_:vb6827932 "2013, Nicholas Brownless, \u201CSpoken Discourse in Early English Newspapers\u201D, in Joad Raymond, editor, News Networks in Seventeenth Century Britain and Europe, page 72:"@en . . _:vb6827931 . _:vb6827932 . _:vb6827931 "1789, Jean Baptiste, A grammar of the French tongue, page 193:"@en . _:vb6827930 "(grammar) A type of word that refers anaphorically to a noun or noun phrase, but which cannot ordinarily be preceded by a determiner and rarely takes an attributive adjective."@en . _:vb6827930 . "1" . _:vb6827931 "The possessive conjunctive pronoun is always repeated before a substantive, and after a conjunction; as my brothers and sisters, mes fr\u00E8res & mes s\u0153urs; [\u2026]"@en . _:vb6827932 "As here the possessive pronoun 'our' has inclusive reference in that it a priori includes both the editor and reader, its presence amounts to a kind of pronominal bonding between writer and reader."@en .