastructure to enable growth."@en . _:vb7491753 "1725 July 9, Jonathan Swift, \u201CTo Dr. [Thomas] Sheridan [letter]\u201D, in Thomas Sheridan, John Nichols, editors, The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick\u2019s, Dublin. [\u2026] in Nineteen Volumes;\u00A0[\u2026], new edition, volume XII, London: Printed for J[oseph] Johnson [et al.], published 1801, \u2192OCLC, page 147:"@en . "1" . _:vb7491754 "2023 October 4, Sir Michael Holden, \u201CComment: High noon for Sunak\u201D, in RAIL, number 993, page 3:"@en . _:vb7491750 . _:vb7491751 . _:vb7491753 "I must desire that you will not think of enlarging your expenses, no not for some years to come, much less at present; but rather retrench them. You might have lain destitute till Antichrist came, for any thing you could have got from those you used to treat; neither let me hear of one rag of better clothes for your wife or brats, but rather plainer than ever."@en . _:vb7491749 . . _:vb7491752 "1711 March 15, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, editors, The Spectator, volume I, number 16, London: Printed for S[amuel] Buckley, at the Dolphin in Little-Britain; and J[acob] Tonson, at Shakespear's-Head over-against Catherine-street in the Strand, \u2192OCLC, page 89:"@en . _:vb7491754 . _:vb7491750 "O con\u017Fider my ca\u017Fe, mo\u017Ft blisfull Queen, [\u2026] Di\u017Fpell tho\u017Fe Clouds which hover 'twixt my King and his highe\u017Ft Coun\u017Fell, [\u2026] that my great Law-making Court be forced to turn no more to polemicall Committees, [\u2026] but that they may come again to the old Parliamentary Rode, To the path of their Predece\u017F\u017Fours, to con\u017Fult of means how to \u017Fweep away tho\u017Fe Cobwebs that hang in the Courts of Ju\u017Ftice, and to make the Laws run in their right Channell; to retrench exce\u017F\u017Five fees, and finde remedies for the future, that the poor Client be not \u017Fo peeled by his Lawyer, and made to \u017Fuffer by \u017Fuch mon\u017Ftrous delays, that one may go from one Tropick to the other, and cro\u017F\u017Fe the Equinoctiall twenty times, before his \u017Fute be done; [\u2026]"@en . _:vb7491751 "Madam me no Madam, but learn to retrench your vvords; and \u017Fay Mam; as yes Mam, and no Mam, as other Ladies VVomen do. Madam! 'tis a year in pronouncing."@en .